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- Warning: The Prophecies of the prophecied "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 and the entire Orthodox "Book of Revelation" are plagarizations and altercations of the Essene "Book of Golden Pages",
see Teutonic/Zionist Conspiracy, which have had dire and incalculable consequences in mankinds's history and in today's world ... I should know as I have ... well see for yourself.

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                      Verses of 15 Simultaneous Bibles
                                                                                                                                                     Siege Perilous              
                                                                                                          is honored and pleased to                     Year 2004 US Presidential Candidate                    
                                                                                                                     announce                                        Vergils's 4th Eclogue Poem
                                                                                                                         The                             Magnus Soeclorum Ordo/Novus Ordo Seclorum    
                Get Your're free Holy Grail OrgAcle 20% Commision Agent                                                    Political Prophecy --- Synchronization fulfilllment
                                        E-Gold Acct.  License #                                                                            Holy Grail Society 9/11 Prediction Clean Install Party

  Return of the Grail Kingtm©
1/15/2004 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

Our generation is Prophecied on the dollar bill as the one to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth
Vergils's 4th Eclogue Poem
Siege Perilous Analysis

What composer Richard Wagner recognized was that the popular
Holy Grail legends

were, in fact, stylized retellings of the more traditional

Ring Quest.
Sir Larence Gardner
International Best selling author of:
Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Explosive
Story of Genetic Cloning and the Ancient Bloodline of Jesus, Realm of the Ring Lords: The Ancient Legacy of the Ring and the Grail,
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: The amazing Revelations of the incredible power of gold

The Ring is the Grail.
Gardner Ibid.

The Grail being the Ring makes it axiomatic that he who fulfills the Grail Prophecy simultaneously fulfills

Return of the King

Ring Prophecy

- Thus more Synchronicty ... namely with the Book and Movie
"Return of the King"

The Grail mysteries are not mere entertainment but initiatory mysteries.
The Grail Msyteries

scholar Julius Evola

I use synchronicity to guide my everyday decisions
Dalai Lama

following poem, his first,


of the
Once and Future King

... the 10,000 pages of writings and the Incarnation that authored them fulfill Grail, Biblical, Novus Seclorum Ordo,
(Lord of the Rings), Egyptian Giza, Thoth Tarot Prophecies ... In addition to others, and the prophecy of the poem itself,

at the astronomical


against chance odds.

Thus wherein the Prophetic name HolyGrailOrgAcle derives and as one shall see, wherein the Golden Script theme derives.

                "When the Brilliant moon Caladbolg is wrought and wrung                                                                            HolyGrail.Org
                 as tempered Aisling/Vaikhari from an endarkened Sun,                                   Fullfills to The Letter/ Number of Seven Prophesies, Five over 5,000 Years
                 days of magic are revealed                                                                                             The Incarnation of The Egyptian Aeon, Horus prophecy,
                 for the Gnosis of the 'Suicided' Buddha is unsealed.                                        The Incarnation of the Egyptian Giza Pyramid Dual Enlightenment Prophecy,
                 Time will no longer seem to flow like wine                                                                 The Incarnation of the Robert Adams Aether Energy Prophecy,
                                         for the,                                                                                               The Incarnation of the Bruce Cathie Harmonic Prophecy,
                             'Once and Future King'                                                                                       The Incarnation of The Polar Being Couple Prophecy,
                                       Prophecy                                                                                                         The Incarnation of the Holy Grail Prophecy
                 has been fulfilled in details so fine.", McGwynn 1/27/0000HG                                                                                 &
                 ("Of the Holy Grail Aeon" equivalent to 1/27/01AD)                                                                                  The Last Judgement

Poem "Caldbolg: Sword of the Once and Future King"  was part of
to the
"Book of Life"
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -
Rev. 20:12
of the
Last Judgement

which was published on the Internet
Precise Synchronicity
at 5:48:08AM 9/11 - 3 hours before and during
9/11 Wtc Attack
- Date/Time Internet copyright provable

And I saw the dead small and great standing before God
and books were opened And another bood
was opened which is

Book of Life.
And the dead were judged according to their
works by the things which were written in the books.
Rev. 2:12


- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

9/11, being proven herein, by cross-referencing sources of esteemed authority
as the
Last Judgement,
... making us, and I, by way of
Law of Synchronicity
...  makes me
whom? ...

- a striking resemblance - ... again synchronicity ..

 and us

what? ....

(More sychronicity ... a Cross formed in the collapsed Wtc rubble)

Prophecied throughout mankind's history

Prophecied on the dollar bill, most conspirologists missing the suppressed truth underlying the
Magnus Soeclorum Ordo/Novus Ordo Seclorum

The Secret Societies former cadavers of themselves were taken over by the opposing force
Mysteries of the Grail
Julius Evola

Thus at one point there was an underlying truth to many now evil secret societies.

Vergils's 4th Eclogue Poem
Magnus Soeclorum Ordo - Novus Ordo Seclorum
Political Prophecy Synchronization Fulfillment

The generation prophecied to make
The Move
"Are you ready ... I said Are you ready"

We have the Prophetic/Synchronistic Flow, from so many angles it's hard to record them ALL ... I detail and
delineate many of them ... the Ball is in our court ... it's our game now ...

Prophecy is nothing more than predicted Synchronicity ... correct Synchronicity is the fulfillment of Prophecy ...

A correct manifestation and actions by an individual during Correct Synchronicity, which
 Prophecy fulfilled, are the actions of
 Incarnation Analogy
of the correct
which is Prophecy fulfilled.
Such an individual is historiclally known as

Coming One
2/11/o4 8:41PM 2004 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

There are five ways to the Kingdom of God:
Servant, Scholar, Monk, Sly man and Polar Being Couple

A Polar being Couple shall show mankind the pathway to the Holy Grail.
Gnosisi Vol. III

The Polar Being Couple Method is the Grail Method as the Grail method is the Sacred marriage Method.

Experiencing Enlightenment through the dynamics
of the
Holy Grail Courtship Ritual!
5:48:09AM 9/11  by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
The Reverse Engineering of the Holy Grail
5:48:09AM 9/11  by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

"I have to admit it works"
she said to him after I had described that I had been using my technique on her and his jaw dropped in jealousy

Spiritual Light excites jealousy in spiiirtual darkness
founder of manichaeism, said to have been enlightened by age 4


Now le't have a little fun:

"Okay now ... you'all didn't wait 2ooo years for nothin did ya? ... an You'all been putting your own everday lives on hold too ... huh ... else you'd see the Light,
well okay then, hold on to your seats now cause we's gonna take a ride and it's gonna get lil bumpy cause love is truth and truth is a bumpy ride ... besides

it's time to shake things up bit anyhow. ... You'all thought I didn't make it now didn't ya, huh, well the Child of Light moves in mysterious ways,
I was Born of a Virgin ... & Walk on water ... and let me instruct you to a little something I been keeping a secret for a'while now, I made
my Rev. 20:12 "Book of Life" debut 3 hours before and during the 9/11 Wtc Attack - Internet Date/Time Provable - detailed
& 9/11 was Judgement Day , so don't let anybody tell you I don't Love Ya
and that I missed My own 2ooo year Prophecy

John 2:12-22
13 The R101 Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went R102 up to Jerusalem. 14 And R103 He found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables. 15 And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables; 16 and to those who were selling the R104 doves He said, "Take these things away; stop making My R105 Father's house a place F35 of business." 17 His disciples R106 remembered that it was written, "ZEAL R107 FOR YOUR HOUSE WILL CONSUME ME." 18 The R108 Jews then said to Him, "What R109 sign do You show us as F36 your authority for doing these things?" 19 Jesus answered them,
"Destroy R110 this temple, F37 and
Three days I will raise it up."

 20 The R111 Jews then said, "It took forty-six R112 years to build this temple, F38 and will You raise it up in three days?" 21 But He was speaking of the R113 temple F39 of His body. 22 So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples R114 remembered R115 that He said this;
and they believed the R116 Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.


Hosea 6: 1 - 11 - Study This Chapter

1 " R167 Come, let us return to the LORD. For He R168 has torn {us,} but He R169 will heal us; He has wounded F53 {us,} but He will bandage R170 us. 2

"He will revive R171 us after two days; He will raise R172 us up on the third day,
That we may live before Him.

3 "So let us know, R173 let us press on to know the LORD. His going R174 forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, R175 Like the spring rain watering the earth."

4 What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? R176 What shall I do with you, O Judah? For your loyalty F54 is like a morning R177 cloud And like the dew which goes away early. 5 Therefore I have hewn R178 {them} in pieces by the prophets; I have slain them by the words R179 of My mouth; And the judgments on you are {like} the light that goes forth. 6 For I R180 delight in loyalty rather R181 than sacrifice, And in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. 7 But like R182 Adam F55 they have transgressed R183 the covenant; There they have dealt R184 treacherously against Me. 8 Gilead R185 is a city of wrongdoers, Tracked with bloody R186 {footprints.} 9 And as raiders R187 wait for a man, {So} a band of priests murder R188 on the way to Shechem; Surely they have committed crime. F56 R189 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible R190 thing; Ephraim's harlotry R191 is there, Israel has defiled itself. 11 Also, O Judah, there is a harvest R192 appointed for you, When I restore R193 the fortunes of My people.

F53: Or {the avenging king} or {the great king}
F54: Or {bear their punishment}
F55: Lit {struck}
F56: Or {lovingkindness}


R167: Jeremiah 50:4,5
R168: Deuteronomy 32:39; Hosea 5:14
R169: Jeremiah 30:17; Hosea 14:4
R170: Isaiah 30:26
R171: Psalms 30:5
R172: 1 Corinthians 15:4
R173: Isaiah 2:3; Micah 4:2
R174: Psalms 19:6; Micah 5:2
R175: Job 29:23; Psalms 72:6; Joel 2:23
R176: Hosea 7:1; 11:8
R177: Psalms 78:34-37; Hosea 13:3
R178: 1 Samuel 15:32,33; Jeremiah 1:10; 5:14
R179: Jeremiah 23:29
R180: Matthew 9:13; 12:7
R181: Isaiah 1:11
R182: Job 31:33
R183: Hosea 8:1
R184: Hosea 5:7
R185: Hosea 12:11
R186: Hosea 4:2
R187: Hosea 7:1
R188: Jeremiah 7:9,10; Hosea 4:2
R189: Ezekiel 22:9; 23:27; Hosea 2:10
R190: Jeremiah 5:30,31; 23:14
R191: Hosea 5:3
R192: Jeremiah 51:33; Joel 3:13
R193: Zephaniah 2:7

"A thousand years in your eyes are merely a yesterday"
(Psalm 90:4),

I didn't miss a beat ... the real issue is and has always been are you on time?

... In other news: Siege 20:12 Perilous & Phantasmagoric Studios are auditioning for the Grailettes

Holy Grailettes singers ...
The World's Most Elite Models:

as they shall be personally selected by the One who oversall the 9/11 Last Judgement "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12
presentation himself and instructed in, and have the finishing touchs of some of
 Arts of the Holy Grail!

The Art and Science of Archetype, Analogy, Axiom, Paradigm, Metaphor, Simile and Fractal Analysis

.... thus ushering in the
of the
Holy Grail
Transcendental Super Model
Which in turn shall set the Planet on Fire, ... Raised Consciousness ... World Enlightenment, thus ushering in
Kingdom of God on Earth

inquire within ... Heyy Love ...".. all hotties, we want yr. bodies"
  So a
ll you Beyonancies and Lucy Lui's and Baby dolls get out on the audition floor and make like a Polaroid picture ..
Andre 300)

What's cooler than cool?

Everybody knows

Ice Cold!

But what's Hotter than Hot?

Jesus Rev. 20:12 Rasputin

and the
Holy Grailettes

Selling tickets to the Last Judgement

Get yer ticket  or be cast into the Lake of Fire.


Here is an exact copy, taken off of the internet, of the title page of the Essene Book of Golden pages which I introduced to mankind in
perfect synchonicity, 3 hours before and during the 9/11 Wtc Attack on the Day of Judgement at 5:48:09AM


                "When the Brilliant moon Caladbolg is wrought and wrung                                                                            HolyGrail.Org
                 as tempered Aisling/Vaikhari from an endarkened Sun,                                   Fullfills to The Letter/ Number of Seven Prophesies, Five over 5,000 Years
                 days of magic are revealed                                                                                             The Incarnation of The Egyptian Aeon, Horus prophecy,
                 for the Gnosis of the 'Suicided' Buddha is unsealed.                                        The Incarnation of the Egyptian Giza Pyramid Dual Enlightenment Prophecy,
                 Time will no longer seem to flow like wine                                                                 The Incarnation of the Robert Adams Aether Energy Prophecy,
                                         for the,                                                                                               The Incarnation of the Bruce Cathie Harmonic Prophecy,
                             'Once and Future King'                                                                                       The Incarnation of The Polar Being Couple Prophecy,
                                       Prophecy                                                                                                         The Incarnation of the Holy Grail Prophecy
                 has been fulfilled in details so fine.", McGwynn 1/27/0000HG                                                                                 &
                 ("Of the Holy Grail Aeon" equivalent to 1/27/01AD)                                                                                  The Last Judgement

 The Electrifying, Hotter than "Hot off the press.", as he never had a chance to publish the writings before MTV taped & DETAILS
interviewed him: $2 Vaikhari Lectures, Live music, Book sales, Magical Insights & Revelations, Writings, Alchemical digital movies & Plays,
Musical, scores, CD's, DVD's, MP3's, Audio cassette tapes, Art, Drawings, Poems, Conspiracy analysis, Lectures, & Workshops of
 Caladbolg, the Gnosis & "Word-Sword Love", Spear of Destiny, Ravenscroft by McGwyn son of Gwyn, The Holy Grail King.
"... St. Collen visited the castle of Gwyn son of Nudd and found his host seated on a golden throne..",
p.21 The Grail, Roger Sherman Loomis, Emeritus Columbia University. ("Mc" means "son of")
"He who wields Caladbolg, (Excalibur), is invincible.", The Grail Mysteries
"Excalibur of the English Arthurian tales is based upon the Irish sword Caladbolg", Evola
The Reverse Engineering of The Holy Grailt
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
Experiencing Enlightenment through the dynamics of the Holy Grail Courtship Ritual!
"The seed of the paradigm of the unity of knowledge"
The Unification and Simplification of:
 Philosophy, Psychology & Religion
Principia of Spiritual Light
"Catch the Light if you can", McGwyn
The Source Code to the Biological Computer, The Human Source Codetm©
Gnosis & "Word-Sword Love", Spear of Destiny, Ravenscroft of
tm© 2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
Presented by
Guardian of
Holy Grail
Philpsychrelosophical Society,
The Consilience Society & The Consilience Organization
paralleling the totally independently developed, by way of the Kundalini method, yet analogous gnosis of
by best selling Bulgarian author, founder of the Russian Anti-Psychiatric Foundation, Poet, Musician, Composer,Playwright, Scientist, Quantum
Mechanic Physicists, Baby Brain Genius Stimulation creator & of European renown Dr. Timen Timev Rosencroytz's
The Symmetry of Physical, Psychological and Linguistic Worlds
by way of the Morphokynesis process
"Existing by Ecstasy"
presented by
The Noosphere Society

HolyGrailtm©  2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
Holy Grail Organizationm©  1998 by McGwynn All rights reserved.
The Noosphere Societytm© 2000 by McGwyn & Timen Timev Rosencroytz All rights reserved.
The Consilience Societytm© & The Consilience Organizationtm© 2000 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
PHILPSYCHRELOSOPHY tm©1993 & The Philpsychrelosophical Societytm©  1993 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
OMNISEMANTISMtm©, Morphokynesistm© & "Existing by Ecstasy"tm© 1985 Dr. Timen Timev Rosencroytz All rights reserved.
Holy Grail Societytm©  2001 by McGwynn All rights reserved., Holy Grail Networktm©  1997 by McGwynn All rights reserved.
The Holy Grailtm© 1997,  "Catch the Light if you can"tm©1993 The Holy Grail Societytm© 1997 by McGwynn All Rights reserved.
   Become a member to easily make any purchases herein


Note: You shall now have to excuse me for this momentary anacoluthon,

Anacoluthon: "An interjection into one stream of consciousness by another" ... cool

but I can't always have the musical analogy of the itness,
going through my brain .... sometimes ....  sometimes ... sometimes ... I just gotta Intellectsophistifunk ...

In this case it just occurred to me that I shouldnn't keep referring to the
Book of Life, Rev. 20:12 though
that is what I introduced on 9/11 as post 9/11 research showed that

Orthodox renditon
of the
Book of Revelation
is a

Plagarization and Altercation
of the original

Essene Book of Revelation

Note: Any time the lying leeches get caught red handed everyone should

'... now shake it now shake it now shake like a polaroid picture..."

All the walls are tumblin down baby ... all I mean

"In the End days all shall be revealed"

Since the Archetypes I was dealing with in the 9/11 posting are the essence of the Essene Book of Revelation and
some archetypes actually contradicting the orthodox Book of Revleation, for instance I am not Jewish
and the Coming One depicted in the orhtodox version is Jewish:

But before we get into the, what is to some "boring" Proofs of conspiracy, I like 'em, let us review a little diddy from my
extensive archeyes upon these matters that could all be yours in additon to
 20% Commison Sales Ownership
by the way, if you'd only play ball and fork up some of that green.


"In his research into Kundalini Gopi found out that the ancient texts stated that
"With the
Kundalini Experience
one experiencesVisions of God, Psychic Gifts
and even

spontaneous words whether in poetry or prose full of wisdom and worth"
Living with Kundalini
Gopi Krishna
(Self described "common Indian householder of India

As seen already one is compelled to address the what I described above as the far reaching implications of making the
Enlightenmen/Synthesia connection for previously I have expressed the insight that

is the
Verbal Analogy

in fact I have identified Vaikhari with the

Sharp two edged Sword of Revelation's

Notice all this emphasis on

The Word

Word of God
Rev. 19:13

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
Word was God.
Rev. John: 1:1

"The philosopher's Stone, Exlirir of Life,The Fountain of Youth,
Holy Grail,
... all have essentially awakened Kundalini."
 Kundalini for the New Age: Selected Writings of Gopi Krishna edited by Gene Kieffer
Gene Keiffer

  Now who can tell me why my alleged stream of consciousness just reached for the above? Come on now ... what do you feel like? Cause I wrote
it in part for you besides for whatever reasons pertain to me that I can or cannot articulate. Why did I go into the archeyes ... and obtain the above.
Simple. One sees that I refer to the 9/11 sycnchronicity quite a bit ... and thus some may think:

"Well he just by coincidence made a paricular posting on 9/11 etc etc... and he got carried away with it"

1. Well that individual has probably not read the pre 9/11 Prophecy/Synchronicity material yet. maybe he has and he still feels .. "Well it's all
    just a tremendous coindidence,

Yeah at:

aganst Chance

since the odds have been beaten already ... it means that the odds are against that individual now it would seem ... actually this post probability
fulfillment issue is confusing to really clearly articulate ... but that is not the issue now ..

2. But odds breaking etc., was never the original focus of Philspychrelosophy but rather figuring out what the Light experience was.
3. This brings us to the Vaikhari quote:

"In his research into Kundalini Gopi found out that the ancient texts stated that
"With the
Kundalini Experience
one experiencesVisions of God, Psychic Gifts
and even

spontaneous words whether in poetry or prose full of wisdom and worth"
Living with Kundalini
Gopi Krishna
(Self described "common Indian householder of India

  It is Gopi Krishna, but actually Christianity too if one thinks about it, who throws psychic gifts into the game. Philpsychrelosophy was never
concerned and is not based upon "psychic gifts" but poderings and musings and contemplation upon the Light experience which lead to a stream
of consciousness fo mind blowing insights "psychic gifts" were the furtherest thing from my mind ... Thus in no way, shape, or form is the 30,000
or so pages engrossed in psychchic gifts etc.

1. As a marketing angle one would have to be an idiot to pass up the Synchronicity displayed by the 9/11 posting.

Note: And for 8 months after 9/11 I actually was that idiot as I obviously knew of the simultaneity of the two events: My posting of the Introduction
         of the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 thus officially "kicking off" the Last Judgement assuming I was the One, and the 9/11 Wtc Attack ... but at
         that time I didn't really believe in the "mumbo jumbo" Psychic etc. view of reality, and so i just viewed the situation as "Coincidence"
         (I discuss my awakening to the concept of Sychronicity  elsewhere)

2. As a Key to Sychronicity etc., the fact of the 9/11 posting cannot be ignored and should be explored.

The Point:

  I was very happy with Philpsychrelosophy way before the 9/11 posting.

 day I discovered that my wiritings concerned
Sightings of the Holy
do to corelations with Grail legends and Myth that I recognized,
I was not amazed in the least since

My own private little

came up with,

Insights of such extraordinary nature
could outdue the insights all by themselves.

At the beginning of the 30,000 pages there are no psychic gifts except of course
Experiences of Light

to push one along

The Psychic gift category, of the 3 categories Gopi Krishna articulates that the ancient prophecied,
were of zero concern in the beginning to Philpsychrelosophy as seen by the
utter lack of attention to those
that topic.

So in answer to the above hypotheditical individual, I always considered Phipsychrelosophy to stand on it's own merit

The 9/11 Synchronicity is but
God rest the souls of the victims of the Global Elite conspirtos who ordered the FBI to blow up the Wtc in 1993 which failed,
all of which is on the audio tape of the informant ... and who orchestrated the 9/11 Wtc Attack as I detail
elsewhere so that that could kill multiple birds with on stone.

that just appeared out of seemingly nowehere.

1. There would have been no Philpsychrelosophy, PPR, if it waited for "Psychic gifts" to manifest ...

     Interestingly: If the Light experiences are viewed as an analogy or form of "psychci gifts" then all of PPR, is based on "psychic gifts'". This being said

        a. The 9/11 Synchronicity is an Objective "psychic gift" examples that may be seen by others as they can read teh Internet Date/Time Stamp ... whereas

2. The experiences of lights are more subjective and thus more difficult to communicate to others.

      Interestingly the writings themselves are alittle more to the objective than the experiences and those writings beg the question from the intelligent

Well where do these miraculous insights come from?

But of course there are the dull witted who shall not be able to discern the value of the writings and thus any move towards objectivity shall be
negatied by their lack of analytic and differential ability.

3. Then there is the 9/11 Synchronicity itself. And again to some this too shall mean nothing as their paradigms just cannot accept information,
    believe me I have a really thick brained father.

"Though they have ears they cannot hear, theough they have eyes they cannot see"
New Test.

This refers to nothing other than the human paradigm ...

Electrodes were placed on the cat's brain as a taping sound was created with the results seen on the scope...
then a mouse was introduced into a nearby cage with the tapping sound continuing but
the sounds did not register. ....
Cat's Paradigm
had literally cut off the Cat's hearing
The New Inquisiton
Robert Anton Wilson

The main Point being, addressed to the assumed active and open paradigm is the fact of manifestation  of the Three abilities Gopi Krishna's
research indicated that the ancients held

"In his research into Kundalini Gopi found out that the ancient texts stated that
"With the
Kundalini Experience
one experiences Visions of God, Psychic Gifts
and even

spontaneous words whether in poetry or prose full of wisdom and worth"
Living with Kundalini
Gopi Krishna

(Self described "common Indian householder of India
"The philosopher's Stone, Exlirir of Life,The Fountain of Youth,
Holy Grail,
... all have essentially awakened Kundalini."
 Kundalini for the New Age: Selected Writings of Gopi Krishna edited by Gene Kieffer
Gene Keiffer
within the parameters of the whole .. namely my entire reality.

  For instance: Assuming world renowned scholar Evola is correct:

The Grail mysteries are not mere entertainment but initiatory mysteries.
The Grail Msyteries,
World renowned scholar Julius Evola

that the Holy Grail is actually real and of tremendous importance etc. .. the Intelligent paradigm then questions:

Besides the issue of manifestation of the 3 extraordinary abilites that Gopi Krishna referes to Why out of 6 Billion people on
the planet earth, assuming the Holy Grail is somthing real and of importance ... why does this guy, out
of 6 Billion, have ownership of the Domain name too, besides manifestation of the 3?

  The cutting edge latest writings, of just the last few days, show that the Essene Cup of Eternal Life mentioned in the Essene Book of Revelation
is the Holy Grail since therein the Cup is shown to be a metaphor for the Book of Seven Seals which in the orthodox is termed teh Book of Seven
Seals also and the Book of life. However since the Holy Grail i swidely acknowledged as the "cup of Christ" and Christ was an Essenes then obviously
the Holy Grail is the referred to Essense "Cup of Eternal Life" which is the Book of Seven Seal known as the Book of life in the ortho  Book of
Revelations. Furhtermore in the Essens version with this Book one may view all "that was is and shall be" oaraphrase ... thus the prophetic abilites
attributed to the Holy Grail according to myth.

.. and as mentioned herein this guy is intimately concerned with the Essene Book of Revelation etc. ... How? Why? What?
This guy obtained the HolyGrail.OrgAcle domain name back in 1996 but only in 2004 does the obscure hard core Essene Book of Revelation material
come to surface that the Essene cupt of Eternal Life, the Holy Grail is directly referred to in the Essenes Book of Revelation ... but he made the
introduction to the Orthodox Book of Revelation on 9/11 and is thus tied to the Essene Book of Revelation through the 9/11 posting and events ...
the question is How? Why? What? did he get just the perfect Domain name out of 6 Billion people

1. Book of Seven Seals
2. Book of Golden Pages
3. Book of Life" Rev. 20;12 ... plagarization and fabriacation of all the rest
4. Cup of Eternal Life
5. Cup of Christ
6. The Holy Grail
7. "See all that was, is and shall be"

1. He introduces the above Book, using the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 metaphor

1. His subsequent to 9/11 research proves the otho. book of Revelation a plagarization and fabrication of the Essenes original
2. He proves that in introducing the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 he was really introducing the Essene Cup of Eternal Life etc, as he deviated from
    what he considered superficial requirements of the characteristics of the Coming One as prophecied in the ortho Book of Revelation
    yet despite the superficial deviation, not superficial to many -they believe the Coming One has to be of Jewish ethnicity, but superficial to him,
    he still posted the "Book of Life" on 9/11 in spite of this hitting the 9/11 Wtc Attack and RNG anomaly in the act besides
    acting accordingly on Judgement Day,... deviated slightly from the prescribed requirements for the Coming One who is to take the "Book of Life"
    Rev. 20:12 from the right hand of God who sits on the throne of heaven
    for instance he is not even Jewish

But one of the Elders said to me
'do not weep Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of david, has prevailed to open the

scroll and to loose its seven seals"

Rev. 5:5
Ortho. Book of Revelation

And one of the Elders said unto me, "Weep not,
reach out thy hand and take the book,
Yea, even the book with the seven seals, and open it.
For it was written for thee,
Who art at once the Lowest of the Low,
And the highest of the high."
Original Essene Book of Revelation

Thus a key fabrication and alteration of the Essene Book of Revelation by, it would seem,
the Tribe of Judah, known today as the Jews.

1. Book of Seven Seals
2. Book of Golden Pages
3. Book of Life" Rev. 20;12 ... plagarization and fabriacation of all the rest
4. Cup of Eternal Life
5. Cup of Christ
6. The Holy Grail
7. "See all that was, is and shall be"

1. He introduces the above Book, using the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 metaphor .. but it shoud be engrained into one's mind ... the book
    introduced is the HolyGrail.
2. On the Exact correct day. "9/11 year 2001 the long awaited Day of Judgement"
3. At the Peak of a 390 Billion to 1 Global Consciousness Project, Random Number Generated, RNG anomaly ... what they
    track is Consciousness, what he just Introduced was the the most Conscious Book in Western Civilization Past. Present or Future because it
    was the prophecied "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12
4. BUT he posts the introduction from his private copyright dating secret site that he uses to Internet Date/Time stamp copyright various insights
    related to his HolyGrail.Org site.
5. So what happened in this super science lingo

He posted the introduction to the Holy Grail, the most conscious book in Western Civilization Past Present or Future, a book prophecied to
essentially be able to warp time, precisely on what turns out to be, Judgement Day thus "Book of Life" day thus Holy Grail day, and what better day
to present a Time Warping Book on other than Judgement Day ... Should not the Day actually correspond, be the analogy of the Book being posted.

Note; With the Essene material concerning the fact that the Holy Grail is the Book of Seven Seals is the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 the analogy

1. 9/11 is Judgemnet Day
2. "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 introduction was posted
3. Posted by
4. during Global Consciousness Project anamoly

Has now been superceded as one now has:

1. Holy Grail = Time warping Book:
2. Holy Grail Day = Time Warp book Day = Judgement Day = 9/11: Because Holy Grail Day is Book of Seven Seals Day which is
    "Book of Life'Rev. 20;12 Day which is Judgement Day
3. Holy Grail Introduced on 9/11: since "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is the Book of Seen Seals is the Essene Cup of Eternal Life is the Cup of Christ
    is the Holy Grial
4. Holy Grail Organization Posting: ... HolyGrailOrgAcle ... synchronistically happens to be only one letter off of Holy Grail Oracle ... thus temporal
    predictive realted doamain name.
5. posting on HolyGrail.Org
6. Global Consciousness Project, RNG Computers went crazy at the moment of posting at 390 Billion to 1:
    RNG Anomaly Peak
Analogy of the Highest Consciousness:
7. Internet Era: = "in the End times all shall be revealed"
8. Analogy of Oneness: The Theme of the posting was the theory of an Analogy of Oneness ... this Analogy of Oneness theory is supported by the
    spectacular esynchronicites surrounding the posting itself ... as one would expect.

     The Book of Highes Consciousness in Western Civiliazation Pat, present or Future should, not be associated, but actually have it's analogy
in everything pertaining to it:

note: this

This line of reasoning supports the conclusion that insight itself, has a quality, namely just the correct insight, has profund effect on every thing
around it.

In other word suppose that

Thoughts were alive and breathing and manifested arond one at all times as if one has the
thought and then there is the manifestation. if so, and if thoughts are created in
a hierarchical Archetype ruling over lower analogies fashion then

What happens when the perfect thought arrives?

namely the Thought
of the Highest Thought
in the
Archetype Tree of Thoughts
with Archetpes being the Common denomiators of Lower Analogies which in turn are
Archetypes of yet lower Analogies Ad Infinitum

The Perfect Thought
would have
accordign to the theory

Spectacular Panoramic display
Out in the World

In the

form, or analogies, or dimensions
that are discerable to mankind as having a connection
to the thought
Out in the World

This is the concept of
God not as an Entity
God not even

But God
A Thought Form

Not Thought form as in One thought among many thoughts
not thoughts in a form where other thoughts may exist but in a way

Better stated

The Thought

Original Singular Primordial Thought

A Thought Form


Super Thought
God in the form of a single thought

in it's, whatever God is
Analogous Singular thought form

akin to

Original Bing Bang
but in
Analogous Thought Form
not physical form

Note: the context of the this above The perfect thought is:

1. The Analogy of Oneness Insight that was the main topic of the 9/11 posting of the Introduction to the Book of Life, the Holy Grail
2. 9/11 was the Holy Grail: above insight that everything about 9/11 meant Holy Grail

Note: Interestingly my actions were the opposite of the perpetrators of the 9/11 events ... but it would seem due to their timing that they knew
         something about the 9/11 date.

  Is not the fact that the Global Cabal that perpetrated 9/11 with Ben Laden as the front:

1. In direct oppositon to myself
2. Action on the same date as myself

Is this not an analogy of:

Ortho Book of Revelation
is in many instances
to the
Essene Book of Revelation

For Insttance:

Whereas when the "Book of Life" Rev. 20!2 is opened:

Those not written into the Book of Life were cast into the
Lake of Fire
Rev. 20:15

In the essene version one has:

 .... And I opened the book, and Iread therein
What had always been, what was now,
And what would come to pass.

I saw the holocaust whcih would engulf the earth,
... And the endless forgiveness of the Almightly.
The souls of men were as blank pages in the book,
Always ready for a new song to be there inscribed.

Essene Book of Revelation

1. Same Book different directions
2. 9/11: Same day differenet directions
3. Secret Societies ... After taken over by the opposing force move in the opposing direction

The Secret Societeis former cadavers of themselves were taken over by the opposing force
Mysteries of the Grail
Julius Evola

  Thus one reflects upon the difference of direction on 9/11 and one is drawn in the direction of the conclusion that:

1. The Powers that be took over the Secret Societies just as Evloa stated
2. Thus the powers that be know what the original secret societies knew
3. The Secret Societies made a move in the opposing direction on the Day of Judgement than what should have been
4. Prophecy, being a vehicle, a power, a gift, etc. of the righteous and Sons of Light canot be overridden and thus facing seemingly insurmountable
    odds the Original underlying Prophecy still had to come true on 9/11

  The evil Global Elite moved due to knowledge of when the alleged Day of Judgement was to be ... but the forces of Light moved due partially to
Knowledge of this date but also because


Coming One
is the
Day of Judgement in Incarnate form
He and the Day in question
One and the Same

1. He and the day are one and the same
2. This is prophecied millenium beforehand
3. His message on the day in question, The Analogy of Oneness, among others, is the analogy of what is being said herein.

How can the Coming One be late on the Day that is him?
He can't
Thus no matter what machinations the Global Elite attempt no maater how intricate the Conspiracy, no matter how many
Milleniums the Conspiracy spans
the Global Elite
thwart, stop, mis guide
The Various Analogies of what shall be.

in this case:

The Internet:

"The Prophecy is that all shall be revealed in the last days"

Then what happens

The Internet appears seemingly out of nowhere ... during the time period of the Last Days ...
 even Gates was taken by surprise as he did not even create e browser until
Netscape had one for a long time.

The Coming One
Appears out of nowhere
on the
Day of Judgement

... those of the Children of Light

are this

Note: The Cup of Eternal Life of the Essenes is the Cup of Christ is the Holy Grail ... congradualtions great insight ... idiot ... as it takes a few
         days for it to soak in:

This Essene
Cup of Eternal Life
being the
Holy Grail
is far more inportant than a cosmetic
Perfect, neat description of what the Holy Grail is
This means that the Book introduced on 9/11 was the Holy Grail idiot
The issue is not as well defined when one thinks of the post
as the
Book of Life"
Rev. 20:12

Now the true significance of the Essene Cup of Eternal Life
is the Holy Grail Insight
becomes apparent

Note: Why do I of all people derive the obviously correct defintion of the Holy Grail?

1. I spend alot of time on this topic
2. I am reverse engineering this topic.
     a. Unraveling like a strain of DNA
        a. Having the actual Holy Grail experience gives one clues and hints as to the correct direction to go
            a. Having the actual Holy Grail experience at such a young age is pratically analogous to be the Coming One in and of itself .. thus far from
                offering clues the theory that I am bouncing around today of Consciousness creating reality etc., may be more to the true, namely this gets
                back to a thought of several months ago and other grand thoughts of:

1. The Zodiac story works but only as pertains to One individual and that individual the in turn guides mankind
2. The Tarot works but again only for one person ... he lives out each card in succession ... the Sacred marriage is seared on his soul etc.
    others may also obtain this sacred marriage but he has a higher procilivity ..

Note: This insight was dervied a year ago based upon the fact of extreme analogy to of course the hermit card but ... where did the Sared
         marriage card come from ... is not that the analogy of the result of the Holy Grail Courtship Ritual that is the foundation of Philpsychrelosphy?
         Thus does not the Sacred marriagae card have again an unusual applicable analogy to the instant incarnation ... the XX Card the Last
         Judgement is the Hermit X Card in it's fullness thus again an analogy ... the Hierophant card number 5 I believe states that the Hierophant
         moves only once every 2,000 years ... But since the hanged Man Card is Orsiris which is Christ then 2000 years hence would be the 2nd Coming
         thus the resurrection of Orsiris or the birth of Horus the Son of Orsiris ... but this would be the @nd Coming of Christ thus the Last Judgement
         thus the Hermit X in fullness ...

As seen the crazy proposition that the entire Tarot was designed for one individual alone who then is to guide mankind actually upon examination is
very strong as just seen .. the X hermit, XX Last Judgement, Hanged Man, Hierophant and Sacred Marriage ... cards all relate intimately. very intimatley
are actually analogies of each other ...

1. This seems to be the analogy of the Analogy of Oneness insight posted on 9/11
2. Thus is any average person can relate strongly to any single card through this theory should that person not then be the analogy of every other card.
    If all cards are analogies of each other ...

  how can this be ... how can there be 6 Billion COming Ones for instance.

When it comes to the Hermit I was very exacting in the application of the dating but when it comes to the other cards I just spplied how their
stories applied to the Hermit card ... and to my experiences ... then perhaps this is the clue.

1. Everyone is to strictly spply dating to the card that marks them.
2. Then as I did they merely apply the stories not the dating to the other cards ...

  Thus they are a 3 card for instance and they relate the stories of the other cards to themsleves not hte dating in an exact way ... that is only for
there specific card #3 in this example ... as pertains to the other cards specifically the Hermit ... they merely apply that story to their card as
I applied the stories to mine ...

  Thus as pertains to the Hermit card:
1. No they are not to live out that card ... they are not to be homeless and carrying the Light in their right hand etc ..
2. They are to apply that card, thus that story of the Hermit to their lives
3. Now if a Hermit were to actually actualize accirding to this line of reasoning by applying the Hermit card to their particular card in real
    life they would apply the Light that the hermit carries in his right hand ...

   Thus far from suggesting that there is a 6 Billion Coming One's chaotic reality this theory is actually stating:

Apply the incarnations of the other cards in this world to yourself

Thus in the case of an Incarnation of the Coming One this theory states:

Apply what the Coming One has to say to your life

But what does the Coming One have to say?

I am the Hermit, X, the Virgo, the Yod, the Phallus,  the Coming One and in my fullness XX the Last Judgement
on that other card the Yod is described as mature at Mem, 40, so the hermit is mature at 40, at that time he is
the Last Judgement

And what is his message?

Find your Card then apply the stories of the other cards to your card ...

The Coming One's advice is but a reflection of the whole Tarot Deck ...

as he is but a reflection or
Analogy fo the whoel Tarot deck
The Zodiac is but the Story of his Life

Note: if a stranger just came in and caught the tail end of this insight he would think

This guy has some real problems of Delusions of Grandeur

Both the Zodiac and the Tarot
are the
Analogies of him
Star Chart Story
Card Story

Note: Bullinger in Witness to the Stars makes the case that the scriptures are the analogy of the story of the Zodiac ... but then:

1. Zodiac = Scriptures but:
2. The 22 Major Arcana Tarot = The 22 Chapters of Revelations = The the 22 pathways of the Tree of Life of the Kabalah ...

56 + 22 = 78 ... the other 56 Minor arcana must then be relatied to the rest of scripture ... but in any case:

The Tarot beign teh 22 chaptere of Revelations thus scripture thus connects the Tarot to the Zodiac by way of Bullinger and of course the actually
Signs of the Zodiac being placed upon the cards ... (idiot)

  The Hermit is then of course in the prime position as He is Virgo and accoridng to bullinger the Coming One is Born of a Virgin Virgo ..
thus the Coming One has to be the Hermit ... and the Hermit is the Yod, the Father ... or course ..

Interestingly then Bullinger's thesis that the Scriptures are the story of the Zodiac is not as wild as some would claim since the 22 major Arcana
of the Tarot are the 22 Chapters  ... thus

22 Chapters of Revelation = 22 major Arcana = Signs of the Zodiac are placed on the 22 Major Arcana = Signs of the Zodiac ..

  Thus all Bullinger has to do is refer to the tarot or all the tarot has to do is refer to Bullinger.

Coming back to the above "he incarnates the entire Zodiac and tarot deck" this is not so wild since

1. According to Bullinger and other experts on the Zodiac the general impression I get concernign the Zodia is that the entire story of the Zodiac
is actually a story of the Coming One .. his trials and tribulations. Mankind is a sort of backdrop. ( A pretty egotistical story)

The Witness of the Stars

E. W. Bullinger 1893
The Sign Virgo
The Promised Seed of the woman

Here is the commencement of all prophecy in Genesis 3:15, spoken to the serpent:

"I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: it
 shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel."

This is the
Prophetic announcement
which the
Revelation in the heavens and in the Book
is designed
unfold and develop.

It lies at the root of all the ancient traditions and mythologies, which are simply the perversion and corruption of primitive truth.

VIRGO is represented as a woman with a branch in her right hand, and some ears of corn in her left hand.

Thus giving a two-fold testimony of the Coming One.

The name of this sign in the Hebrew is Bethulah, which means a virgin, and in the Arabic a branch. The two words are connected, as in Latin--Virgo, which means a virgin;
and virga, which means a branch (Vulg. Isa 11:1). Another name is Sunbul, Arabic, an ear of corn.

In Genesis 3:15 she is presented only as a woman;

but in later prophecies her nationality is defined as being of the stock of Israel, the seed of Abraham, the line of David; and,
further, she is to be a virgin. There are two prominent prophecies of her and her seed: one is connected with the first coming in incarnation,
 Isaiah 7:14 (quoted in Matthew

"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,  And shall call his name Immanuel."

The other is connected with His second coming, leaping over the sufferings and this present interval of His rejection, and looking forward to His coming in glory and
judgment, Isaiah 9:6, 7 (quoted in Luke 2:11 and 1 :32, 33).

"For unto us a child is born,
Unto us a son is given; *
And the government shall be upon His shoulder;
And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government there shall be no end.
Upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom,
To order it, and to establish it
With judgment and with justice
From henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

* Here, the fact of His humiliation, together with this long period of His rejection, is leaped over, and the prophecy passes on at once--
over at least a period of
1893 years-
this "glory which should follow."

Note bullinger was born in 1893 I believe ..

It is difficult to separate the Virgin and her Seed in the prophecy;

and so, here, we have first the sign VIRGO, where the name points to her as the prominent subject; while in
the first of the three constellations of this sign, where the woman appears again,
 name COMA points to the child as the great subject.

Virgo contains 110 stars, viz., one of the 1st magnitude, six of the 3rd, ten of the 4th, etc.

Zimach, which means the branch. This star is in the ear of corn which she holds in her left hand. Hence the star has a modern Latin name, which has almost superseded the
ancient one, Spica, which means, an ear of corn. But this hides the great truth revealed by its name Al Zimach. It foretold the coming of Him who should bear this name. The
same Divine inspiration has, in the written Word, four times connected it with Him. There are twenty Hebrew words translated "Branch," but only one of them (Tsemech) is
used exclusively of the Messiah, and this word only four times (Jer 33:15 being only a repetition of Jer 23:5). Each of these further connects Him with one special account of
Him, given in the Gospels.

Introduction | Table of Contents | Chapter 2

The Witness of the Stars
E. W. Bullinger

The First Book
The Redeemer
(His First Coming)
"The sufferings of Christ"

The First Book is occupied with the PERSON of the Coming One. It covers the whole ground, and includes the conflict and the victory of the Promised Seed, but with special emphasis on His Coming. The book opens with the promise of His coming, and it closes with the Dragon cast down from heaven.

Chapter I
The Sign Virgo
The Promised Seed of the woman

1. Virgo (the Virgin)

Here is the commencement of all prophecy in Genesis 3:15, spoken to the serpent: "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel." This is the prophetic announcement which the Revelation in the heavens and in the Book is designed to unfold and develop. It lies at the root of all the ancient traditions and mythologies, which are simply the perversion and corruption of primitive truth.

VIRGO is represented as a woman with a branch in her right hand, and some ears of corn in her left hand. Thus giving a two-fold testimony of the Coming One.

The name of this sign in the Hebrew is Bethulah, which means a virgin, and in the Arabic a branch. The two words are connected, as in Latin--Virgo, which means a virgin; and virga, which means a branch (Vulg. Isa 11:1). Another name is Sunbul, Arabic, an ear of corn.

In Genesis 3:15 she is presented only as a woman; but in later prophecies her nationality is defined as being of the stock of Israel, the seed of Abraham, the line of David; and, further, she is to be a virgin. There are two prominent prophecies of her and her seed: one is connected with the first coming in incarnation, Isaiah 7:14 (quoted in Matthew 1:23).

"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
And shall call his name Immanuel."

The other is connected with His second coming, leaping over the sufferings and this present interval of His rejection, and looking forward to His coming in glory and judgment, Isaiah 9:6, 7 (quoted in Luke 2:11 and 1 :32, 33).

"For unto us a child is born,
Unto us a son is given; *
And the government shall be upon His shoulder;
And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government there shall be no end.
Upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom,
To order it, and to establish it
With judgment and with justice
From henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

* Here, the fact of His humiliation, together with this long period of His rejection, is leaped over,  and the prophecy  passes on at once--over at least a period of 1893 years--to this "glory which should follow."

It is difficult to separate the Virgin and her Seed in the prophecy; and so, here, we have first the sign VIRGO, where the name points to her as the prominent subject; while in the first of the three constellations of this sign, where the woman appears again, the name COMA points to the child as the great subject.

Virgo contains 110 stars, viz., one of the 1st magnitude, six of the 3rd, ten of the 4th, etc.

ARATUS thus sings of them:

"Beneath Bootes feet the Virgin seek,
Who carries in her hand a glittering spike.
Over her shoulder there revolves a star
In the right wing, superlatively bright;
It rolls beneath the tail, and may compare
With the bright stars that deck the Greater Bear.
Upon her sholder one bright star is borne,
One clasps the circling girdle of her loins,
One at her bending knee; and in her hand
Glitters that bright and golden Ear of Corn.

Thus the brightest star in VIRGO (a) * has an ancient name, handed down to us in all the star-maps, in which the Hebrew word Tsemech is preserved. It is called in Arabic Al Zimach, which means the branch. This star is in the ear of corn which she holds in her left hand. Hence the star has a modern Latin name, which has almost superseded the ancient one, Spica, which means, an ear of corn. But this hides the great truth revealed by its name Al Zimach. It foretold the coming of Him who should bear this name. The same Divine inspiration has, in the written Word, four times connected it with Him. There are twenty Hebrew words translated "Branch," but only one of them (Tsemech) is used exclusively of the Messiah, and this word only four times (Jer 33:15 being only a repetition of Jer 23:5). Each of these further connects Him with one special account of Him, given in the Gospels.

* The stars are known by Greek letters and sometimes by numbers, &c. Alpha (a) denotes a star of the first magnitude; Beta (b), the second, and so on. This plan was originated by Bayer in his Uranometria, 1603. The star Alpha, as seen in the New Great Equatorial Telescope recently set up at Greenwich, is now discovered to be really a double star, though it had hitherto always appeared to be one.

(1) Jeremiah 23:5 --"Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, That I will raise unto David a righteous BRANCH (i.e., a Son), And a KING shall reign and prosper." The account of His coming as King is written in the Gospel according to Matthew, where Jehovah says to Israel, "Behold thy KING." (Zech 9:9; Matt 21:9)

(2) Zechariah 3:8--"Behold I will bring forth my SERVANT the BRANCH." In the Gospel according to Mark we find the record of Jehovah's servant and His service, and we hear Jehovah's voice saying, "Behold my SERVANT." (Isa 42:1)

(3) Zechariah 6:12--"Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the MAN whose name is the BRANCH." In the Gospel according to Luke we behold Him, presented in "the MAN Christ Jesus."

(4) Isaiah 4:2--"In that day shall the BRANCH of JEHOVAH be beautiful and glorious." So that this Branch, this Son, is Jehovah Himself; and as we read the record of John we hear the voice from heaven saying, "Behold your GOD." (Isa 40:9)

This is the Branch foretold by the star Al Zimach in the ear of corn.

The star b is called Zavijaveh, which means the gloriously beautiful, as in Isaiah 4:2. The star e, in the arm bearing the branch, is called Al Mureddin, which means who shall come down (as in Psa 72:8), or who shall have dominion. It is also known as Vindemiatrix, a Chaldee word which means the son, or branch, who cometh.

Other names of stars in the sign, are--

Subilah, who carries. (Isa 46:4)
Al Azal, the Branch. (As in Isa 18:5)
Subilon, a spike of corn. (As in Isa 17:5)

The Greeks, ignorant of the Divine origin and teaching of the sign, represented Virgo as Ceres, with ears of corn in her hand.

In the Zodiac in the Temple of Denderah, in Egypt, about 2000 BC (now in Paris), she is likewise represented with a branch in her hand, but ignorantly explained by a false religion to represent Isis! Her name is called Aspolia, which means ears of corn, or the seed, which shows that though the woman is seen, it is her Seed who is the great subject of the prophecy.

Passing to the three constellations anciently assigned to the sign VIRGO, we come to what may be compared to three sections of the chapter, each giving some further detail as to the interpretation of its teaching.

1. COMA (The Woman and Child)
The desired of all nations

2. Coma (the Desired)

The first constellation in VIRGO explains that this coming "Branch" will be a child, and that He should be the "Desire of all nations."

The ancient name of this constellation is Comah, the desired, or the longed for. We have the word used by the Holy Spirit in this very connection, in Haggai 2:7--"The DESIRE of all nations shall come."

The ancient Zodiacs pictured this constellation as a woman with a child in her arms. ALBUMAZAR * (or ABU MASHER), an Arabian astronomer of the eighth century, says, "There arises in the first Decan **, as the Persians, Chaldeans, and Egyptians, and the two HERMES and ASCALIUS teach, a young woman whose Persian name denotes a pure virgin, sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant boy (the boy, I say), having a Hebrew name, by some nations called IHESU, with the signification IEZA, which in Greek is called CHRISTOS."

* A Latin translation of his work is in the British Museum Library. He says the Persians understood these signs, but that the Indians perverted them with inventions.

** The constellations are called Decans. The word means a part, and is used of the three parts into which each sign is divided, each of which is occupied by a constellation.

But this picture is not found in any of the modern maps of the stars. There we find today a woman's wig! It appears that BERENICE, the wife of EUERGETES (PTOLEMY III), king of Egypt in the third century BC, when her husband once went on a dangerous expedition, vowed to consecrate her fine head of hair to Venus if he returned in safety. Her hair, which was hung up in the Temple of Venus, was subsequently stolen, and to comfort BERENICE, CONON, an astronomer of Alexandria (BC 283-222), gave it out that Jupiter had taken it and made it a constellation!

This is a good example of how the meaning of other constellations have been perverted (ignorantly or intentionally). In this case, as in others, the transition from ancient to more modern languages helped to hide the meaning. The Hebrew name was COMA (desired). But the Greeks had a word for hair, Co-me. this again is transferred to the Latin coma, and thus "Coma Berenice" (The hair of Berenice) comes down to us today as the name of this constellation, and gives us a woman's wig instead of that Blessed One, "the Desire of all Nations."

In this case, however we are able to give absolute proof that this is a perversion.

The ancient Egyptian name for this constellation was Shes-nu, the desired son!

The Zodiac in the Temple of Denderah, in Egypt, going back at least 2000 years BC, has no trace of any hair, but it has the figure of a woman and child.

Even Shakespeare understood the truth about this constellation picture, which has been so long covered by modern inventions. In his Titus Andronicus he speaks of an arrow being shot up to heaven to the "Good boy in Virgo's lap."

The constellation itself is very remarkable. Others contain one or two stars of the first or second magnitude, and then a greater or less variety of lesser stars; but this is peculiar from having no one very bright star, but contains so many stars of the 4th and 5th magnitudes. It contains 43 stars altogether, ten being of the 4th magnitude, and the remainder of the 5th, 6th, etc.

It was in all probability the constellation of Coma in which "the Star of Bethlehem" appeared. There was a traditional prophecy, well-known in the East, carefully preserved and handed down, that a new star would appear in this sign when He whom it foretold should be born.

This was, doubtless, referred to in the prophecy of Balaam, which would thus receive a double fulfilment, first of the literal "Star," and also of the person to whom it referred. The Lord said by Balaam (Num 24:17),

"There shall come * a star out of Jacob,
And a sceptre shall rise out of Israel."

* I.e., come forth (as in the RV). At is rendered in Genesis 3:24 "There shall come forth a star at or over the inheritance or possessions of Jacob," thus indicating the locality which would be on the meridian of this star.

Thomas Hyde, an eminent Orientalist (1636-1703), writing on the ancient religion of the Persians, quotes from ABULFARAGIUS (an Arab Christian Historian, 1126-1286), who says that ZOROASTER, or ZERDUSHT, the Persian, was a pupil of Daniel the Prophet, and that he predicted to the Magians (who were the astronomers of Persia), that when they should see a new star appear it would notify the birth of a mysterious child, whom they were to adore. It is further stated in the Zend Avesta that this new star was to appear in the sign of the Virgin. Some have supposed that this passage is not genuine. But whether it was interpolated before or after the event, it is equally good evidence for our purpose here. For if it was written before the event, it is evidence of the prophetic announcement; and if it was interpolated after the event it is evidence of the historic fact

The Book of Job shows us how Astronomy flourished in Idumea; and the Gospel according to Matthew shows that the Persian Magi, as well as others, were looking for "the Desire of all nations."

New stars have appeared again and again. It was in 125 BC that a star, so bright as to be seen in the day-time, suddenly appeared. It was this that caused HIPPARCHUS to draw up his catalogue of stars, which has been handed down to us by PTOLEMY (150 AD).

This new star would show the latitude, passing at that time immediately overhead at midnight, every twenty-four hours; while the prophecy would give the longitude as the land of Jacob. Having these two factors, it would be only a matter of observation, and easy for the Magi to find the place where it would be vertical, and thus to locate the very spot of the birth of Him of whom it was the sign, for they emphatically called it "His Star." There is a beautiful tradition which relates how, in their difficulty, on their way from Jerusalem to find the actual spot under the Zenith of this star, these Magi sat down beside David's "Well of Bethlehem" to refresh themselves. There they saw the star reflected in the clear water of the well. Hence it is written that "when they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding joy," for they knew they were at the very spot and place of His appearing whence He was to "come forth."

There can be little doubt that it was a new star. In the first place a new star is no unusual phenomenon. In the second place the tradition is well supported by ancient Christian writers. One speaks of its "surpassing brightness." Another (IGNATIUS, Bishop of Antioch, AD 69) says, "At the appearance of the Lord a star shone forth brighter than all the other stars." IGNATIUS, doubtless, had this from those who had actually seen it! PRUDENTIUS (4th century AD) says that not even the morning star was so fair. Archbishop TRENCH, who quotes these authorities, says "This star, I conceive, as so many ancients and moderns have done, to have been a new star in the heavens."

One step more places this new star in the constellation of COMA, and with new force makes it indeed "His star"--the "Sign" of His "coming forth from Bethlehem." will it be "the sign of the Son of Man in heaven" (Matt 24:30) when He shall "come unto" this world again to complete the wondrous prophecies written of Him in the heavenly and earthly Revelations? *

* It ought also to be noted that in the preceding year there were three conjunctions of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, at the end of May and October, and at the beginning of December. Kepler (1571-1631) was the first to point this out, and his calculations have been confirmed by the highest authorities. These conjunctions occurred in the sign of PISCES: and this sign, according to all the ancient Jewish authorities (Josephus, Abarbanel, Eliezer, and others), has special reference to Israel. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, they hold, always marked the occurrence of some even favourable to Israel; while Kepler, calculating backwards, found that this astronomical phenomenon always coincided with some great historical crisis, viz.: the Revelation to Adam, the birth of Enoch, the Revelation to Noah, the birth of Moses, the birth of Cyrus, the birth of Christ, the birth of Charlemagne, and the birth of Luther.

Thus does the constellation of COMA reveal that the coming "Seed of the woman" was to be a child born, a son given.

But He was to be more: He was to be God and man--two natures in one person! This is the lesson of the next picture.

2. CENTAURUS (The Centaur)
The despised sin-offering

3. Centaurus (the Centaur)

It is the figure of a being with two natures. Jamieson, in his Celestial Atlas, 1822, says, "On the authority of the most accomplished Orientalist of our own times, the Arabic and Chaldaic name of this constellation is Bezeh." Now this Hebrew word Bezeh (and the Arabic Al Beze) means the despised. It is the very word used of this Divine sufferer in Isaiah 53:3, "He is DESPISED and rejected of men."

The constellation contains thirty-five stars. Two of the 1st magnitude, one of the 2nd, six of the 3rd, nine of the 4th, etc., which, together with the four bright stars in the CROSS make a brilliant show in southern latitudes.

The brightest star, a (in the horse's fore-foot), has come down to us with the ancient name of Toliman, which means the heretofore and hereafter, marking Him as the one "which is, and which was, and which is to come--the Almighty" (Rev 1:8). Sir John Herschell observed this star to be growing rapidly brighter. It may be, therefore, one of the changeable stars, and its name may be taken as an indication of the fact that it was known to the ancients.

Another name for the constellation was in Hebrew, Asmeath, which means a sin-offering (as in Isaiah 53:10).

The Greek name was Cheiron, which means the pierced, or who pierces. In the Greek fables Cheiron was renowned for his skill in hunting, medicine, music, athletics, and prophecy. All the most distinguished heroes of Greece are described as his pupils. He was supposed to be immortal, but he voluntarily agreed to die; and, wounded by a poisoned arrow (not intended for him) while in conflict with a wild boar, he transferred his immortality to Prometheus; whereupon he was placed amongst the stars.

We can easily see how this fable is the ignorant perversion of the primitive Revelation. The true tradition can be seen dimly through it, and we can discern Him of whom it spoke,--the all-wise, all-powerful Teacher and Prophet, who "went about doing good," yet "despised and rejected of men," laying down His life that others might live.

It is one of the lowest of the constellations, i.e. the farthest south from the northern centre. It is situated immediately over the CROSS, which bespeaks His own death; He is seen in the act of destroying the enemy.

Thus these star-pictures tell us that it would be as a child that the Promised Seed should come forth and grow and wax strong in spirit and be filled with wisdom (Luke 2:40); and that as a man having two natures He should suffer and die. Then the third and last section in this first chapter of this First Book goes on to tell of His second coming in glory.

3. BOOTES (The Coming One)
He cometh

4. Bootes (the Coming One)

This constellation still further develops this wondrous personage.

He is pictured as a man walking rapidly, with a spear in his right hand and a sickle in his left hand.

The Greeks called him Bo-o-tes, which is from the Hebrew root Bo (to come), meaning the coming. It is referred to in Psalm 96:13:

"For He cometh,
For He cometh to judge the earth;
He shall judge the world in righteousness,
And the people with His truth."

It is probable that his ancient name was Arcturus * (as referred to in Job 9:9), for this is the name of the brightest star, a (in the left knee). Arcturus means He cometh. **

* The ancient name could not have been Bootes! though it is derived from, and may be a reminiscence of the Hebrew.

** ARATUS calls him Arctophylax, i.e., the guardian of Arctos, the flock of the greater fold, called today the Great Bear:

"Behind, and seeming to urge on the Bear,
Arctophylax, on earth Bootes named,
Sheds o'er the Arctic car his silver light."

By some moderns he is mistakenly called The Waggoner. Hence the allusion of Thompson:

"Wide o'er the spacious regions of the North,
Bootes urges on his tardy wain."

This perversion scarecely does justice even to human common sense, as waggoneers do not use a sickle for a whip!

The ancient Egyptians called him Smat, which means one who rules, subdues, and governs. They also called him Bau (a reminiscence of the more ancient Bo), which means also the coming one.

The star m (in the spear-head) is named Al Katurops, which means the branch, treading under foot.

The star e (just below the waist on his right side) is called Mirac, or Mizar, or Izar. Mirac means the coming forth as an arrow; Mizar, or Izar, means the preserver, guarding.

The star h is called Muphride, i.e. who separates.

The star b (in the head) is named Nekkar, i.e. the pierced (Zech 12:10), which tells us that this coming judge is the One who was pierced. Another Hebrew name is Merga, who bruises. *

* The constellation is a very brilliant one, having 54 stars, viz., one of the 1st magnitude, six of the 3rd, eleven of the 4th, etc.

The constellation of the Canes Venatici (the Greyhounds), i.e., the two dogs (Asterion and Chara), which Bootes holds by a leash, is quite a modern invention, being added by Hevelius (1611-1687). The bright star of the 3rd magnitude in the neck of Chara, was named "Cor Caroli" (the heart of Charles) by Sir Charles Scarborough, physician to Charles II, in honour of Charles I, in 1649. This is a good example of the almost infinite distance between the ancient and modern names. The former are full of mysterious significance and grandeur, while the latter are puerile in the extreme, almost approaching to the comic! e.g., the Air Pump, the Painter's Easel, the Telescope, the Triangle, the Fly, the Microscope, the Indian, the Fox and Goose, the Balloon, the Toucan (or American Goose), the Compasses, Charles' Oak, the Cat, the Clock, the Unicorn, &c. The vast difference can be at once seen between those designed by the ancients and those added by astronomers in more recent times.

These new constellations were added, 22 by Hevelius; and 15 by Halley (1656-1742). They were formed for the purpose of embracing those stars which were not included in the ancient constellations. This shows that the old constellations were not designed, like the modern ones, merely for the sake of enabling astronomers to identify the positions of particular stars. In this case all the stars would have been included. The object was exactly the opposite! Instead of the pictures being designed to serve to identify the stars, only certain stars were used for the purpose of helping to identify the pictures!

This is another important proof of the truth of our whole argument.

This brings us back again to Genesis 3:15, and closes up this first chapter of the First Book (VIRGO). It shows us the Person of the Promised Seed from the beginning to the end, from the first promise of the birth of the Child in Bethlehem, to the final coming of the great Judge and Harvester to reap the harvest of the earth. This was the vision which was afterwards shown to John (Rev 14:15,16), when he says, "I looked; and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle and reap; for the time is come for Thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And He that sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped."

This is the conclusion of the first chapter of this First Book. Here we see the woman whose Seed is to bruise the serpent's head, the Virgin-Born, the Branch of Jehovah, perfect man and perfect God, Immanuel, "God with us," yet despised and rejected of men, and yielding up His life that others may have life for evermore. But we see Him coming afterwards in triumphant power to judge the earth.

This is only one chapter of this First Book, but it contains the outline of the whole volume, complete in itself, so far as it regards the Person of the Coming One. Like the Book of Genesis, it is the seed-plot which contains the whole, all the rest being merely the development of the many grand details which are included and shut up within it. It is only one chapter out of twelve, but it distinctly foreshadows the end--even "the sufferings of Christ and the glory which should follow."


The Coming One beign  an Analogy of the Entire deck is
thus not going to tell you any thing differently then the

Note: Above when I came up with the perfect thought idea I thought but did not get to write down at that time:

This thought is dangerous

Now why did I thin that?

Note: This by the way subsumes the
9/11 was the Holy Grail Day

1. Dangerous because since it has actually been accomplished in the physical world:
  a. Various theories work

  This shall then give many people added impetus to work upon various ideas inter-relating Consciousness and Matter.

If they did not have the actual physical manifestation to urge them on many would just overlook th eentire matter as if it never existed... Thus simply
adviseing people of:

1. 9/11 was the Holy Grail
   a. Derived fromthe 9/11 manifestation is that there is a bridge between consciousness and matter
      a. An instant of perfection may exist where everything comes together: 5;48:09 AM 9/11

1. Prophecy of the oldest Zodiacs according to E.W.Bullinger are fulfilled at that specific aplit ssecond instant
2. The Holy Grail Incarnation
3. From the Holy Grail site
4. Introduces the Holy Grail
5. 5:48:09 AM 9/11 At the split second pre-ordained by the most ancient of Zodiacs
6. At the peak of the GCP Random Number Anomaly.

is the book
is shown ..
as should be\\

When on e really nails down the definintion of wha tth eGrail is
something spectaculare should happen

accordignto my new super Thought thouthg

Note: Is this not what Goswami is stating in Conscious Uiniverse

Physical matter could not have arrive3d before Consciousness because consciousness cannot be derived form
physical matter thus God came into being then created 15 Bilion years of history to explain himself


Would not such a perfect thought be presented or crystallized into action or find
it's physical analogous cystallization, namley

Articulation and Implimentaiton
on a perfect day
through a perfect technological medium,

  insight has it's analogy

HolyGrail.Org (HolyGrial.OrgAcle) Posted the Introduction to the Holy Grail time warping Book on the Holy Grail Day - The Last Judgement
during the Peak of the Global Consciousnees Project RNG 390 Billion to 1 Anomaly
on the HolyGrail.Org website during the Era when mankind
has the Internet = "All shall be revealed"

  See how it looks different now cohesive ... everything was the analogy of the Holy Grail on that day ... which is what PPR terms an Archetypal
insight, now the entire matter is neatly coined, streamlined

"Oh I see"

 Now one thinks ... everything WAS HOLY GRAIL not Holy Grail related as I previously thought. Why how dow one conclude this? .. Because the
Essene Book of Revelation metaphor of the super book as the "Cup of Eternal Life" .. but that is the Cup of Christ ..e tc. the Holy Grail ... so
all the confusion of this Book or that Book ... xyz is cut out ... All of the books referred to in the various metaphors or descriptions are the Holy
Grail ... so just say it ...

Super Time Warp Book

that is the topic of
All versions of the Book of Revleations

Liars and Essenes
is the
Holy Grail

HolyGrail.Org (HolyGrial.OrgAcle) Posted the Introduction to the Holy Grail time warping Book on the Holy Grail Day - The Last Judgement
during the Peak of the Global Consciousnees Project RNG 390 Billion to 1 Anomaly
on the HolyGrail.Org website during the Era when mankind
has the Internet = "All shall be revealed"

  of particular interest is the aspect that the Day in questio

  For thousands of years the Jews have been bragging or boasting outwardly or inwardly or have just lived under the context, now proven to be a
pretest, that being of the
Tribe of Judah, ... the 10 other Tribes got lost etc. ... that "Salvation is through the Jews" etc. ...  with the above powerful
reasoning ....  now what? ... I woudn't want to be bragging, boasting inwardly or outwardly or even just living within the context that "salvation is of
my tribe" faced with the above. I'd be thinking if I was  Jew:

"Oh shit my hierarchical structure (namely the Judaic hierarchical structure)
 has been lying to my forefathers all along ... I now disassociate myself from this whole sick fabrication"

But see I know people and I know how they think and I no that a majority of Jews arn't gonna think th eabove but rather, as always, attempt
to squezze out of the situation ... in one of several ways which I shall not detail at this time.

Oh no baby ... I am not gonna:

1. Be Quiet:
   Quite to the contrary I'm gonna blast this mf (Paradigm) out over the internet ... and it really, really, really aggravates when when someone even hints
that I shouldn't say what's on my mind ..
really, really, really ... you know what you actually do when you do that .... you fuel another 50,000 hours
of study .... and the conclusions only increasingly come out worse for:

When the truth is assailed it only strengthens

and by now the Truth doesn't look very good.

2. Warp my Mind:
   Worse that being quiet is actually agreeing with spewed Jew Jew hierarchical shit ... because eventually one's ability to reason becomes warped
      ... then one is really in trouble.

No I think I'll continue going along just as I have been except right about now I'm ready to blast out of my cocoon and soar to fantastic
heights. Now above one has a severe contradiction and since I deal with this material all day long, thus have a unique expertise in this area
among others, I don't really think there is anyway out of this quagmire other than the Jewish hierarchy aided in the genocide of the Essenes,
confiscated and plagarized their prophecies in many sections word for word and systematically wrote themselves into prophecy in key areas ... Whoa ...
now I could be mistaken (not really ... just being polite ... as
I've  studied this too long) but to convince me ohterwise you'd have to present a
stick of dynamite logic and evidence and quite frankly I don't think you can ... You see along with the above one has

A huge
Preponderance of the evidence
concerning Jews in general

Note- They are not even Jews
"92% o fall Jews are Khazars ... barbarian warlike phallic worshippers"
Benjamen Freedam "Facts are facts" .. and The 13th Tribe Koestler

My best soruces on "Jews" are Jews so actually most of this you see before you is actually re-arranged Jew research,
writings and conclusions ... so how can I be an Anti-semite

Easy ... ignorant you or double agent you .. say I am ... and you know what I say ...

I'll take that as a compliment.

Anti-semetism: Is thrown at someone within th econtext that it is suppose to connotate .. a
biased opinion based on lack of research but research is all I do asshole ... ASSHOLE ... so now what

Actually the situation is one of Overkill, to the extent that any courageous man should be ashamed he has not
acted upon the information, and has merely gathered more information
 Namely "It's all over the place" What"
of a

Anti-semitism ... ha ... it's worse than that

It is
that you mother fuckers have been up to no good

Do you know what "Gnosis" is smart boy

"Gnosis" is direct knowledge of God and in this instance I have used it to relate

"An amount of knowledge accumulated over a long period of time that is so interconnected, pervasive and persuasive
that nothing is left but

Actually I think I have discovered herein the Archetype underlying "Gnosis"

Note: Ladies and gentlemen of Light in Philpsychrelosophy one arrives at breathtaking
insights even when they are "schooling" the enemy

Gnosis is thus either:

Knowledge of direct experience of it, whatever "it" is


An accumulation of so much knowledge concerning something that there is no longer a need to


any more

Interestingly one has the following which actually corroborates this:

Without the great awakening at least once one is bound to be a mere intellectual

Why intellectualize when you "have enough", info, that is overkill and contradictory.

"have enough" as herein used means

Intellectualism is Over

"Jews" are crawling fucking crawling all over the place, in every key area"

As in the Essene material ... You study religion blah blah blah .. there are contradictions okay ...
then a couple of fantastice stories, allegations about the Red Sea parting blah, blah ...
Conspiracies concerning these same people in God knows how many different
fields ... all detailed in my writings ...

and then you stumble across the Essene
Book of Revelation
and you think

What is this shit ....
don't these Jews ever stop lying ...
Now they have plagarized and altered the
Book of Revelation

This is right after you have

Proven that the
Jew - Israeli hierarchy assassinated JFK

Your conclusions being supported by 4 recently released books.

And you think

I have Had it
now never again are they given the benefit of the doubt pertaining to everything ....

Now you conclude
after thousands of hours of research within the paradigm and guided by the paradigm
Seeing the Burning Bush of Moses
So the Jew hierarchy ain't gonna tell you nothing as pertains to
"Religious Experience"

If Anything goes wrong

The Jew did it

The Jews have cried Wolf,
have cried
"We have been scapegoated"

When the oppositie is proven true by
massive research

Too many times

Now only an intellectualizing Jerk
Would even consider
"We have been scapegoated"

Go Fuck Yourself Mother Fuckers ...

 1. You Killed The Essenes ... the whole fucking movement ...
2. You Assassinated JFK
3. You control the IMF
4. You control the Federal Reserve
5. You just manipulated the USA into a War in Iraq
6. You constantly lied about attempts to develop Tactical nuclear wweapons
and now you have them ... Meanwhile Sadam Hussein had no
Nuclear weapons but attacked his conuntry in our name
with this excuse

All of this and much more detailed through-out my writintgs

Now is not the time I want to discuss this material ..
but sicne the Jew/Teutonic conspiracies are interwoven into everything
it is difficult for the Steam of Consciousness methodology not to raise such issues.


Contradictions the Essene materials present
is not isolated
but floats like
Great Pyramid of Giza
 a pinnacle, a fitting Sweet and perfect
Lotus Flower
arriving in Synchronistic
perfect Time for
The End Days
of the
Last Judgement

which floats on
Sea of Jewish-Khazar-Mispuchka / Roman-Teutonic-Wasp
Sea of Sewage
That is the
Fabricated and Warped
History of our World Today

Only we can learn the lessons of history because only we have the real history
Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion

Note: I am not going to fully cover the protocols issues, for now is not the time but elsewhere I do fully explore that issue and it
is not pretty, however since I have mentioned the protocols let me throw in a little flash and funk from my extensive archeyes

R.E.McMaster is a well respected Wall Street analyst with a newletterthe Reaper, and author of the Book
The Power of Total perspective)
Triple AAA Stockholders of the Federal Reserve
kept secret by way of
Secret Proviso
of the
Fed Reserve Act of 1913,
also known as the Owens Corning Act,
as ascertained through Mr. McMaster's Saudi banking connections are
"The banks
Schiff, Warburg, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn and Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Rockerfellar, Lazard
En Route to Global Occupation

We shall
Control and Enslave through finances,
this form of slavery is far more effective that
the physical form. We shall create a world wide market crash and then
sieze power
all over the world in
single hour.
Protocals of the Elders of Zion

Write The Protocols of Zion ?

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
September 21, 2003

Many people think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is anti Semitic "hate literature" and a fraud.

Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn
wrote that the book exhibits
"the mind of genius."
 Pretty good for a hoax, wouldn't you say?

Solzhenitsyn said it exhibits
"great strength of thought and insight...Its design...(increasing freedom and liberalism, which is terminated
in social cataclysm) well above the abilities of an ordinary mind...
It is more complicated than a nuclear bomb."

I'm afraid Protocols may be genuine. They are lectures addressed to Jewish Luciferians (Illuminati, Freemasons)
detailing an incredible plan to overthrow western civilization, subjugate mankind, and concentrate "all the wealth of the our hands."

The lectures, typical of similar Illuminati documents, were leaked to the Czarist Secret police and published in Russia in 1905.

The issue of anti Semitism diverts attention from this plot which has been unfolding for over 200 years and is behind
world government, September 11, Iraq, Homeland Security and the bogus "War on Terror."


The plotters control the world's wealth. Their multinational corporations use Freemason symbols in their logos. Shell and Citibank
 have the rising sun; Exxon the double cross, CBS and Time Warner the eye of Horus; Alcan and AOL, the circle in the triangle.

Their mass media, education and politics all create an illusion of democracy in order to control and defraud humanity. The
Great Seal
of the United States

- I disagree with the specifc direction this particular author is going with his or her referral to the Great Seal of the United States
as seen in my analyis at this link

Our generation is Prophecied on the dollar bill

Vergils's 4th Eclogue Poem

Magnus Soeclorum Ordo - Novus Ordo Seclorum
Political Prophecy Synchronization Fulfillment

reflects the unhappy truth. It is also a Freemason symbol and bears the inscription
"We have achieved New World Order."
Almost all American Presidents including George W. Bush are Freemasons or Illuminati.

Israel's Star of David (interlaced triangles) is the Masonic symbol of the double divinity, Adonai and Lucifer.

The issue of anti Semitism is irrelevant because Jewish and non-Jewish Luciferians intermarried long ago. (See Milan Martin,
Lucifer's Children p.74) The elite now consists of humanity-haters of all stripes. No wonder corruption
is endemic. As the Greeks say, "the fish rots from the head."


Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) played a key role in advancing this monstrous conspiracy. He was a follower of the occult
Cabbalism (or Lucifer worship) that is the basis of Illuminism and Freemasonry. (See Albert Pike,
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.)

Researchers have speculated that Adam Weishaupt or Asher Ginzberg penned Protocols.At first I thought it was Rothschild himself.
But because someone pointed out that the book refers to Nietzche and Darwin, it is more likely that Rothschild's grandson,
Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1809-1879) or someone like him, is the author. Lionel is
 infamous Jewish banker
"Sidonia" of Benjamin D'Israeli's novel Coningsby(1844).

I came to this conclusion after reading Protocols 20-23, the "financial programme... the crowning and the decisive point of our plans."
These lectures require a detailed knowledge of finance and profound psychological insight. Moreover the author states that all
 power ultimately will reside in the "King of the Jews," which is how the Rothschilds were known. In
general the Protocols provide a compelling explanation of world events as they have transpired.


The author makes clear that whoever creates money is sovereign. He ridicules the goyim kings for forfeiting this power and says that
he doesn't intend to repeat this mistake." When we come into our Kingdom," the government will change from being
"a payer of tribute by loan operations...into a lender at a profit."

"This measure will stop the stagnation of money, parasitic profits, and idleness which were useful for us among the
goyim so long as they were independent but are not desirable under our rule."

The Protocols is full of Talmudic contempt for non-Jews. "How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely
brute brains of the goyim...What could have been simpler than to take the money they wanted from their own
people? "...We "will put an end to those abuses to which we owe our mastery over
the goyim, but which cannot be allowed in our Kingdom." (178)

(I am using the L. Fry edition of The Protocols, entitled Waters Flowing Eastward, available from


Similarly the bankers have financed intellectuals and politicians to promote a mania for "senseless utopian principles"
like "collectivism," "freedom of conscience, equality and the like." (182) They are designed to bring down
the Old Order but will have no place in the New.

"We have set them on the hobbyhorse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of collectivism...They
have never yet and they never will reflect that this hobbyhorse is a manifest violation of the most important law of
nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and
precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality..." (159)

"The purely brute mind of the goyim is incapable of analysis and observation and still more of foreseeing whither a certain matter
of settling a question may trend...Their eyes are open but see nothing before them..." (160)

"Everything in this world is in a state of submission, if not to man, then to ... what is stronger. And so shall we be
this something stronger for the sake of good." (163)



Estonian journalist Juri Lina has examined the recently opened Soviet archives and documented the connection between the
Bolshevik Revolution and Jewish Illuminism in his book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion." (1994)

I will probably devote a separate column to this. Suffice to say that Communism was the outcome of the plan outlined in Protocols.
No wonder this book was banned in the USSR on pain of death! Its status in America is a measure of our condition.

Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, all Jewish Freemasons, were essentially dysfunctional losers who were employed by the Illuminist
bankers to hoodwink the masses. Lenin for example had been an unsuccessful lawyer who had only six cases in which he
defended shoplifters. He lost them all. A week later he gave up the law to become a highly paid revolutionary.

Lenin declared: "Peace means quite simply the domination of Communism over the entire world." His reign of terror caused
nine million deaths but you never see him compared to Hitler. The secret police, the Cheka, dominated by Jews, published
the names of 1.7 million people they murdered in 1918-1919, including 300,000 priests.

"A river of blood flowed through Russia," Lina writes. "According to official Soviet Reports, 1,695,904 people were executed
from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, lawyers,
civil servants, writers...Their crime was 'anti social thinking' " (90)


Jews will never understand anti Semitism until they realize that it is not always based on irrational prejudice.

In 1920, Winston Churchill made a distinction between national and "International Jews." He said the latter are behind
"a worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested
development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality...

It played ... a part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during
the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band ...[has] gripped the Russian people by the hair and have become
practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

Our culture, not Protocols, is a hoax. Luciferian Communist Jews set an example for the Nazis. This is not a debating contest
where I convince you to agree with me or vice versa. I am concerned only with the historical
record. Our focus must be on establishing the truth.

Luciferians like Rothschild, Lenin and Hitler still control the planet and intend to enslave humanity. I'm afraid that
this will become increasingly evident. I pray I am wrong. This is a debate I want to lose.

But now the Lotus after 2ooo years has
floated back to the surface above

And a'int nothin gonna be the same again.

What is even better than proving and convicting with pin point accuracy every detail of the individuals that assassinated JFK?
Completing the real Mission JFK set out to do which urged his assassination such that he did not die in vain

King Arthur - Essene Jesus - Horus
Siege Perilious

Clean Install Party
2004 US Presidential Candidacy
- but first a few facts -
 The King Arthur - Essene Jesus - Horus - Siege Perilous Archetype-Incarnation
Odds against chance

10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to i
in fulfillment of
Propehcied Miraculous abilities of
Prophecy - Analysis - Leadership & Military Genius Re-Incarnation and Invincibility ...
beating incredible and inscrutible conspiracies
in addition to his
Predicted and Presented
Introduction to the
3 hours before 5:48:08AM and during
9/11 Wtc Attack

                                                                                         Hitler/Zionist/Bush       vs.                    King Arthur
                                                                                         USA PATRIOT ACT       vs.      1776 US CONSTITUTION

- King Arthur and King Arthur TeamWork namely "The 1776 US Constitution Clean Install Political Party" will take care of this swill -

Hitler/Zionist/Bush Freemason Jesuit Rothschilds English Royalty International Bankers Fed/IMF

Enemy and Killers

                                                                      Before                                                                After
                                                      King Arthur Celtic Archetype                              Blown away by those who want to
                                            Protector and Protecting the US Constitution       destroy the US Constitution destroy liberty and
                                                       and securing World Liberty              enslave the world. When they did it to him they did it to you.

When the Constiutional Rights of anyone os us is violated teh rights of all of us are violated

( 3 ) The Zapruder film shows the President at the time of the headshot being violently throwing BACK AND TO HIS LEFT.
( The Warren Commission Defenders [Namely Arlen "Magic Bullet Jew Zionist" Specter] have sloughed this off as

Neuromuscular reaction.


Why does the best witness in the JFK Case, the Lady in Red seen above who after freezing like everyone else ran across
the street & up the Grassy Knoll after a man walking briskly away ... why does she identify

Jack "Mispuchka Jew Zionist Kharist Rubenstein" Ruby
How come no one knows this fact? How come you never see this fact promoted on
the major networks?
Isn't it about time you simply turned your TV off as garbage and never turn it on again?

Enemy and Killers
of the
King Arthur

The Archetype that is back to an even higher degree and with the success of
1776 US Constitution Clean Install Party
back for good.

In addition to

Analysis & Presentation
What Ruby didn't say but meant

'Now there will be pogroms. They will kill all the Jews.'?
Jack Ruby

  However due to the strength of the major archetypes I fulfilled ... I felt authorized to supercede the Jewish requisite which it turns out is, as I prove
"anotherJewish conspiracy" what else ... and in so authorizing the posting of the Introduction to the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12, though I am
not Jewish I hit the 9/11 synchronicity and the rest is history.

  The Rest is history especially where I later discovered the Essene Book of Revelation which drastically contradicts the orhtodox one ... and of
course the ethnicity of the Coming One is left anonymous ... thus the jewish identity was merely written in .. namely was not part of the original
prophecy but rather a conspiracy whith ulterior motives that I explore.

Thought you'all had a Hil Bil yee on yar hands didn't yee but ya see that a'int so huh

Because of these facts it is clear that I was reacting to and reaching out to the Essen Book of Revelation fulfillment of
Prophecy in my 9/11 posting and not the orthodox version of the Book of Revelation ... Thus it is erroneous
and contrary to my goals to promote that I Introduced the Orthodox Version of Revelations on 9/11

as actually I did not, as actually I

I Introduced on 9/11 three hours before and during the 9/11 Wtc Attack
 True and Original Book of Revelation the Essens version

back to somewhere above:

Note: Prior and subsequent to 9/11 events analysis & research prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the Essene Book of Relvelation is the
Historical, True, Accurate and Original funkadelic "Book of Revelation" and that the author and generation in question

Note: "Incoming" ... "incoming" - a term shouted by Vietnam soldiers for an incoming shell ...  herein another important incoming
anacoluthonic, stream of consciousness insight that simply cannot be ignored

"In the End Days all shall be revealed"
Biblical prophecy

ooouuuuuuuhh caught the bad boys flat footed.

Note: I say funkdeliciousexspealidousspinociz above .... because put yourself in the shoes ... of a potential "Coming One"

1. You fulfill Prophecy at 40 Billion to 1 as seen in the Prophecy/Sychronicity Analysis ... (you scored in the top %1 of
the military test of your country in math and across the board so the above figures are accurate)

2. You then should advise the world of this and show them what you have come up with ... It's your, ... not only your
duty, but more importantly the prophecy is you, in word predictivie form ... so you have to ..
present it to the public ... you it ... ya knowwww

3. Well this means you have to preside over
the dreaded Rev 14:20 et al.

And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and
came out from the wine press,
up to the horses' bridles, for a distance
 two hundred miles.
Re 14:20

  Bummer, that's a Bitch

Who wants to deal with that ssshhhhhhhhh .....t

But somebody's got to do it... and there a'int many walking around who were Born of a Virgin and Walking on Water with
Rev. 20:12 Tatooed on ther forehead ... soon to be 9/11 Rev. 20:12 tatooed to their forehead ... so it looks like you've got to do your job so you

Post an Introduction to your Book on the Internet based upon your Prophecy/Synchronicty Mathematical appraisal that the book
you have been working on is the Book known historically as

Book of Life
Rev. 20;12
- Actually a Plagarization an altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

even though various portions of the prophecy are pretty gruesome ... it's got to be done the math is there, ... the birth ... the LIGHT ... everything

Due to the importance of the insight especially since it is Prophecy related, thus temporarily important, and because the conclusions of your
personal Prophecy calculation methodolgy advising you of
"Born of a Virgin - Walk on Water"
2000th Year Birthdate

you feel it would be the most opportune of times to use
your newly discovered special private copyright date/time stamp methodolgy, that being to merely
Post on the Internet leaving an Internet Date/Time Stamped file manager of the posting besides the posting itself, as proof of
ownership of the earliest recording of whatever posting is in question, thus proof of authorship
of this, your latest Insight, a special insight, as it applies to all your other insights that
form a fantastic string and array of insights, going back 30,000 pages ... you
feel compeled to post as close to
"Born of a Virgin - Walk on Water"
2000th Year Birthdate

as possible, since the Legends, Myths, Fables, Stories, Mysteries, etc. of the ancients, according to your interpretation,
 considered the date to be of supreme importance,

Who are you to question them,

especially considering that much of what

The Ancients have prophecied for over 5,000 years

Is Coming True

... a date that perhaps only a handful know of, though all the information sits right before them,
for it is written:

Though they have eyes they cannot see, though they have ears they cannot here

Jesus, New Test.

On the Secret Birthdate you had the insight, the revelation, that the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 Passage
could actually be speaking of a Book, an insight thta you did not have before because

The way nature had kept you from the Dark forces was to manifest you

Seemingly Out of Nowhere ... From no school, from no known "recent" family, though an analysis of geneology is increasingly
uncovering ann ancient geneological lineage of the highest order ... that Lieage from whence Enoch gained his

And Enoch walked with God;
and he was not;
for God took him

Essene Genesis 5;24

though the entire endeavor or wrtings is based
on the premise that  geneology does not matter ... perhaps it does ...
Either way we are.

From Scratch:

 "Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from
From no expected house cometh that child."42

This prophecy continues to grip the imagination of many Thelemites and also forms the basic plotline for Stranger.

 concerning Horus in the Stranger posting

Note: Interestingly when the child arrives will not he be killed at a young age sue to his abilities?


Interestingly The Coming One's identity is Anonymous in the following three sources

Note: This makes sense of the Crowley "No House" Liber Legis Metaphor
"From no expected house cometh that child."42
2. The Coming One's identity remains anonymous in Essene Prophecy

But one of the Elders said to me
'do not weep Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of david, has prevailed to open the
scroll and to loose its seven seals"
Rev. 5:5 Ortho. Book of Revelation

  Is inserted where the Essenes version states (to the individual witnessing the events, .. John of Patmos in the orthodox version)

And one of the Elders said unto me, "Weep not,
reach out thy hand and take the book,
Yea, even the book with the seven seals, and open it.
For it was written for thee,
Who art at once the Lowest of the Low,
And the highest of the high."

Thus a key fabrication and alteration of the Essene Book of Revelation by it would seem the Tribe of Judah.

3. Even in the Ortho Book of Revelation only he knows his name.

Revelation 19:11-21

12 His eyes R952 are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; R953 and
He has a
Name R954 written on Him which
No one knows except Himself.

13 He is clothed with a robe R955 dipped in blood, and
His name is called The R956
Word of God.

14 And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine R957 linen, white R958 and clean, were following Him on white horses. 15
From R959 His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with R960 it He may strike down the nations,
and He will rule R961 F223 them with a rod of iron; and He R962 treads the wine F224 press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. 16

And on His robe and on His thigh He has a R963 name written,

17 Then I saw an F225 angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice, saying to all R965 the birds which fly in midheaven, R966 "Come, R967 assemble for the great supper of God, 18 so that you may eat R968 the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders F226 and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men, both R969 free men and slaves, and small R970 and great." 19 And I saw the R971 beast and the R972 kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat R973 on the horse and against His army. 20 And the beast was seized, and with him the false R974 prophet who performed R975 the signs in R976 F227 his presence, by which he deceived R977 those who had received the mark R978 of the beast and those who worshiped R979 his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake R980 of fire R981 which burns with brimstone. F228 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which came R982 from the mouth of Him who sat R983 on the horse, and all R984 the birds were filled with their flesh.

1. Either he shall be recognized and protected ... but realizing how most cannot see that which is right before him there arises a better method a
     method that only mother nature can come up with as no imagination is as clever.

Truth is stranger than fiction

Where better to hide

Child of Light
Those of Darkness in the World
if possible
than to

Hide the Light in the Darkness

Sudden emotional trauma damages a Chakra

proceeding too far, too fast too soon, in an ignorant world
Spiritually Imploded the Child
But holding true to
Signs of the Time
as we all must for we are all but the
Analogy of the Times we Live in

Never forgot

Magical Light
he had experienced as a child

In this way Mother nature protected her

"Desired of all Nations"
.... The
"Coming One"
Witness to the Stars
E. W. Bullinger

Who is Born of a Virgin and Walks on Water

When he was an infant

 ... then one day he aked a question
What could have been so terrible to have stopped the Light? What happened to the Light?
What was the Light? Then he began to remember about the Light and when and how he got it?
And he began to research what the Light was ... and contemplate
and in so doing was actually studying from the Greatest Master of All

Light itself

He constructed his own theory of the Light, thus outside of all Houses, outside of all Universities,
Outside of all Religions, Outside of all schools of thought, outside of all Lineages ...

thus fulfilling

 "Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from
No expected house cometh that child."42

This prophecy continues to grip the imagination of many Thelemites and also forms the basic plotline for Stranger.

 concerning Horus in the Stranger posting"

among other prophecies

 ... as his psyche emerged and he began to rememeber he began to do private research with remmberance
of the Light and the experiences of how the Light came and went with his interpretations of why as his forming book

Why was he never caught and murdered by the time of 9/11, Judgement Day?

Because he had no time to be ... because ... just as he

Fully Emerged to make his Judgement

 ... Judgement Day hit

For both are one and the same according to the Laws of Synchronicity

But his Judgement was
Internet Date/Time Stamped
for posterity

again as Synchronicity would have it. History can't have a Prophecied Coming One unless
history can have a system to record the Synchronicites.

Could he have such a date, timing system during any other past era ... no ... such a system
only comes with the Internet.  ...  The
the perfect tecnological advancement for the perfect prophecy requirement

Thus in retrospect how did nature handle the difficult task of nuturing

Coming Child
to adulthood

Mohter Nature Hide the Light in the Darkness ....

Note: Know as the "Repression Process" in psychology or "The Satanic Process" in Bilbical terms or an "Engram" in dianetics

Where to hide the Coming child from Satan

Prince of Darknes
who has eyes and  tentacles everywhere?

Mother nautre hide him
in the
Shadow of Satan
The Last place Stan who look for the
Child of Light.

What did he learn in the Shadow of Satan?

The Best therapist is the one who knows what it is like to have killed one's self
Drama of the Gifted Child
Alice Miller

"By gifted child I mean every child for every child is gifted
Back cover ibid.

He learned the knowledge of the Dead, the knowledge of
the repressed, the Knowledge of the suicidal.

"Do not suppose that the resurrection is an apparition, rather suppose that normal reality is an illusion.
Normal Reality is Spiritual Death
and the
Resurrection is the moment of newness
of transition (transcendence). Are you the
real you mere corruption?
Examine yourself and see that you have arisen.",
Rhegino's Teacher,
Treastise on the Resurrection, Nag Hammadi Library,
The Gnostic Gospels

But the light of course is a source of knowledge too:

Without the Great Awakening at least once one is bound to be a mere intellectual.

One of the greatest Zen masters is said to have stated
"There is much to be learned from
Post Satori
Transmission of the Light
Thomas cleary

"The Zen master states that;
He who has had the satori experience sees how individuals, groups and masses
Transmission of the Light
Thomas cleary

I might as well throw in the next quote from my Archeyes to show you what we shall have:

"Now if all of the above does not nail down the issue that enlightement is not necessarily permanent then nothing will Oh and there of course is Gopi's

... Oceansof infinite Light
came before me .... then later I experienced bouts of terrifying darkness ... then light again, then darkness
this occurred for about 12 years and then I became permanently enlightened.
Living with Kundalini
Gopi Krishna
a regular Indian householder

"'An inner compass is coming that shall surpass all reason and logic'
Beyond the Outsider
Colin Wilson

  ... Oceansof infinite Light
oh yeah


How were those of Darkness to find him in the shadows of Satan ... impossible.... haaaaaaa

How would you describe such a
Dual natured Gnosis
Light & Darkness?

since it
Cuts like a sword
it would apptly be described as a

Two edged sword

sort of like:

Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it he should strike the nations.
Rev. 19:15

elsewhere the same sword is described as:

He had in His right hand seven stars out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the
sun shining in its strength.
Rev. 1;16

Another prophecy fulfilled.

The discering reader is now thinking ... "but you say the ortho Book of Revelations is a fabrication"

A plagarization and fabrication

Obviously the Coming One is going to be quite something to hear ... this is a given ... and of course
his themes, tone, insights shall at times be biting .... since

He is truth
in an endarkened and Deceptive world

Thus referring to orhto. Revelations in the above is not erroneous.

So mother nature's plan was to hide the Coming Child of Light in the Darkness until the last minute, then have the Coming One so
busy catching up intellectually that he wouldn't have time to do anything to be noticed ... also
Grant the Child a method of
Date/Time Stamping
any Insight he has especially the Pinnacle of his Self Awareness
giving him also a tool that would intrigue his sense of the importance of time ... since originally he never believed in any
of this.

While Bush and the Evil one's put their
"foot in their mouth"

Get so desperate and Greedy as the Internet threatens the paradigm creation that has been centuries in the making
 ... (blowing up their own Wtc and blaming it on the other guy)

so that their personal Company of the Moment,
Enron previously serving it's purpose of fleecing the people then being dissolved

... Halliburton... gets all the oil contracts in the theiviery which is the "Iraqi War"

As the truth about the Evil ones' becomes more and more apparent ...
Coming One
 .. too gatthers strength
for in a
mere few years before and after 9/11 he

Risen above
Normal perspectice of
Normal Reality:

"Do not suppose that the resurrection is an apparition, rather suppose that normal reality is an illusion.
Normal Reality is Spiritual Death
and the
Resurrection is the moment of newness
of transition (transcendence). Are you the
real you mere corruption?
Examine yourself and see that you have arisen.",
Rhegino's Teacher,
Treastise on the Resurrection, Nag Hammadi Library,
The Gnostic Gospels

Re-Arranged & Articulated:


Entire Paradigm Creation of the Evil ones
who he calls the
Paradigm masters
that has taken
Thousands of Years to mold.

And now ... now it's about time ... for the next phase:


And I saw the great and small standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is
Book of Life.
And the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the books.
Rev. 2012

 as Rev. 20:12 could ...

more accurately
be describing a method of
Cultural Transmission

"The Method of Cultural transmititon depicted in Revlelations is analogous to the your own method of Transmission of Light
 ... what an idiot you've been not to notice this." he thinks to himself on or the day before the 2000th Year Birthdate."

That was the sign he was waiting for ... up to the 2000th year Birthdate. ... So he feverishely ... wrote up an introduction
of his work as such... as the "Book of Life' Rev. 20:12 ...

The dead bodies, the carnage he would leave that for later ... for now he was compeled by overwhleming odds that can
only be grasped properly in the Synchronicty/Prophecy Analysis:

Within this context and more - the
Synchronicty/Prophecy Analysis he
made the 9/11 Posting that the reader is nwo beign Introduced in ....

And as one seen

The fulfillment
exponentionally increased
with the
Precise Syinchronicity
manifested in the
9/11 posting

Bringing to mind one of my Archetype quots form my Archeyes:

Note: Done touching upon the expansion of the original intuitions created by the chance encounter with Yuval concering approaching future Philpsychrelosophical
          insights through the Medium of Music an issue I have encoutered several times before yet have not even begun to explore as seen by the mere mentioning of
          the Gurdjieff, Pythagoran, Keplerian and Brahe referrances .. et al ..  done, as I have to get around to placing some bets on the HGS Gnomic Mathematic
          REG prediction methodolgy and thus evokings as Goethe would say in the following quote that I encoutered today in doing a brief google search concerning
          the realtionship between Do Re Me etc. and Gurdijieff ...

It is very useful to have an understanding of octaves, as activities will follow octaves. For instance, writing these Web pages,
I have an idea, and decide I will write about it. This is a common Do, the deciding to do something,
which is actually quite a big step; as Goethe said:

"Until one is
there is
The Moment
that one
Definitely commits oneself,
Higher forces move too."

Then there is the first interval - I have to find out how to use HTML, how to write the pages...Each step will
have a certain feel. Knowing the theory of Octaves, I know that there will come a second interval at some
stage, and so I can be prepared for this. The better one understands octaves, the better one can
achieve one's aims. If you know in detail what stages an activity will go though, you can
predict the intervals well, and prepare to successfully cross them.
People who do not expect
difficulties can give up at once, believing that they will never get anywhere, just like the
person who said a watched pot never boils, and gave up before it had had a chance.


Oh yeah ... jsut think of the Coming Child of Light now an adult ... just figured out the 40 billion ot One Prophecy/Synchronicity
analyis .... not forget about it .. at last calculated at


against chance odds.

Actually I have stopped adding to th elist because it is an analogy of everything else, is true, thus is everything and thus ...
constantly validated ... however I shall add the following highly interesting overall major issues:

1. The Essene Book of Revelation Anonymous and "Lowest of the Low Highest of the High" .. well:

But one of the Elders said to me
'do not weep Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of david, has prevailed to open the
scroll and to loose its seven seals"
Rev. 5:5 Ortho. Book of Revelation

  Is inserted where the Essenes version states (to the individual witnessing the events, .. John of Patmos in the orthodox version)

And one of the Elders said unto me, "Weep not,
reach out thy hand and take the book,
Yea, even the book with the seven seals, and open it.
For it was written for thee,
Who art at once the Lowest of the Low,
And the highest of the high."

Thus a key fabrication and alteration of the Essene Book of Revelation by it would seem the Tribe of Judah.


1. The ethnicity of the prophecied Coming One is not Jewish:

   ... but reamins anonymous ... thus supporting the 9/11 posting.

Many of superficial thinking wouldn't even dream that the Coming One of Western Civilization and Western Religion would nto be Jewish .. let
alone make a posting of the Introduction of the 'Book of Life"Rev. 20:12 ... a Book that is described within the most throughly Jewish enviroment
imaginable ..

The Lord giveth
(Allowed the Jews a 2000 year stretch or reign of having it spelled out that one of their
Tribe would be the Coming One)

and the Lord taketh away
(The Truth emerges after 2000 Years ... the Jews wrote their way into prophecy ... the Essenes and
Jesus just happened to get crucified at the same time ... at the time the Internet arrives so the news shall spread quickly)

2. Anonymous ethnicity of the Coming One:

Who art at once the Lowest of the Low,

     And the highest of the high."

  Obviously if he is worthy of taking the Book not Scroll, for in the Essene version it is a book, only in the orhto. version is it a scroll. .. obviously he is
spiritually worthy ... thus how is he "low" ... "at once" ... This must refer to his lack of materialism ... and the "Lowest of the Low" would mean homelss
but is this not the analogy of the Evola research. From the powerful HolyGrial.OrgAcle Archeyes .. one obtains:

Another attribute prophecied concerning the Holy Grail Hermit, the one to bring the Holy Grail to mankind,
is, according to various sources, that he lives in the woods or is homeless

Mysteries of the Grail

Thus a powerfull alignment, between the Essene and Grail prophecies emergers. ... for a little known but powerful intricacy of Grail Prophecy
since it would seemingly be difficult to be homeless yet ... be the Coming One, be the one that outwits Harvard , Yale and Ecole ...
 ... thus a powerful factor .. to actually manifest and acheive.

Is a Buddhaist monk who lives in a monestary homeless, no ... Thus one is talking about a "really" homeless guy ... go out and find a couple of
homeless guys and see how smart they are... and if they have the spirituality of the Coming One?

3. Essene Book of Revelation ... Book of hiram Essene -Templar - Gria Connection:

Complimenting the emergence of the Essene
Book of Revelation differences with the orthodox version which have only been touched upon herein
     by the way and if one were encouraged to compare the two they would be shock at the apparent Plagarization then specific altercation to fulfill
     ulterior motive self-fulfilling prophecies. SCHOCKED

  Complimenting the above however is the fact revealed in Book of Hiram that the Original Templar movement, known as the "Guardians of the Grail"
have tremendously strong ties to the Essenes ...

  Thus from two directions one is beckoned by make an

Essene Grail Connection

True fulfillment of Holy Grail Prophecy
should be
and as we see is
Connected to Essene Prophecy

4. Enoch - Essene - Newgrange Ireland thus Celtic thus King Arthur Connection:

Court of the Crimson King (Court of King Arthur)
I. Lyrics:
   1. Politicians funerla Pyre.
   2. 21st Century Schizoid man

3. "But a musician believes in Music as if it were God
    with that band  ... music (God)  took over that  band ... we knew that something was goin on ... it didn't anything to do with us ... we knew what was right .
    .. there is a very good singular intent with the music
4. King Krimson Debuted April 9th , 1969 at the speak easy club

II. Robert had asked me if I wanted to continue the  band under the name King Crimson ...Ian and  Mike Giles Ian McDonald  and with both of them missing ...
     I just didn't feel it was the same band ... now it might not matter but then ... flet that It should  not be called the same band ...  now a days it probably would

III Elp morphed out of King Crimson thus the "essential" archetypes are:

1. Crimson King
2. Court of the Crimson King
    a. Court of King Arthur:
       1. Crimson: Of all shades of red "Crimson" is that most associated with blood

16 Then He who sat on the cloud swung F154 His sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped. 17 And another angel came R690 out of the temple F155 which is in heaven, and he also had a sharp sickle. 18 Then another angel, the R691 one who has power over fire, came out from the R692 altar; and he called with a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, "Put R693 F156 in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters from F157 the vine of the earth, because R694 her grapes are ripe." 19 So the angel swung F158 his sickle to the earth and gathered the clusters from the vine of the earth, and threw them into the R695 great wine press of the wrath of God. 20 And the R696 wine press was trodden outside R697 the city,
 blood R698 came out from the wine press, up to the horses' bridles, for F159 a distance
of two F160 hundred miles.

Rev. 14:20

 came out from the wine press, up to the horses' bridles,
for  a distance

Two hundred miles.

Rev. 14:20

      2. Court
      3. King:
            a. King Arthur
            b. King of King's: Apocalypse
            c. "Return of the King" JRR Tolkein

Note: See the tremedous synchronicity concering the "Return of the King" and Philpsychrelosophy especially

1. 5,000 BC Essene:

2. 3500BC: Newgrange Ireland Shechinah: Book of Hiram
3. Essene: 50BC Qumran, Dead Sea Scrolls, nag Hammadi Library
4. Jesus is an Essene

Note: Essenes are a non denominational groupt that according to Josephus did not believe in wedlock, and took on as students to others for .. according
           to SZekely traced back to Sumer ... thus genetically were "non denominational" as purest form of the Global movement is known as the Essenes ...

"The Essene Worship'
saw that his people would perish
Because they did not see the Light of Life,
He chose
the best of ISRAEL,
So that they might make the Light of Life
To shine before the sons of men,
And Those
were called


Because they taught the ignornat And healed the sick,
And they gathered on the eve of every seventh day
To rejoice with the Angels.
The Gospel of the Essenes, p. 133


  Thus it is clear that the Essenes are the true "chosen people" not the Jews, since:

And I wept, because the Book could not be opened,
Nor was I able to read what there was writtien.
And one of the leders saith unto me.
Do not weep. Behold the Lion of the Tribe
of Judah, the Root of David,
hath prevailed to open up the Scroll
an dloose its seven seals.
Rev. 5:5

of Rev. 5:5 is violently contradicted by:

And I wept, because the Book could not be opened,
Nor was I able to read what there was writtien.
And one of the leders saith unto me. 'Weep not.
Reach out thye hand, and take the book
Yea even the book with th eseven seals and open it.
For it was sritten for thee,
Who art at once the lowest of the low,
And the highest of the high.
The Gospel of the Essenes, p. 89

of the essens with many more word for word plagarlizations interwoven with fabrications shown by the HolyGrailOrgAcle

And Enoch walked with God;
and he was not;
for God took him.
Essene Genesis 5:24
The Gospel of the Essenes, p. 73

The finding of several copies of this ancient text amon the
 Dead Sea Scrolls
demonstrated the Bruce had found an entirely authentic version.

In the section entitled
'The Book of the Heavenly Luminaries'
the reader is told how the
earthly biblical hero
was taken on a journey


  The wise do not let it pass them that the prophecy of the Siege Perilous is that the Coming One comes from the North. .. The entire theme

to be shown the secrets of astronomy. From the dates of the year given and th elenght of daylight seen, it is possible to
reconstruct the latitude  at which th eobserver must have been standing. In Uriel's Machine we explained how this information led us
to believe that the descriptions attributed to Enoch refer to a journey to the megalithic structures at Stonehedge in England and
Newgrange in Ireland
The Book of Hiram, p. 32
Knight and Lomas

 The megalithic culture was untilo quite recently never considered to be other than an isolated phenomenon a
cultural oddity, and any possible links with other cultures were vehemently denied. 15

15, Sun, Moon and Stonehedge. Proof of High Culture in Ancient Britain
Robin Heath
The Book of Hiram. Ibid

What we had no right to expect was that th e[Pharaonic] inch and the megalithic yard are connected, through the [Sumerian] foot one might
sqay thus apparently linking Egyptian culture with the Stonehedge 'Wessex' culture.

This observation lead him to further observe that the geometry of the henge platform at Stonehedge, a structure known to have
been built by the Grooved waqre people, used are measurement systems based on an ancient Egyptian unit of area
called the aroura and the modern acre, which had also been used in building
the Great Pyramids at Giza. he said of this:

Here we have a physicla artefact representing historically validated measurement
techniques, which are taken to be Egyptian in origin.

he went on to add that this interpretation had to be called into question, as the ditch and henge at Stoneheedge pre-dated the Great Pyramids
by hundreds of years. 16

As heath hunted for a viable alternative explanation for this overlap of measurement systems he noticed the length of day remarks in th ebook of
Enock and also Enock's comments about being taken to the far norht. In Heath's ow eords;

Who says that there are no accounts of the European megalithi culture and its astronomy in the Middle East cultural record?


of JRR Tolkein is the
Holy Grail
Realm of the Ring Lords

Sir Laurence Gardner

            d. Synchronicity:
                  All of these occurrences are occurring NOW

Note: The IMF financial conspiracy to dominate the Planet is in full swing NOW,

"Forcing secret documents on entire countries that charge 20 to 70% loansharking interest rates"
Joe Stiglitz

Former chief economist of the World Bank
Nobel Prize winner economics
The Greatest Money Democracy can Buy,
Greg Palast

      4. English heritage of the musicians thus steeped in the Lore of King Arthur

3. "21st Century Schizoid man": prophetic of the 9/11 21st Century Us patriot Act ...
4. "Politicians funeral Pyre"; Halliburton gets all the Iraqi oil
5. "Musician believes in Music as if it were God"
6. "Music [thus God .. thus The King Arthur Archetype, ]

Siege Perilous
is the
"13th Chair of the Holy Grail Roundtable",
"Center Seat",
"From the North",
"From the Hiberborea"
round which ...
"The 13th Seat round which all the other 12 chairs of the Holy Grail Roundtable Revolve"
those chairs representing ...
"12 chairs of the roundtable represent
 12 signs of the Zodiac."

It is
"Prophecied that none dare sit upon the Siege Perilous except he who is
to come, all other die trying by being thrown into the pit"

... When Moses sat upon the Siege Perilous the floor opened beneath
him and he was thrown into the fires there.
Is the Chair of
One to Come
"The Seat from which a New Universe is created"
Is the chair from which the
"Holy Grail Lands are restored"
Mysteries of the Grail

                     "Moreover, the dangerous nature of the Grail can be seen in relation to the theme of the Siege Perilous
                and to the test it constitutes for those who want to assume the role of the 'awaited hero' and supreme leader
                of the Knights of the round Table. This is the 'empty chair' or 'thirteeth chair' or 'polar seat' that I have previously
                discussed; every time a nonchosen or unworthy person takes this seat, either an abyss opens up underneath
                him or he is stricken by a thunderbolt. Thus when the disciple Moses sits at the table of Joseph of Arimathea
                (which is not to be confused with the Round Table), he is grabbed by seven fiery hands and destroyed 'just as a
                fire incinerates a piece of wood'6 Later on, the text describes this event in the following terms: half of the fire that
                consumes Moses is put out, but the other half will keep on burning until Galahad cones to bring the adventure of
                the Grail to a successful end. A variation is the 'test of the vessel'; the only ones who enjoy the ecstasy of the
                Grail are those who, sitting at the table of Joseph of Arithmathea, are not stained with any offense. On this
                occasion, Moses, after taking a seat analogous to the Siege Perilous, is swallowed up into an Abyss that opens
                underneath his feet; according to a Christian explanation, this happens because of his lack of faith, he being the
                false disciple. We also encounter another theme, according to which the only person who can successfully seek
                the Grail is the one who will sit in the golden seat represented by the supernatural woman. Six knights who have
                attempted to sit in it have suddenly fallen into an abyss; when Percival sits in it, a terrible thunder resounds and
                the earth opens up, yet he remains sitting calmly at his place. Impassable, clothed in his calm dignity and in the
                purity of his strength, nothing can overcome him….
                   This dangerous aspect of the Grail should be considered as a limit case of what the Grail can do, depending
                on the nature of those who come in contact with it. The power of the Grail destroys all those who try to hold it
                without having the proper qualifications, or who attempt to usurp it by repeating the Titantic, Luciferian, or
                Promethean deed. A significant expression is found, in this regard, in Wolfram, when he says figuratively that to
                those who are guilty, the Grail Is so heavy that they could not hole it up even if they all tried to at the same time.
                What causes the power of life to act as a destructive force (e.g., the fire That consumes Moses) is the very
                excess that the transcendent power constitutes for a conditioned being who is tied to his own limitations.", p. 68
                The Mystery of the Grail, Renowned Julius Evola
                 "Moreover, in the cycle of the Grail and of King Arthur, such symbolism was connected with a further theme,
                  that of the Siege Perilous, a seat at the Round Table purposely left vacant and reserved for an awaited and
                  predestined knight, superior to everybody else, sometimes is portrayed as the thirteenth knight and who clearly
                  corresponds to the same supreme function of a center, of a leader or pole for the twelve, and who is the image
                  or representative of the Cakravartin or Universal Ruler.8", p. 34 ibid.
                  '…trial in the Siege Perilous…Percival remains calm and unmoved when, after he sits in the Siege Perilous, the
                  earth opens up and thunder booms as if world were exploding.
                   Percival, however, owing to his bravery, which

                  was not accompanied by asking the question (hence the reproach of one of the women:
                                 'Your Lord hate you: it is a miracle that the earth does not swallow you up')
                   must now go through a series of adventures. Only after he receives the Grail is the stone of the Round Table,
                   which broke in half under him, completely restored.", p. 113, Idid.
Mysteries of the Grail

In the superimposition of the above one has:

A new universe is created from this center seat, the 13th chair of the Holy Grail roundtable ... thus King Arthur, also associated with
the theme of the  'the One to Come" thus analogous to the "Coming One" the "desired of all Nations" of Bullinger.

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac represent the 12 Tribes of Israel
E.W. Bullinger

The 12 discipes represent the 12 Signs of the Zodiac

"12 chairs of the roundtable represent
 12 signs of the Zodiac."

Mysteries of the Grail

Superimposing the above three one has that "KingArthur the once and future King" is one and the same with the Resurrection of Jesus, thus God,
 but to a musician according the Robert Frisk band member of King Crimson.

"Music is God"

... and

 "... but with that band music [thus God using the words out of ban member Robert Frisk's mouth] took ofver the band"

with the "Coming
One" theme of Bullinger etc... thus the Last Judgement theme thus a blood theme:

 came out from the wine press, up to the horses' bridles,
for  a distance
Two hundred miles.
Rev. 14:20


  The Archetype that took over the King Crimson band was the King Arthur theme.

seemingly King Arthur analogous or at least related

End Crison King Sychronicity study: Quoted in the above because of the Book of Hiram and Siege Perilous quotes and that is but the tip of
the Newgrange ireland - Enoch - Essene - Templar Grail - 9/11 Introduction to the "Book of Life"Rev. 20:12 - HolyGrail.OrgAcle -
Book of Life = essens Book of Golden Pages Lineage.

The Essene Book of Golden Pages = The Essene Cup of Eternal Life = The Cup of Christ (an Essene) = The Holy Grail

Only he who is worthy may take the book from the hand onf the one woh sits upon the throne

Only he who is worthy can enter the Grail Castle.

Only he who is worthy can see the Grail

All the same thing

I am going to just throw this in becasue it looks cool ... No actually because in scanning for recent writings concerning the Essene - Grail
connection I came upon my 2/104 writings and it has a female Goddes thus Grai theme the point being:

1. Magdalene's Lost Legacy by Starbird begins to present  the Mary Magdalene/Virgo Connection
2. Book of Hiram ... makes the  Newgrange Ireland /Shekinah  -  Enoch - Essene  -  Judaic Holy of Holies King Solomaon Temple - Templars -
    Holy Grail connection

   Thus notice the Strong Feminine ... Shekinah/Virgo

3. From Charpentier detailed elsewhere one sees that the notre dame complex of Cathedrals consists of 10 Cathedars, thus Yod, 10, The hermit the
   Virgo card of Crowley's Book of Thoth ... of 10 Cathdrals .. that make the shape of the VIrgo Constellation ..

4. E. W. Bullinger's Witness to the Stars or course makes the case for the Coming One beign Born of a Virgin (Virgo)


Godess Number Seven

We have noted that
one of the significant numbers in the sumbolic system of the ancient world that relate to
'sacred feminine,'
 and we are familiar with its standing for
Completion of a cycle of time.

  Note the stunning synchronistic parallel in the worlds "Completion of a cycle of time" with Vergil's Nascitur Ordo Saeclorum poem (see that analysis) .. namely:
1. Note: Specifically the Number 7 is associated with a "Completion of a cycle of time" not. Since 7 is a low number this means that may cycles of 7 may occur
    in various issues for instance time, for instance thousands of years of time.  Thus the issue of Cycles within cycles within cycles of time .. etc.. Inner cycles ending
    at the 7 ...
note: * octaves the 8th being a repeat of the first I believe.

9.1 Number 
.."the harmonic intervals of the 7 notes of the scale explored by Pythagoras, which have certain correspondences to the intervals of the 7 planets of antiquity, and perhaps to the 7 shells of the modern atom, not to mention the 7 octaves of the piano keyboard and the 7 octaves of the Periodic Table of Elements",

Whoa look at this site ... I went to google to track the number of octaves..  "number of 8 octaves 8th a repeat"  and found the following down about 20 or so.

"I-Ching Circle
... the number of photons per electron), 14.34375 ^8 power = 1836 ... may be telling us is
that the number of photons ... Grace Factor) raised to the 7th octave level as ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages"

Then shortening the url of the page I hit I located the homepage and obtained:

Impossible  Correspondence

*The Forth Wave*
Seeing From the 4th Gravitic Dimension

Analogic thinking (Analogy)

Trinary and Quadratic Logic
Unification: Mind linking with and ordering matter
I. Analogic thinking (Analogy):

is analogous to my:

The Art and Science of Archetype, Analogy, Axiom, Paradigm, Metaphor, Simile and Fractal Analysis

"Analogic Thinking" is seen through-out PPR. permeates, perhaps is theessence of PPR.


Synchronicity: The Brigde between Mind and Matter by Peat

  Was one of the first books I obtained after I made the:
   a.  9/11 Wtc Attack and
   b. 5:48:08Am 9/11 to 9:03AM 9/11 postin, Internet  Date/Time provalbe posting of the Introduction to the Last Judgement.

  Connection  besides the:

3. 5Am to 5:45AM 9/11 Random Number Generator Anomaly

in addition to the other

4. 14 Analgois of the Last Judgement that occurred on 9/11

  is analogous to the "mind linking with and ordering matter." portion of's

"Unification: Mind linking with and ordering matter"

III. Unification:

  The Unification theme is inherent in the word Philpsychrelosophy itself besides of course the entire premise of PPR, especially the theory of
Analogy of Oneness

that was one of the topics of the 9/11 posting 3 hours before and during the 9/11 posting ..

In I may have found a new favorite site ... ladies and gentlemen.

1. The Hierophant moves only at intervals of 2000 years.
2. The Holy Grail Society picked 9/7/2001 as the dead line to make the move and moved on that day.
3. The mayan Claendar started on 9/7 according to a website that quoted Encyclopedia Britannia
end Hgs.

 Number Seven
was associated with
Holy Spirit
and with
Holy Wisdom - the Sophia
sought by philosophers (literally, 'lovers of wisdom')
who, according to a first-century work called The Wisdom of Solomon was described as

'immaculate mirror of God's energy'

'spouse of God'1

1. Susan Haskins, Mary Magdalen, Myth and Metaphor 48
Magdalene's Lost legacy
Symbolic numbers and the Sacred Union in Chrisitianity, p. 125
Margaret Starbird

These correspondences of the goddess number with mary the Magdalene are crucial to the correct understanding of th eGospel story.
In long standing tradition, it was she, understood by early Gnostics as an
Incarnation of the Sophia,
anointed Jesus
at the
 banquet at Bethany
- ritually proclaiming him
which literally means
'the anointed one'

By using an epithet for this mary that
equated her by Gematrai with Sophia, and "Holy Wisdom,'
the architects of the New Covenant were
naming this woman the 'sister bride' of their Lord,
just as surely as wisdom was th ebride sought by
the youthful King Solomon according to the wisdom literture of Judaism. ...

Virgo - "Our Lady"

In the
Lost Language of Symbolism Harold Bayley shows the primitive roots of Indo-European words.
root of
Mary Magdalene's
combines the root syllable
 (the feminine)
and means
'great woman'
We find this syllable in English words like magnificient, and magnanimous which
 retain the feminine flavor (elegant, generous)
Magdalene's Lost legacy
Symbolic numbers and the Sacred Union in Chrisitianity, p. 125
Margaret Starbird


Thus your Book, the 30,000 pages that you called 8 years earlier

"Principia of Light"
"light' being an analogy of "Life"
Thus your Book of Light could just as easliy be called
Book of Life
but what stirred you actually was the

which had just passed
... so you shout like a madman at your girlfriend that no you cannot celebrate but
have to work in order to stay as close to the Birthdate as possible. Night and day you feverously work ...
on the

to the

Book of Life
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

not the "Book of Life" itself which is a mere Stream of Consciousness and is already written

decide to post your lastest insight, your latest Revelation,
That as soon as you can  ... You finally complete
what you feel is a strong enough rendtion of the Introduction to the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 such that it may need
only minor adjustments  and so post it at 5:48:09 AM 9/11 3 hours before the 9/11 Wtc Attack.

You have not predicted but presented to Mankind


It's out it's posted it's ... and while working  on minor adjustments

Wtc gets hit once then twice ... then falls down ...


But post 9/11 research comes up with the perfect solution, the Essene Book of Revelation

Yes, yes yes

"Well the Mass media didn't tell me bout that one cap"

....  So shake it so shake it so shake it all night lonnnggggggg ....

As I said Sssshhhhhh.... t ... with a Sapitol S and Lo and Behold

 it turns out to  be Jew Jew Sssshhhhhiiiiii........t

1. No, Jew Jew was mentioned at Rev. 5:5, and you are not Jewish .... You knew the other evidence overpowered the Jew angle
and so you made the posting anyway that happened to be on 9/11 as Synchronicity would have it  .... but now

'You got dynamite capin"

Jew Sssshhhhhhhhhh .......t

Who wrote the book? Jews? To be fair some shall actually say no? So then one ponders ... Well who benefits?
Who has been written up in the Book of Revelation

"... take the book of he who sits upon the throne but who's face cannot be seen"
Essene Book of Revelation

From my extensive Archeyes  ..... Drrrrruuummmm Roolllll

But one of the Elders said to me
'do not weep Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of david, has prevailed to open the
scroll and to loose its seven seals"
Rev. 5:5 Ortho. Book of Revelation

  Is inserted where the Essenes version states (to the individual witnessing the events, .. John of Patmos in the orthodox version)

And one of the Elders said unto me, "Weep not,
reach out thy hand and take the book,
Yea, even the book with the seven seals, and open it.
For it was written for thee,
Who art at once the Lowest of the Low,
And the highest of the high."

Thus a key fabrication and alteration of the Essene Book of Revelation by it would seem the Tribe of Judah.

....  So shake it so shake it so shake it all night lonnnggggggg ....

"Jew Jew has lot of plaining to do cap"

Detailed analysis shows what?

We gonna get our group Lighhhhttt kid.

One actually sees internal Light well let's leave that for later

Detailed analysis shows that:

Thar's a new sheriff in Town

You'all been doing a lot o Lying down har

Strides upon a horse called faithful and true and sits upon the throne and Judges
Our friend Essene
Book of Revelation

Strides upon a horse called faithful and true and sits upon the throne and Judges and makes war
Ortho Book of Revelation

Opps ... somebody placed in War ... opps ... just a mistake ... no ulterior motives involved. .. Jew Jew Version that dominaties All of
Western Civiliazation .. They just
 Love to make War

Don't tell me now that Jew Jew has the added ulterior motives besides:

1. They get to take the book from the hand of the one who ssits upon the throne who's face cannot be seen of;
2. Control the Money Supply
3. Are engrained in the Military Industrial Complex and armament factories

No don't tell me that capin ... why cause that would implicate Jew Jew as the writer of it all

During the Anti-Monopoly Congressional hearings pertaining to Standard Oil it came to light that the
Cleveland Bank of Ohio lend the money to the Rockerfellars for their consolidation of the
Oil Industry and it was ascertained that
owned the bank
En Route to Global Occupation

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve

Chart 1

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
Published 1976

Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.


N.M. Rothschild ,
London - Bank of England
                                |                                     |
                                |                           J. Henry Schroder

                                |                             Banking | Corp.
                                |                                     |
                          Brown, Shipley - Morgan Grenfell - Lazard - |
                           & Company        & Company       Brothers  |
                                |               |              |      |
            --------------------|        -------|              |      |
            |                   |        |      |              |      |
 Alex Brown - Brown Bros. - Lord Mantagu - Morgan et Cie -- Lazard ---|
 & Son      |  Harriman       Norman     |    Paris          Bros     |
            |                   |        /      |            N.Y.     |
            |                   |       |       |              |      |
            |            Governor, Bank | J.P. Morgan Co -- Lazard ---|
            |            of England    /  N.Y. Morgan       Freres    |
            |            1924-1938    /   Guaranty Co.      Paris     |
            |                        /    Morgan Stanley Co.  |      /
            |                       /           |              \Schroder Bank
            |                      /            |              Hamburg/Berlin
            |                     /      Drexel & Company         /
            |                    /       Philadelphia            /
            |                   /                               /
            |                  /                           Lord Airlie
            |                 /                               /
            |                /     M. M. Warburg       Chmn J. Henry Schroder
            |                |      Hamburg ---------  marr. Virginia F. Ryan
            |                |         |               grand-daughter of Otto
            |                |         |                Kahn of Kuhn Loeb Co.
            |                |         |
            |                |         |
Lehman Brothers N.Y -------------- Kuhn Loeb Co. N. Y.
            |                |     --------------------------
            |                |       |                      |
            |                |       |                      |
Lehman Brothers - Mont. Alabama   Solomon Loeb           Abraham Kuhn
            |                |     __|______________________|_________
Lehman-Stern, New Orleans   Jacob Schiff/Theresa Loeb  Nina Loeb/Paul Warburg
-------------------------    |       |                      |
             |               | Mortimer Schiff        James Paul Warburg
_____________|_______________/       |
|            |          |   |        |
Mayer Lehman |     Emmanuel Lehman    \
|            |          |              \
Herbert Lehman     Irving Lehman        \
|            |          |                \
Arthur Lehman \    Phillip Lehman     John Schiff/Edith Brevoort Baker
              /         |             Present Chairman Lehman Bros
             /  Robert Owen Lehman    Kuhn Loeb - Granddaughter of
            /           |             George F. Baker
           |           /               |
           |          /                |
           |         /           Lehman Bros Kuhn Loeb (1980)
           |        /                  |
           |       /             Thomas Fortune Ryan
           |      |                    |
           |      |                    |
      Federal Reserve Bank Of New York |
           ||||||||                    |
  ______National City Bank N. Y.       |
  |        |                           |
  |   National Bank of Commerce N.Y ---|
  |        |                            \
  |   Hanover National Bank N.Y.         \
  |        |                              \
  |   Chase National Bank N.Y.             \
  |                                        |
  |                                        |
Shareholders - National City Bank - N.Y.   |
-----------------------------------------  |
  |                                        /
James Stillman                            /
Elsie m. William Rockefeller             /
Isabel m.  Percy Rockefeller            /
William Rockefeller          Shareholders - National Bank of Commerce N. Y.
J. P. Morgan                 -----------------------------------------------
M.T. Pyne                    Equitable Life - J.P. Morgan
Percy Pyne                   Mutual Life - J.P. Morgan
J.W. Sterling                H.P. Davison - J. P. Morgan
NY Trust/NY Edison           Mary W. Harriman
Shearman & Sterling          A.D. Jiullard - North British Merc. Insurance
|                            Jacob Schiff
|                            Thomas F. Ryan
|                            Paul Warburg
|                            Levi P. Morton - Guaranty Trust - J. P. Morgan
Shareholders - First National Bank of N.Y.
J.P. Morgan
George F. Baker
George F. Baker Jr.
Edith Brevoort Baker
US Congress - 1946-64
Shareholders - Hanover National Bank N.Y.
James Stillman
William Rockefeller
Shareholders - Chase National Bank N.Y.
George F. Baker


Chart 2

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
- Published 1983

The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century, embracing as it does the program (Belgium ReliefCommission) which provisioned Germany from 1915-1918 and dissuaded Germany from seeking peace in 1916; financing Hitler in 1933 so as to make a Second World War possible; backing the Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover ; and even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.

The head of the Bank of England since 1973, Sir Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England (controlled by the House of Rothschild) was chairman of J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Company of London from 1963-72, and director of J. Henry Schroder,New York and Schroder Banking Corporation,New York,as well as Lloyd's Bank of London, and Rolls Royce. He maintains a residence on Sutton Place in New York City, and as head of "The London Connection," can be said to be the single most influential banker in the world.


                               J. Henry Schroder
                          Baron Rudolph Von Schroder
                           Hamburg - 1858 - 1934
                            Baron Bruno Von Schroder
                            Hamburg - 1867 - 1940
 F. C. Tiarks                         |
 1874-1952                            |
     |                                |
 marr. Emma Franziska                 |
 (Hamburg)                    Helmut B. Schroder
 J. Henry Schroder 1902               |
 Dir. Bank of England                 |
 Dir. Anglo-Iranian                   |
 Oil Company         J. Henry Schroder Banking Company N.Y.
                       J. Henry Schroder Trust Company N.Y.
                  |                                        |
            Allen Dulles                              John Foster Dulles
          Sullivan & Cromwell                        Sullivan & Cromwell
          Director - CIA                             U. S. Secretary of State
                                                     Rockefeller Foundation

 Prentiss Gray
Belgian Relief Comm.                     Lord Airlie
Chief Marine Transportation              -----------
US Food Administration WW I          Chairman; Virgina Fortune
Manati Sugar Co. American &          Ryan daughter of Otto Kahn
British Continental Corp.            of Kuhn,Loeb Co.
       |                                    |
       |                                    |
 M. E. Rionda                               |
 ------------                               |
Pres. Cuba Cane Sugar Co.                   |
Manati Sugar Co. many other                 |
sugar companies.                     _______|
       |                            |
       |                            |
 G. A. Zabriskie                    |
 ---------------                    |                Emile Francoui
Chmn U.S. Sugar Equalization        |                --------------
Board 1917-18; Pres Empire          |            Belgian Relief Comm. Kai
Biscuit Co., Columbia Baking        |            Ping Coal Mines, Tientsin
Co. , Southern Baking Co.           |            Railroad,Congo Copper, La
                                    |            Banque Nationale de Belgique
             Suite 2000 42 Broadway | N. Y                      |
         |                          |                           |
         |                          |                           |
    Edgar Richard            Julius H. Barnes             Herbert Hoover
    -------------            ----------------             --------------
Belgium Relief Comm         Belgium Relief Comm       Chmn Belgium Relief Com
Amer Relief Comm            Pres Grain Corp.           U.S. Food Admin
U.S. Food Admin             U.S. Food Admin           Sec of Commerce 1924-28
1918-24, Hazeltine Corp.    1917-18, C.B Pitney       Kaiping Coal Mines
   |                        Bowes Corp, Manati        Congo Copper, President
   |                        Sugar Corp.                  U.S. 1928-32
John Lowery Simpson
Sacramento,Calif Belgium Relief                       |
Comm. U. S. Food Administration             Baron Kurt Von Schroder
Prentiss Gray Co. J. Henry Schroder         -----------------------
Trust, Schroder-Rockefeller, Chmn         Schroder Banking Corp. J.H. Stein
Fin Comm, Bechtel International           Bankhaus (Hitler's personal bank
Co. Bechtel Co. (Casper Weinberger        account) served on board of all
Sec of Defense, George P. Schultz         German subsidiaries of ITT . Bank
Sec of State (Reagan Admin).              for International Settlements,
            |                             SS Senior Group Leader,Himmler's
            |                             Circle of Friends (Nazi Fund),
            |                             Deutsche Reichsbank,president
Schroder-Rockefeller & Co. , N.Y.
Avery Rockefeller, J. Henry Schroder
Banking Corp., Bechtel Co., Bechtel
International Co. , Canadian Bechtel
Company.          |
         Gordon Richardson
Governor, Bank of England
1973-PRESENT C.B. of J. Henry Schroder N.Y.
Schroder Banking Co., New York, Lloyds Bank
Rolls Royce


** Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report,Committee on Banking,Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.


Well Lookie here capin I was looking in my Archeyes for a quote concerning the honorable and respectable Casper Wine Fuck .. Jew Jew Fuck
Khazar Mishpuchka Weinberger Casper Weinberger that is as mentioned in his involvement in the Military Industrial complex ... and  ... yes siree
lookie here I got Jew Jew Fuck fuck Wineberger in my personal Federal Reserve Archeyes ... MY MY MY .. little Fuck Fuck is making my point for
me ... Damm WINE Fuck you gonna ruin my point you gonna deliver the punch before the joke ... ah ... little Fuck Fuck ... you a good right
little Jew yes you is ... tied into the Military Industrial Complex as I shall show shortly and here tied in with the Fed .. why you be making money
both ways .. every which nigger huh .. and killin all them Goy all the way ... a'int that right sire ...a'int that right .... answer the question put to you
boy .. and killin all them Goy all the way ... a'int that right ... Jew Jew ... and you down with the Jew Jew Killing of goy JFK ... now weren't you
boy ... done blew his head clean off in broad daylight and done got away with it ...

Till now that is ... Jew Jew

Ladies and getlemen of the Jury these are all facts and this in no way

Superficial Biased Research

which I assume is the definition of Anti to the Anti o the Anti-Semitism

Ah Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury some of may favoritie authors happen to be Jewish .. Makow, Hoffman, Israel Shahak,
Freedman, Koestler ... shall I continue ,,, and in fact I compile the most incriminating evidence against jews
from the insiders ...... Jews ...

So I consider it an insult .... well okay I admit it actually
I consider it a compliment to be called

Yup yes yes siree I do and why? ... Cause that means you tell the truth and the truth is close to God ...

and I am that I am

for I am the Virgo, The Yod, the Father, The Hermit, the Phallus

and I have

9/11 Rev. 20:12 tattoed across my soul
I am Rev. 20:12 9/11

Now 9/11 was suppose to be the most Joyous day in Mankind's history .... that's the way I was planning it as
I was offerin to unveil my Book about my Light that would guide mankind out of the Darkness

 but then the

"The American Jew Sandhedrin"
The Opium Lords, Astucia
Fish in the Courthouse, Gary Wean
Final Judgement, Piper

that ordered the Wtc to be bombed in 1993 ... had to do it all over again .. now why would I say somethin insane like that
when I was doing pretty good so far... oh that's right darn ... the informant in the 1993 Wtc bombing got
so scared after he procured for the Arab terrorists the money and the bombs for bombing ... by way
 of the FBI yes the Jew Jew FBI supplies all the monies and the bombs   ... after the Fbi
told the informant to go through with the bombing even though there was enough
evidence already to convict everyone ..... after the FBI told him to

"Now go ahead and blow up the Wtc"

At about that time he got really nervous ... and decided to tape the dumb Fucking Jew Jew FBI
and successfully did...

Well Heck capin now we know who probably blew up the Wtc a second time....

Another proxy of Jew Jew American Sandhedrin FBI

Just like Oswald was their "Patsy"

Note: Proxy is a little more intricate than patsy but both serve the same person

"Blame the other guy"

As you know Ruby shot JFK

oh insane one

Ruby shot JFK

In Order for you to understand you would have to my hellified Niggified

JFK Archeyes

- In IE Browser view at 75% -

What is even better than proving and convicting with pin point accuracy every detail of the individuals that assassinated JFK?
Completing the real Mission JFK set out to do which urged his assassination such that he did not die in vain

King Arthur - Essene Jesus - Horus

                 Siege Perilious


Clean Install Party
2004 US Presidential Candidacy
- but first a few facts -
 The King Arthur - Essene Jesus - Horus - Siege Perilous Archetype-Incarnation
Odds against chance
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to i
in fulfillment of
Propehcied Miraculous abilities of
Prophecy - Analysis - Leadership & Military Genius Re-Incarnation and Invincibility ...
beating incredible and inscrutible conspiracies
in addition to his
Predicted and Presented
Introduction to the
3 hours before 5:48:08AM and during
9/11 Wtc Attack

Hitler/Zionist/Bush        vs.          King Arthur

                                                            USA PATRIOT ACT        1776 US CONSTITUTION
- King Arthur and King Arthur TeamWork namely "The 1776 US Constitution Clean Install Political Party" will take care of this swill -

Hitler/Zionist/Bush Freemason Jesuit Rothschilds English Royalty International Bankers Fed/IMF
Enemy and Killers

                                                                             Before                                                                                 After
                                                           King Arthur Celtic Archetype                                             Blown away by the Essene Killers those
                                                  Protector and Protecting the US Constitution,                 who want to destroy US Constitution destroy liberty and
                                             securing World Liberty and Clean Wholesome Living         enslave the world. The Sun never sets on the Jew/Anglo Empire
                                                                                                                                                They did it to him they'll do it to you.


( 3 ) The Zapruder film shows the President at the time of the headshot being violently throwing BACK AND TO HIS LEFT.
( The Warren Commission Defenders [Namely Arlen "Magic Bullet Jew Zionist" Specter] have sloughed this off as
Neuromuscular reaction.


Duh ... Goy Goy is so stupid


Enemy and Killers
of the
King Arthur

The Archetype that is back to an even higher degree and with the success of
1776 US Constitution Clean Install Party
back for good.

In addition to

Analysis & Presentation
What Ruby didn't say but meant

'Now there will be pogroms. They will kill all the Jews.'?
Jack Ruby

Concluding that

Jack Ruby
was one of
At least three Assassins
- all identified herein -
in the
Teutonic Zionist Conspiracy
Assassinate JFK

Siege Perilous
of the
Holy Grail Society


Back: But I am not specializing in Ruby today ... you'll have to see the JFK Related papers .... Boy you gotta lot to learn ...

Now why would Jew Jew FBI want the Wtc to actually be bombed in 1993 with my brohter working therein at that time to boot?
And if the FBI ... thus Jew for as I shall show in a minute they are one ans the same ... If Jew Jew FBI wanted
the Wtc to be bombed in 1993 ... then they wanted ti bombed in 2001 ... in fact this time they were
gonna make sure it went down

Place explosives inside.

"Now your really getting insane"

Oh yeah then how come Fema did a million dollar study concluding that all the Wtc 1,2 and 7 fell down mysteriously because of
the fires ... but the owner of Wtc 7 actually stated publically, an audio of  which is available on the internet that

"We pulled Wtc 7"

With the clearly proven, beyond the showdow of a doubt, that the term "pull" means demolished a building through explosives
in that profession (see Internet tracked Silverstein audio Wtc 7 ... etc.

Proving in the least:

1. Fema evaluations are worth Ssshhhhhiiiiiiii..............t

In real reality:

2. Fema must have know about the demolition as they must have contacted the
owner who stated the above
I. Fema LIED concerning Wtc 7 they knew it was demolished

II. No skyscraper buildings before 9/11 ever came
down because of fires at the top

these facts, No more aptly described as
II. Special facts & Suppressed Facts

3 Strikes and you are Out

combined with:

III. Jew Jew American Sandhedrin FBI
Ordered the Wtc to be bombed in 1993
when they did not need this to occur to convict the terrorists

 means a prepondernace of the evidence is that


IV. The Jews wrote themselves into Rev. 5:5
as mentioned
V. The True Authors and prophets the Essene
and everything they
said an wrote systematically
eradicated. Why?

Because Jew Jew and the Roman powers that be wanted to:

1. Stamp out the Essene Spiritual version of Prophecy
2. Instill their own Materialistic Warring version of Prophecy

VI. Own the Federal Reserve
See the Congressional list herein

VII. Rothschilds
"Know as
'King of the Jews'"


Controls the IMF and the IMF is financially
Loanshark raping the planet

VIII. Protocols of the Elders of Zion details a Jewish Conspiracy to
domionate the planet through finances
Good Jew Makow at has many many articles on the Protos

VIII. Rev. 13:17 details a conspiracy to dominate the
planet through finanaces.
A. Who wrote Rev.? Jews

Some shall say no, Okay, who is written up to take the book from God... The Jews

Now in fact I havn't been called an Anti-semite fo
r years now ... for when I was first called such
I decided to triple my research ... and well as they say

The Truth when assailed only Strengthens  

Ah Ladies and gentlemen I spent A real lot of time tracking down all this information


And a Huh they just happen to own the moooonnnneyyy suppy and if you'all did your homework last nigt you'd know that they just love to loan money
to both sides fo the war ...

Why the they I is talkin bout ... own the IM to the F today ... Oned 51 peeeerrrrceeennnttt by the US Treasury ... US treasury controlled by the
FFFFFEEEEDDDD eral Reserve and the FED ... go tGerman Zionist banker

All up in the place ...

Names like Rothschild, Lehman. Goldman Sach, Schiff, Warburg ... Kuhn Loeb and token Rockerfellars ...

Since Rothschilds American Apple Pie sounding name Clevel Bank of Ohio ... bankrolled the entire Rockerfellar oil land grab ...

Oh Yeah ... them Boys back Adolph Hitler too ... at first so he could get the Germans riled up so Jew Jew could get the US riled
up so 20 Million Germans (Non Jews) ... could die and the World would cry out for a

One Governemnt world ... IMF ... Jew Bank controled style ... that is ...

Love to make War

1. Goy .. dies
2. They make Money
3. People cry out

We need Honey

... From the Genocide of the peace Loving Essenes and the plagarization and fabrication of their, the Essene Book of Revelation
Right up till today kid

Believe it

Coming to you live from a Synagogue near you

'"92% of all Jews are not Jews but Khazars from Khazaria ... a warlike people."
The 13th Tribe

Cept your ship captain .... you ain't gonna fall for that Bullllllllsssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiittttt
cause you dag nearly

Walk on Water
esoteric Code for Above Illusion ... cap

Why I reckon cap that you'all see yonder so clearly that you actually do walk on water

Yep Born of a Virgin and Walk on Water captin

Yep Born of a Virgin and Walk on Water

No wonder they crucified JC ap and genocided all them Essenes capt .. now I see it clear as day ...

They done attempted to write temsleves right in prophecy cap ... that's what they done
.. sure as butter melts on Buck wheat pancakes ...

Yeah let me russel up some grits

Go on continya Captain ... thi gettin intrestin captain

Don't hold back now captain ...

I want hear more of that stuff on how the

IMF is financially Raping them Goyims all over the world cap .... that's right Financially Raping them goy
all over the world Yes sir ee cap .. you told me yon bout hour ago how

The Greatest Money Democracy can Buy
Greg Palast

advises of the fact the former chief economist of the World bank Joe Stiglitz done rat on the IMF
.. and nobel prize winner in e-c-o-n-o-m-i-c-s, i might add ... and how Palast was
given 40,000 pages of secret IMF documents ... that Stiglitz verified
'n how it all showed that the

IMF is forcing secret financial documents upon entire countries
20% to 70%

Yes sire ee cap didn't you call that
warned of in the Old Testament day cap

Yes sire ee ... and Who's running that IMF hit Broadway show cap


"King of the Jews"
Henry Makows a good Jew

Didn't you say cap that seemed alful analogous to the financial conspiracy warned of in Revelation

And no one may buy or sell cept he has the mark of the Beast
Rev. 13:17

Yes sire eee captain ... looks like the end times to me ..... yeah ... amen ... Yes cap it all Looks like the end days to me...

Didn't you prophecy back in August of 1998 captain in a public recorded form ... how the Internet
was scaring the shhhhh ...... t out of the Global Elite and how they had to

Create a Lockdown

before the public knew too much

YIeah ... sure did  sure l. did cap ...  you said

The supression of the Light is the ultimate conspiracy ... but the Internet is here and so the past is
catching up to the Conspirators ... but the Government knows

the people have 3 years before the lockdown."

Now let me see capin ... August 98 is is an 8 plus 3 years ... would make ... un lets' see
cross the five add some salt ... well heck capin

August of 98 is xactly
3 years and 11 days befo 9/11
and you prophecied ...

"have 3 years ....


1095 days /1106 days

99% Acurat Capin
 If you go by years is

3/3 or 100% accurate.. and after all you used the terminology of years.

and your 9/11 prophecy was 100% Accurate Capin ... ain't that right ... sure as buckwhaet with Hucklebery berries cap ...

Born of a Virgin Walkin on Water

 ... Praise the Lord ...

What's gonna happen now Cap ... what's gonna hapin now


Book of Life
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

Mayan End to Time
Year 20:12

notice any similarity ... Code time baby ... crack the code. ... I detail at least 17 Analogous indications of
 End Time

Time to wake up the Nigger in everybody ... Wake the Fuck up!

fulfill the
Essene Prophecy of the unveiling of


"Book of Golden Pages"

" ... at some really high odds. ... Kid ...whoa those odds are high ....  them odds will just blow them away"

Who? Anyone you want to earn your 20% commission sales from .... or of course you can always just tell them for free and lose your
commission .... they can always get their own agent number and get their 20% Commission etc. so anyway you want it.
Why spread the word for free though if you can get paid for what you are going to do anyway.
Furthermore they are going to make the money they spend back on the next guy anyway


We fulfill the Essene Book of Seven Seals ... to an even mind blowing greater degree, than
the unveling of the "Book of Life"
Rev. 20:12,
prophecied, in what is now referred to as the orthodox, (ortho for short), Book of Revelation

Due to:

1. The Extremely Higher Veracity of the Essene Book of Revelation, upon a preponderance of a totality of the evidence.
2. The higher degree of fulfillment of prophecies of the Essense version by the author & genration

.... This means we're gonna ....... kick some ass. ...

Wisdom conquering ignorance ... not War ... your only playing out the

Role of proxy warriors
for the greedy ...
in that book

We're playing from a New Book kid

Oh when shall thou wake up oh child!

Essene Version shall be choosen and endorsed over the Ortho version of the Book of Revelation,
that has held sway over Western Civilization for some 2000 years.

...  Sorry Charlie ... no Veracity ... you lose the lie detector test ... good try though ... go ahead try it again

We've got the Internet now... so your machinations are exposed as a joke. You are a joke

Who killed Kennedy ... take a fat guess ... I know who ... specifically who ... the same ones who made the 9/11 Wtc Attack


Soooooo .... now work it, .... now work it .. now work ... cause it a'int nothing at allllll ...

It shall be seen that the Essene version neatly cleans up various
"worldly, status quo nagging issues",

that I don't like cause I a meticulous nigger on some thangs

that, in spite of, these
"worldly, status quo nagging issues",
the author still made the 5:48:09AM 9/11 Posting,

That's called Prophecy shall be fulfilled

"No matter what conspiracy"

Oh child if you only knew the conspiracies I've had to hurdle ...

but it it it a'int nothin at allllllllllll

Would anyone else make such a posting as the 5:48:09AM 9/11, even if everything else remained the same,
 considering his theme was the "Book of Life"
and the one making the posting

Was not Jewish

Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of david, has
prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.
Rev. 5:5

How may a non Jew, no matter what other factors there are, make a 9/11 posting that he
has the
"Book of seven seals"?

a smart nigger bout now be saying ''Oh shit"   ....

Note: I just saw Andre's "Hey Ya",
so I'm in that funkapychadillic mood ...

Note: By the way all christian fundamentalist gotta lot of thinkin to do

As to the plagarist of the original Book of Revelation ... You knew that

All was

" be revealed in the Last Days"

 ... so why'd you even try? So why'd ya do it kid ... why'd ja genocide all them Essene and steal their prophecy

Why couldn't you have made your own kid

because you are the

Blind leading the Blind

They were renowned for their prophetic abilities –

 “There are also those among them who undertake to foretell things to come, by reading the holy books, and using several sorts of purifications, and being perpetually conversant in the discourses of the prophets; and it is but seldom that they miss in their predictions.” (Jewish Wars, Book 2 Chapter 8) [Note:  Josephus mentions several Essenes with prophetic ability, including Judas, Manahem, and Simon]

You tried to alter prophecy by genociding the best prophets, then taking their work and Reversing it ... mmp mmp mmp not good.

... oh well time to shake the polaroid and right the wrong ..

now ork it ... now work it .. now work ... cause it a'int nothing at allllll ...


... Not Jewish

Yet he made the posting anyway!

And hit the
of the
5:48:09AM 9/11

Global Consciousness Project
Random Number Generation
390 Billion to 1
to Boot


That's called psychodelichellicioussuperfunk

besides still working on the next rendition up through the 8:45AM 9/11 Wtc Attack

and up until 9:03AM when the employee yanked me off of the computer
as she feared we were under terroist attack ... all Internet Date Time Stamp provable

My first words as you shall see .. if you funkadelicious

Buy my .... No "buy Our  .... because you own 20 perrrrrrr Cent"
of the wonder hit album (No just mind blowing insights for now ...)

Here is how our debut hit starts off the New Millenium ... Kid ..
Internet Date Time Stamp provable

Exact words ... in fact I shall copy and past it directly from the original



All of Revelations has been fulfilled in the physical manifestation of this site except for the opening of the Book of Life

The date of which I have choosen to be


Autumnal Equinox
The Year

You would do best to quickly browse this site instead of leaving now due to dis-believe created by the boldness of the above assertions..."


Kinda spooky isn't it baby ... spooks me too but

Pure consciousnes
 is kinda that way

Sooooooo .... you just gotta work it, .... now work it .. now work ... cause it a'int nothing at allllll ...

... I called off the Autumnal equinox launch, needless to say, and thus why you didn't hear from me

At the turn of the Cennnttttuuurrryyyyyy

That being

2000th Birthday
Jesus the Christ

As they say

Born of a Virgin

 ... as in

Born under the Sign of Virgo
Witness to the Stars
E.W.Bullinger Oxford Scholar

now work it, .... now work it .. now work ...
cause it a'int nothing at allllll ...

Cracking these codes don't come easy slim but ...

they sho es fun Cap

There being no Zero BC or Aero AD the first Year being the Birth of Jesus and Jesus being born in September...
and of course only on the xth of September, that Number being the

X the Goddess (Virgo) Number

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx i can't ruin the fun for you now can I ... let it suffice

1AD + 2000 = 2001 ... must be somewhere in September ...

So you tell me what was the message of Global Elite Osama Ben Laden was a front for

9/11  in 2001?

now work it, .... now work it .. now work ... cause it a'int nothing at allllll ...

I followed my intuition in the "low key" post 9/11 appraoch and I think it turned out pretty good.


1. Bush for one, the front man for the Great Beast of Deception

For God has put in into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom
to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.
Rev. 17:17

As  mentioned I directly endorse the Essene Book of Revelation as to the Ortho. Book of Revelation, that seen above, I do not endorse it,
why then do I quote it. ... because I Reverse endorse that rendtion ... Namely the above passage is written by the
thief, by the plagarized and the team that altered the original. They are here merely playing off the
reality that is the human paradigm, that they know so well ....

"Though they have ears they cannot hear, theough they have eyes they cannot see"
New Test.

This refers to nothing other than the human paradigm ...

Electrodes were placed on the cat's brain as a taping sound was created with the results seen on the scope...
then a mouse was introduced into a nearby cage with the tapping sound continuing but
the sounds did not register. ....
Cat's Paradigm
had literally cut off the Cat's hearing
The New Inquisiton
Robert Anton Wilson

as does the Biblical quote about the

"...Be of one mind ..."

Bush and the Great Deceivers have:

... made many of the Americans to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled...

The Yod, the Father, The Virgo ... allowed Bush and Co. to

Make the One Mind

and what do we get?

Bush and Co.

 Put their foot in their mouth ...

1. No Weapons of Mass destruction

2. Halliburton, Cheney's Inc. got all the oil ...

3. US taxpayers foot Cheney/Bush's bill for Halliburton oil

... just as prophecied in my 10,000 pages pre 9/11 writings ... You'all got alot of reading to do ... but then you own 20%
sales commission rights so length is always good from a monetary perspective.

2. At the time of 9/11 I was tracking issues of Prophecy among others ... I was astounded pre 9/11 of how my work
fulfilled prophecy ... at 40 Billion to One odds ... thus why I made the 9/11 Posting ... which of course
hit the nail on the head ... but at that time and for 8 months after 9/11
I knew nothing about
Sister of Prophecy

Prophecy is nothing more than predicted Synchronicity ... correct Synchronicity is the fulfillment of Prophecy ...
A correct manifestation and actions by an individual during Correct Synchronicity, which
 Prophecy fulfilled, are the actions of
 Incarnation Analogy
of the correct
which is Prophecy fulfilled.
Such an individual is historiclally known as

Coming One
2/11/o4 8:41PM 2004 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

Now as one sees I do ...

For 8 months after the 9/11 synchronicity of the Presentation of the Last Judgement 3 hours before and during the
 9/11 Wtc Attack I merely viewed the issue as one of "coincidence" for I had never been introduced
to the concept of synchronicity ... though the term was mentioned to me ... I
never inquired what it meant.

To the skeptic coincidences are the jokers of life ... for the one who believes in Synchronicity
they are the the keys to the Mysteries of the Universe"
Synchronicity: The bridge between mind and matter

Coincidentists view a coincidence as the joker in the deck of life.
Others view coincidences as the keys to synchronicity
Synchronicity: The Bridge between Mind and Matter

oh well pretty close...

.. but then I began to think one day .. what is synchronicity? and instantly I had such a strong intuition that I
essentially knew what is was ... Something to do with Synchronous or simultaneous ... but
obviously something more for it would'nt have it's own name if is was
the same as those .. thus it must mean something more than
simultaneous ... and since I deal with issues like prophecy and was aware of the nature of prophecies for instance:

"In the end days xy and z shall occur"

thus Synchronicity was probably related to prophecy ... and thus I had to study this.

Now for my and for the benfit of all I have post 9/11

1. Hit the 9/11 Synchronicity (Which is an issue in and of itself)
2. Later analysis brough the Essene version of the Book of Revelation to light

Supporting the exact position of the author .... On Top of that which urged him to make the 9/11 posting in spite
of the fact that he was not Jewish.

Had the author listened to the "Jewish" based Ortho. version that is seen in every Bible in the world he would never have made
the 9/11 posting, as he is not Jewish, and thus would not have made the 9/11 posting and thus would have missed
with the

9/11 Wtc Attack
which has been identified as
Beginning of the End
-The beginning of the Last Judgement -

or the

Last Judgement itself

- '..ignorance bieng conquered by wisdom" is one interpretation -

according to, and Various interpretations of the Hendaye Cross of the End of Time
by noted scholars of and

The above is not to be construed as an attempt to no longer abide by the posting of the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 and to
favor the Essene Book of Golden Pages, for both are one and the same the "Book of Seven Seals"

"And one of the elders saith unot me 'Weep not.
Reach out they hand, and take the book,
Yea, even
book with the  seven seals,
and open it.
For it was written for thee,
Who art at once the lowest of the low,
And the highest of the high."

And I reched out my hand and touched the book.
And, behold, the cover lifted,
And my hands touched

golden pages,

And my eyes beheld the mystery of the seven seals.

.... And I opened the book, and Iread therein
What had always been, what was now,
And what would come to pass.

I saw the holocaust whcih would engulf the earth,
... And the endless forgiveness of the Almightly.
The souls of men were as blank pages in teh book,
Always ready for a new song to be there inscribed.

... And I uttered a hymn of Thanksgiving:
  I thank thee, heavenly Father, ..

... But again the voice sopke,
.... But wouldst thou leave thy brothers
To plunge through the gaping chasm of blood.

... Canst thou drink of the

cup of eternal life,

when thy brothers die of thirst? p. 98
Gospel of the Essene


Since many scholars believe that Jesus was an Essence this would unmistakenly, incontrovertibly create the reality wherein:

Essene Cup of eternal life

Which is clearly from the above

Essene Book of Golden Pages

also seen above to be the

Essene Book of Seven Seals

Jesus being an Essene according to many scholar would thus make

Essene Cup of eternal life

"Cup of Christ",
which is the most familiar metaphor for

Holy Grail


Essene Book of Seven Seals

would be


Holy Grail

Since The
Ortho. Book of Revelation
is proven herein a
Plagarization interwoven with fabrications
of the
Essene Book of Revelation
as detailed elsewhere on this site
Ortho. Book of Seven Seal
 is the
Essene Book of Seven Seals
is the
Ortho "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12
is the
Cup of Eternal Life
is the
Holy Grail.

Thus in posting the Introduction of the "Book of Life"Rev. 20:12

5:48:09 Am 9/11

I was in fact posting


to the

Cup of Eternal Life

which is none other than

Holy Grail

which is what I concluded my writings were, thus the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 as the Introduction to the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12
was an Introduction to the main body of writings.

 but things were not

"Spelled out in plain English"

at that time, as they are now, after a couple of months of having the Essene Book of Revelation kicking around.


The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 being the Holy Grail of course

Only again fits in
Perfect Synchronicity

 with the fact that the owner of the the web domain


is the one who made the posting of the Holy Grail on the Day of the Last Judgement,
3 hours before and up until
9/11 Wtc Attack

Note: At that time I was pulled off of the computer terminal for the busniess where I was
using the computer feared that we were under a terrorist attack.

All of which is Internet Date/Time stamped as a few months previously I had learned how to date/time copyright
important writings in this manner and so had used that system on that date.


Even without the "Jewish" factor the author had a strong case, though of course 'Status Quo", crude and Ignorant normal conformist thinking
would scoff at anything but a Jew obtaining the "Book of Life"Rev. 20:12

With the Essene Material et al... forget it ... now the tables have turned, severly turned, describing that paradigm as on shakiy grounds
is a compliment ... more accurately ...

Orthodox Paradigm is in Shambles
Humpty Dumpty

"All the King's Horses and all the King's Men couldn't put
Humpty Dumpty back together again"


Powerfull "Worldly, Status quo, nagging" issue to overcome? Does not list simultaneous verses of the
top 15 Bibles and is not the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" listed in every version of Rev. 5:5?

 such was the strength of his intuitive, spiritual, and eclectical methodology
which he created from scratch ... seemingly a resurrection of a once mightly view of reality.

All vestiges of

"worldly, status quo nagging issues"

instantly evaporate with what shall prove to be the extremely powerful Essenes version. The author could not have had fabricated
from scratch a better version than the Essene to fit his facts nor ... even more research showing that Enoch derived
his gnosis from the homeland of the Author.

Note: Goswami in Conscious Universe states

"God could not have arrived from Darwinism for consciousness cannot come out of that which is unconscious
thus God came into being then created 15 Billion years of history in order to account for himself"

If this is so then God incarnate does not necessarily have to Fulfill Prophecy for instead

He, God incarnated could merely in
his incarnated form ...

Create History as he sees fits.

Due to this he would stunningly always fulffill prophecy.

"So the Coming One is Jewish .. simple ... make the Posting of the Introduction to the Book of Life, then later alter
physical reality and history such that the Coming One does not have to be Jewish ... Throw in some
material that Enoch walked amongst the Gods in The British Isles to boot."

This theory states essentially a


of the underlying theorem
of the
Global Consciousness Project



Our experiments present persuasive evidence that
Anomalous correlations of operator intention
with the performance of several substantially different types of random physical device, as originally
found in local experiments, can also be obtained with the operators separated
from the machines by distances up to
several thousand miles.
Experiments in Remote Human/Machine Interaction, 0892-3310/92
Society for Scientific Exploration
Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 6, no. pp. 311-332, 1992


The World wide Global Consciousness Project computers network,

Connected and Created for the very reason of tracking Consciousness,
of course went berserk

390 Billion to 1


against chance

at the precise time in question on 9/11 ...
No not during the Wtc Attack but

"3 hours earlier"

during the most

Exhilerating portion of the Posting of the Introduction to the "Book of Life " Rev. 20:12

 Summary and actual posting
of the Introduction whcih

Culminated & Synchronized precisely with

1. Signature of Constant Increasing Cohesiveness
2. Fantastic Culmination

of the 9/11 RNG 390 Billion to One Anomaly

- detailed elsewhere -

Interestingly both the:

1. Goswami Conscious Universe thus Hgs, Holy Grail Society collateral God Incarnation creating history

and the

2. Human intention creating RNG anomalies

theories are stating that humans can create physical reality from thoughts, feelings, intentions, emotions spirtuality etc..

and the instant theory being mere one of


One has that "insane" reality


Fact, the Reality


Fulfillment of Prophecy
at really incredible odds and just getting worse all the while, Namel;y the Book of Hiram now places Enoch in Ireland, thus the
best genetic predisposition would be of Celtic stock one would think. Furthermore


"Guardians of the Holy Grail"

are proven therein to have

strong connections to the Essenes

 ... and thus the

Fulfillment of Grail Prophecy

one would think would procced along

Essene Lines

just as it has



Chosen people


"The Essene Worship'
saw that his people would perish
Because they did not see the Light of Life,
He chose
the best of ISRAEL,
So that they might make the Light of Life
To shine before the sons of men,
And Those
were called


Because they taught the ignornat And healed the sick,
And they gathered on the eve of every seventh day
To rejoice with the Angels.
The Gospel of the Essenes, p. 1


There being no longer any ...

Namely even though the author was facing a Huge
spanning Human History itself - detailed throughout Philspychrelosophy -

 that thinking, was out-wieighted by
spiritual and other considerations .... as is well known many times people like to go with the worldly or status quo,
and they don't care about, resoning, facts, etc. ... unless they get hit in the head with an avalanche ... and many times this doesn't work.

Thus the 9/11 posting


Note: One is now going back to the original introduction to which I interjected the above anacoluthon, specifially
Essene Book of Golden Pages
material, for I reconsidered just referring to the 9/11 Posting as an Introduction to the "Book of Life" as this would mislead
those who do not know of the Essenes, or the nuances of the relationship between the two
versions of the "Book of Revelation"

The above I consider not a bad extemporaneous improvisational Vaikhari discourse on
this situation ... it has accomplished it's mission so one may move one

Now back to the original line of this paper





"Once and Future King"

Poem, the 10,000 pages of writings and the Incarnation that authored them fulfill Grail, Biblical, Novus Seclorum Ordo,
(Lord of the Rings), Egyptian Giza, Thoth Tarot Prophecies: In addition to others, and the prophecy of the poem itself,

at the astronomical


against chance odds.
Thus wherein the name HolyGrailOrgAcle derives from and one shall see herein where the idea for the Golden script derives from.

                "When the Brilliant moon Caladbolg is wrought and wrung                                                                            HolyGrail.Org
                 as tempered Aisling/Vaikhari from an endarkened Sun,                                   Fullfills to The Letter/ Number of Seven Prophesies, Five over 5,000 Years
                 days of magic are revealed                                                                                             The Incarnation of The Egyptian Aeon, Horus prophecy,
                 for the Gnosis of the 'Suicided' Buddha is unsealed.                                        The Incarnation of the Egyptian Giza Pyramid Dual Enlightenment Prophecy,
                 Time will no longer seem to flow like wine                                                                 The Incarnation of the Robert Adams Aether Energy Prophecy,
                                         for the,                                                                                               The Incarnation of the Bruce Cathie Harmonic Prophecy,
                             'Once and Future King'                                                                                       The Incarnation of The Polar Being Couple Prophecy,
                                       Prophecy                                                                                                         The Incarnation of the Holy Grail Prophecy
                 has been fulfilled in details so fine.", McGwynn 1/27/0000HG                                                                                 &
                 ("Of the Holy Grail Aeon" equivalent to 1/27/01AD)                                                                                  The Last Judgement

The poem was part of
to the
"Book of Life"
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -
of the
Last Judgement


And I saw the dead small and great standing before God
and books were opened And another bood
was opened which is

Book of Life.
And the dead were judged according to their
works by the things which were written in the books.
Rev. 2:12

which was published on the Internet
Precise Synchronicity
at 5:48:08AM 9/11 - 3 hours before and during
9/11 Wtc Attack
- Date/Time Internet copyright provable - tm©
2/7/04 8:15PM by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

Note: The 9/11 Synchronicity is but the tip of
Iceberg of Synchronicty
and not the main body of Sychronicity fulfillment calculations that  created the above enormous odds and are the
Sign and Seal
of the
of the
Authenticity and Identity
of the
as most portions of the
cannot be fabricated

Prophecy being nothing other than predicted synchronicitytm©
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

When that Synchronicty is matched one fulfills Prophecy

To fulfill Prophecy/Sychronicity incredible odds have to be beaten

There is no way around it

and the Synchronicty only continues ... such as with the Return of the King and
Novus Seclorum Ordo Prophecy/Synchronicity fulfillment detailed herein.

but first a few words ...

What composer Richard Wagner recognized was that the popular
Holy Grail legends
were, in fact, stylized retellings of the more traditional
Ring Quest.
Sir Larence Gardner
International Best selling author of: Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Explosive
Story of Genetic Cloning and the Ancient Bloodline of Jesus, Realm of the Ring Lords: The Ancient Legacy of the Ring and the Grail,
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: The amazing revelations of the incredible power of gold

The Ring is the Grail.
Gardner Ibid.

Thus it is axiomatic that he who fulfills the Grail Prophecy simultaneously fulfills
Return of the King
Ring Prophecy

depicted in the movie" Return of the King" which recently premiered

It shall not pass by students of Synchronicty that:

The time period
of the
Premier of the movie "Return of the King"
in all of mankind's lengthy history just happens to match in perfect Synchronicity the instant incarnation and fulfillments

Theme of the Movie:
Ring King Prophecy

Instant Content:
Fulfillment of Grail King (Ring King) Prophecy

Instant Timing:
Formal introduction to mankind of the Holy Grail King.

Instant Timing:
Fact that the Incarnation actually Lives during this age ... during the actual year
of the premiere of the "Return of the King" Movie

Presentation of the "Book of Life: Rev. 20:12  which was Introduced on 9/11 and was to be presented on the
Autumnal Equinox
but was postponed until now for various reasons ...

... for instance prophecy fulfillment at only 40 Billion to One at the time compeled the 9/11 posting of the Introduction of the
"Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 but at that time I had no idea of what Synchronicity was. It was only after pondering over the
9/11 Wtc Attack and the the matching to the posting and the mentioning of the word Synchronicity by a friend years
earlier within the context of my extensive writings on Prophecy that my subconscious mind began making the
connection ... then and one day I simply remembered the mentioning of the word "Synchronicity"
and I knew instantly "What is was" .. it was some kind of Time related.. prophecy like
thing but existing in realtime as what else could it be. So of course I had to
investigate synchronicity. By now I have written several
papers on the subject none published until now.

So one had the fulfillment of prophecy at 40 Billion to One ... then a presentation acknowledging this which introduced
the Body of work that the prophecy pertained to ... but then the introduction itself proved to manifest Synchronicity
something new which is another form of Prophecy ... so now a Synchronicity study had to be completed.

 Furthermore I was working on programs that would predict the future as the same friend who had mentioned synchronicity years
before had given me his theories in the direction of the prediction of the future to see if I could aid him in that project
and with the Synchronicty manifested with the 9/11 posting plus the fact that various prophecies call for
the knowledge of how to predict the future the development of those programs was well within
the scope of my already existing work thus any time spent of the project of predicting
the future was time well spent if the project looked viable which it did.
... however obviously that project was time consuming
yet proved very fruitfull.

Then of course there was the usual onslaught of insights related to all topics to contend with as one is
dealing with after all:

The Spiritual  Reverse Engineering of The Holy Grailt
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
The Art & Science of Archetype, Analogy, Axiom, Metaphor,  Simile & Fractal Analysist
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

Thus the time from 9/11 to now was consumed nonstop but again with my living at the time of  the premiere
of the movie "Return of the King" and Christmas the timing namely synchronicity could not be better.

... a young gentlemen I spoke to previously whom I had only advised of a few synchronistic matchings and various nuisances pertaining to prophecy
came over after not seeing me for a month or so and asked me again what I had referred to before & I advised him of that and a few more
tidbits... none of the instant specific Incarnation identifying material because I do not want the attention and so I just act as if
this is research that I do and his reply was ... and I shall have to prepare you for this ... as he seems to be a good
natured lad not quite the most articulate or polished but good natured and open
minded none the less ... his parting statement was ...

"It's fucking deadly."

Let's see what you the reader think ... but remember he wasn't privy to the information you have already seen as this is the main site..
and my identity is buffered from you so the information identifying me as aligned with all of this
won't generate me anymore attention to me but to the website.

He was only given privilege to facts such as the Year 2012 of the Mayan calendar
marks the end of the 26000 Year Precession of the Equinoxes wherein the Sum aligns exactly
between the Earth and the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy

Time the Mayan's call
"The End of Time"

Thus a prime candidate if ever there was one for the time known historically in Biblical terms as
"Last Judgement"

and I advised him that Mayan Calendar is accurate to millions of years ... that the Mayan's predicted

Accurate to the day
.. the arrival

" ... as with the wings of butterflies"

"9 Cycles of 52 Years each of Hell"

Arrival of Cortez and the Gold crazed spainards.

I quickly then matched the fact that the IMF is financially raping the planet with
Secret Loansharking Contracts
which the IMF is forcing on entire countries as detailed by Economic Nobel prize winner and fired World Bank economist
Joe Stiglitz who identified for Greg Plast as detailed in his book The Greatest Democracy Money can Buy
the 40000 pages of secret IMF documents that were given to Palast as authentic IMF documents as
Stiglitz had to handle those very same documents.

I matched these facts to the fact the orthodox Book of Revelation details the prohecy of

Financial Conspiracy to dominate the Planet Earth

"None may buy or sell unless they have the mark of the Beast."
Rev. 13

I mentioned that I could articluate at least
17 Analogies to the Last Judgement that now exist
see Prophecy/Synchronicity Analysis

Then I talked and showed him about how the 10 Cathedrals of the Notre Dame Complex of Europe form
the Virgo constellation and How Chartres was said by Gardner Ibid. to be on the most Holy
ground then I showed him that according to Oxford scholar E.W. Bullinger that Jesus
"Born of a Virgin"

"Born under the sign of Virgo"

Then I showed how the Alpha Star of the Virgo constellation represented the Coming King and how that star Al Zimach in Arabic or
Tsmech in Hebrew ... resided in the Virgo Constellation in exactly the same postion as Chartres and thus  why Chartres
was said to reside on the most holy ground. I mentioned how it was interesting that Gardner ibid. did
not mention this ... though he being a presidential attache and alledgedly given access to special
libraries ... that author David Icke states that Gardner is part of a Global Cabal ..  etc ..
The Alpha star of the Virgo Constellation representing the Coming One and
Cathedral de Chartres being in the same positon is big news.. but
Gardner did not mention it ... why

I related that the orthodox stance is that
"Imaculate Conception"
is actually suppose to apply toMary not Jesus the date of
which is December the 8th .. noting that that date plus 9 months gestation would place the Birth of Jesus

Precisely in the middle of the month of Virgo
Virgo of the Virgo
day being
7 th of September
with 15 days to the before and 15 days after

To rebut the orthodox stance I quoted the 3rd highest member of Szekely's church Dr. Alan Wauters who wrote
The Nararene Gospels or The Gospels of the Nazarenes and... Dr. Szekely who wrote some 50 books concerning the Essene's
one of his first being a translation of an Essene work that he had access to when he worked int he Vatican Library
thus they are both world experts as pertains to the Essenes and Nazarenes ... many scholars including
the above two hold hat Jesus was an Essenes. Dr. Wauters nazzarene experts holds that:

"   ... and they have the
"Immaculate Conception
wrong too ... it does not mean that Mary miraculously conceived without sex ... what the
Immaculate conception means is that the Community would select and
Marry off
the two
Perfect candidates
of the
community having them
on a
Precisely calculated
Astrologically Perfect Date.

I noted to him how this was a bombshell ... in and of itself and especially when one superimposes this with
The fact that the Vatican states the Day of Obligation otherise the Day of Immaculate
Conception of Mary .. happens to be the 8th of December.

I mentioned how:

1. This Astrological pre-determination of the timing of the Immaculate Conception calculated by the Elders.
2. The Birth of Jesus in Virgo of Bullinger
3. The fact that an immacculate conception on Dember the 8th + 9 Months = The Middle of the Virgo Constellation

all perfectly aligned to the

conclusion that

1. Jesus indeed was born of a Virgin namely the Sign of Virgo
2. That Mary conceived as any other woman except for the astrological calculations. .. that she Mary was not a
Virgin who somehow gave birth ..

It is to this type of line of reasoning that he stated his rather crude but descriptive "compliment"

What would he say if he knew about the 9/11 Internet posting of the Introduction of the "Book of Life" or the conclusions of that 9/11 was the
Last Judgement or that the Grail is the Ring and at this time the Return of the King Prophecy was premiering in the movie "Return of the King" an major analogous
synchronistic manifestation of
Returning King Archetype
or this or that or that and .... an exhaustive Synchronicity/Prophecy Analysis... no people that know me are not to know too much.

Means the occurrence in time of two or more things acausually
connected that have the
Same Meaning.
Karl Gustav Jung

Back: To where I was before the above anacoluthon

The "Return of the King" odds have not been calculated in the above. What would the odds be if they were multiplied to the list that created the above
astronomical number? Namely he is the incarnation of this long list of prophecy/Synchronicity fulfilling requirements ... and then just
happens to be ready to present his case to Mankind during the time of the Premiere of the "Return of the King" Movie. ... just
happens to live during the premiere. .. Enough of the movie that is only fictional or is it? No I refuse to go into a
Philpsychrelosophical analysis defending the position that since the movie came out during the time the
incarnation did...came out during the 2012 years ... the 1st movie comingout during Year 2001
that according to was
the year of the Last Judgement ... that since the movie is coming
out synchronistically with the Incarnation that the movie
then cannot really be called fictional it would seem.


And those not written in the Book of Life were cast into
Lake of Fire
Rev. 20:15

due to the, at that time,
40 Billion to One against chance odds
fulfillment ..

Only after a 40 Billion to One odds would he make such a move. ... now with odds "ofj the Rickter Scale"  ... "forget about it."

The intervening study after 9/11 proved inclaculably beneficial as the reader shall see

In addition to the 10,000 pages of material that existed before 9/11 and the above referred to "inclaculably beneficial"
material I have elaborate additions to the theories concerning Synchronicty, Prophecy, Consciousness,
sexuality, Philosophy, Global Politics, Finances, Intrigue ...enlightenmenet, living   etc.


... delays presenting the Book after 9/11  studies .... writes.. catches up on the Internet that he had only limited access to before the 9/11 period
.. and just as he has assimilated this extra grip on what is obviously a huge task he has undertaken
... just as he is ready to make his
of the

Book of Life
Rev. 20:12

that he introduced back on 9/11, now with even more stunnig revelations he turns around and Lo and Behold
a movie comes out called

Return of the King

ain't that a ....

... this time however he consciously knows of synchronicity ... this time he doesn't miss the significance of
what the timing of the premiere of the movie means ... this time he instantly recognizes
the Timing for what it is as he has been studying, contemplating
and writing about the theory of Synchronicity
 ... and so here we are.

Holy Grail Society
is honored and pleased to

Return of the Grail King
The Grail Mysteries are not mere entertainment but initiatory mysteries.
The Grail Msyteries,
Julius Evola

"Once and Future King"
poem was part of, the also prophecy fulfilling, at astronomical odds,

to the
"Book of Life"
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -
of the
Last Judgement

which was published on the Internet
Precise Synchronicity
at 5:48:08AM 9/11 - 3 hours before and during
9/11 Wtc Attack
- Date/Time Internet copyright provable -

The Poem, 10,000 pages of writings and the Incarnation that authored them fulfill Grail, Biblical,
Ring (Lord of the Rings) etc. ... Prophecy and the Pophecy of the poem itself
at the astronomical
against chance odds.

Caldbolg Philpsychrelosophy:tm©
1999 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

Prophecy of Caladbolg:

Cladbolg is the original name of the renowned Irish Sword from which the Arthurian enlgish sword Excalibur derived it's name.
The Grail: From Celtic Tradition to Myth, Dr. Loomis

"He who wields Caladbolg, (Excalibur), is invincible."
Ibid. Loomis

He who extracts the Sword Excalibur (Caladbolg) from the stone is the Prophecied King,
The Grail Msyteries,
Julius Evola

                "When the Brilliant moon Caladbolg is wrought and wrung                                                                            HolyGrail.Org
                 as tempered Aisling/Vaikhari from an endarkened Sun,                                   Fullfills to The Letter/ Number of Seven Prophesies, Five over 5,000 Years
                 days of magic are revealed                                                                                             The Incarnation of The Egyptian Aeon, Horus prophecy,
                 for the Gnosis of the 'Suicided' Buddha is unsealed.                                        The Incarnation of the Egyptian Giza Pyramid Dual Enlightenment Prophecy,
                 Time will no longer seem to flow like wine                                                                 The Incarnation of the Robert Adams Aether Energy Prophecy,
                                         for the,                                                                                               The Incarnation of the Bruce Cathie Harmonic Prophecy,
                             'Once and Future King'                                                                                       The Incarnation of The Polar Being Couple Prophecy,
                                       Prophecy                                                                                                         The Incarnation of the Holy Grail Prophecy
                 has been fulfilled in details so fine.", McGwynn 1/27/0000HG                                                                                 &
                 ("Of the Holy Grail Aeon" equivalent to 1/27/01AD)                                                                                  The Last Judgement

Those who behold the Grail, but are unworthy, are instantly struck blind and dumb.

The Grail Mysteries
Evola Ibid.

 "Any person in the whole world that cannot comprehend that
September 11, 2001
was the long promised
Day of Judgment
has simply lost all capacity to synchronize with the waves of collective
consciousness that continuously ripple around our planet. ...
However, in the whole scheme of creation the amount of time for any "consciousness wave
Not as relevant
as the
Synchronicity at the time of the consciousness.
Without synchronicity,
dark and empty
like the pit of Hades. ...
With a
Synchronistic thunderbolt,
Consciousness has profound meaning.
Osiris [The King]
is that
Light of consciousness
that is its meaning. It is
Meaning that is immortalized.
And that is why Osiris [the King] keeps returning from the land of the dead, like Persephone from the land of Hades."
Paul Allen owner of , a working engineer, has a personal 400 volume library on various subjects such as: Star
Reading, Synchronicity, Egyptology and Mythological, Astrological, Religious, Gnostic, etc.  texts. in additon
to specialized Star Position Rendering computer software and thus he makes a strong case that 9/11 was
the Last Judgement ... Oh well he rather perfectly ... rather "Synchronistically"supported
my postion ... totally independent of me

Allen stregnthened the position that 9/11 was th eLast Judgement

Allen strengthened the definition of Synchronicity

... what one might call a windfall on my part

All independent of me ... that takes guts ... to pull away from the pack and claim 9/11 not 1012 is the Last Judgement and to take such
a strong stance on Synchronicity ... that takes Conscious independence ...

In all fairness I but nudged Mr. Allen in the 9/11/2001 and 9/23/2002 direction when I posed as AinSophAur and e-mailed him requesting
his thoughts on
Hendaye Cross of the "End of Time"
that he not only responded to but made and presented to the public an entire webpage
I first heard about the Hendaye Cross of the End of time at

Here is a small Highlight of Mr. Allen's page

Table of Contents

Judgment Day
Autumn Equinox 2002
Solar Axis Astronomical Charts

This essay has been prepared for Dire Gnosis in response to a request
for an explanation of
documented at Dire Gnosis: 21.
Monument to the End of Time.
The specific quotation which is answered by this essay is the following.
"The "ocruxaves pesunica" engraving means "the secret concerns a cross and a snake which somehow measures the 12th part". When combined, these clues
(along with clues from the kabalistic Tree of Life, whose 22 paths correlate to the 22 tarot trumps), the authors conclude that half a precessional
cycle ago, the spring equinox fell on the cusp of Leo/Virgo; 12,960 years later, in 2002, the autumn (fall) equinox will be in the same position.
The planetary attributions of the tarot trumps, combined with the orientation of the faces of the monument confirms that
22 September 2002
is the date in question."

Or in layman terms

We are Crawling with indications nah PROOFS that this is the time which historically has been known as:

End of Time


Last Judgement


Now the fact that your major media sources are not stating this is meaningless ... as their main job is to lie anyway ... you would realize is
you had ever read my works ... No sorry you will not be able to rely on the mass media to think for you ... you're on
your own now ... the is not a drop of truth left therein.

According to the instant extremely high precision and rigorous interpretation of the theory
of synchronicity and prophecy... that is
Shocking to the senses when contemplated

Prophecy being nothing other than predicted synchronicitytm©
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

"this, this and that [synchronicty] shall occur then"

How many would be insane enough to actually apply the theory of Synchronicity/Prophecy to the letter? ...

Before an event:
One would really have to be "out there" to state that he has the "Book of Life" and is introducing it.

"Forget about it"

Of course as stated herein in the end it merely came to mathematics supporting gut feeling .. and experiences .. the
gut feelings, experiences, research and insights lead to the mathematical support which
lead to the9/11 posting which manifested the synchronicity.

After an event:
Who would hold someone to such high standards even after an event? And if so how would they justify such high standards?

If someone today where analyzing 9/11 ... Rush Allen for instance .. obviously even the almost obsessed
Rush Allen as pertains to 9/11 his webpages are extremely complex with hundreads of ancient pictures
and hundreads of computer star renderings ... .. even he has not called for
9/11 Incarnation

A Last Judgement as Allen concludes 9/11 was requires a ...

In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged
sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.
Rev. 1:16

`Therefore repent; R116 or else I R117 am coming to you quickly, and I will
make war against them with the R118 sword of My mouth.
Rev. 2:16

From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a
rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.
Rev. 19:15

... does it not? Yet even Allen does not call for this. Why that would almost be insane to conclude that
Synchronicity and Prophecy work to this precision ... yet here we are ... yet here we are ...
the miracles have only just begun ..

For someone to say:

Not only was "9/11 the Last Judgement"

But there is an
walking and talking around somewhere too
further fulffillment of Synchronicity & Prophecy.

So one sees that a person would have to be almost insanely obsessed even after the event let alone Before. Allen's conclusions,
pouring over his at least 400 volume library, is that 9/11 was the Last Judgement ... If this is assumed correct then one is dealing with a
question of

After the Fact

To the super synchronicity and Prophecy dieharts if 9/11 was
the Last Judgement

Where is the Prophesied

Book of Life
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

And I saw the dead small and great standing before God and books were opened And another bood
was opened which is
Book of Life.
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -
And the dead were judged according to their
works by the things which were written in the books.
Rev. 2:12

That is the goal and objective of all 3 major texts of the Bible
The Old Testament, The New Testament and The Book of Revelation.

and if such a Book was introduced just before and during the 9/11 Wtc Attack ... whoa .. what else can be said

"Well he must be of this ethnic background and must be born on this day of this month of this year
his theory of life and paradigm must tend along these lines .. he must solve this and that
enigma and must procced at this time with such and such words ... "

"Cryptic, Crazy, Insane" ... basically a freak would be into this stuff ... unless out course the journey unraveled more like a
Fractal then an elaborate unfruitful until the end hunt for a needle in a haystack ... all along new insights
were being had and archived so it didn't seem like a choir in the least but rather an adventure.

And in the final analysis this is the essence of Mr. and Mrs. World Wide Average everybody these are merely your Myths,
your Religions, Your Legends, the underpinings of Your Culture, Your Country, Your Reality
that has been re-arranged so as to make sense

Not insane enough for you yet

part of the Prophecy is that must outwit, outperform etc., Harvard, Yale and Oxford, etc.. Combined ... yet

... I'll withold this portion of the prophecy I don't think you the assumed "Normal" paradigm can handle it.

"Do not suppose that the resurrection is an apparition, rather suppose that normal reality is an illusion.
Normal Reality is Spiritual Death
and the
Resurrection is the moment of newness
of transition (transcendence). Are you the
real you mere corruption?
Examine yourself and see that you have arisen.",
Rhegino's Teacher,
Treastise on the Resurrection, Nag Hammadi Library,
The Gnostic Gospels

We'll wait until I get alittle bit of public credibility ... namely in the normal paradigm that means .... popularity ..
which to my paradigm is meaningless ... but I'll wait for the sake of those who believe in me to reveal a
real shocking tid bit of the Grail prophecy .. 100% provalble 100% shocking that the
Prophecies have worked out to this level of precision ...

Let's just say to fulfill that portion of the prophecy one has to be in a postion that one would never expect
the one to be who "outperforms" etc. Harvard, Yale, Oxford etc.

If you think the 9/11 Timing was something ... especailly in light of the conclusions of Allen Rush of with his
personal 400 volume library of Mythological, Astrological, Religious, Gnostic, Egyptian texts
and Astrological Star reading computer software ... that 9/11 was the Last Judgement
... if you think that was something

"Forget about it"

What about
World Wide 390 Billion to One
against chance
Random Number Anomaly
Occured Not at 8:46AM 9/11
when the 1st Toewr was getting hit ....the time all the Ph.d's think there should have been an anomaly but rather
between 5AM and5:44AM 9/1
Peaking at 5:43AM 9/11

as dictated by
Peak of the Summary of

to the
"Book of Life"
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

It taking a few minutes to copy the document ... transfer it to another computer and
Post the writings on the Internet
thus resulting in
the final
5:48:08AM 9/11

Of course what good would the RNG anomaly be if highest registers of the Global Consciousness Project
weren't recorded in

Western Hemishere not East
Northern Hemispher not Southern
East not West coast

just happening to be my domicle and where the Wtc's were... but then again the anomaly
occurred 3 hours before the Wtc Attack.. begging for an answer

"..with and urgency."

other than that of a Collective response of mankind that attempts to purport
which the other sources rebut as detailed elsewhere.

"Further investigation of these effects is strongly indicated, and potentially important to the point of urgency.
In additon to further analysis of GCP EGG data, we also recomment small scale laboratory and
other experiemtns with RNG's to further explore these phenomena.
EGG Anomalies -
Comments on the GCP EGG data forSeptember 11, 2001
Richard Shoup Boundary Institute

Our experiments present persuasive evidence that the anomalous correlations of operator intention
with the performance of several substantially different types of random physical device, as originally
found in local experiments, can also be obtained with the operators separated
from the machines by distances up to
several thousand miles.
Experiments in Remote Human/Machine Interaction, 0892-3310/92
Society for Scientific Exploration
Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 6, no. pp. 311-332, 1992

"Further investigation of these effects is strongly indicated, and potentially important to the point of urgency.
In additon to further analysis of GCP EGG data, we also recomment small scale laboratory and
other experiemtns with RNG's to further explore these phenomena.
EGG Anomalies -
Comments on the GCP EGG data forSeptember 11, 2001
Richard Shoup Boundary Institute

Yup take a look at the sites especially the Global Consciousness Project at ... aparently there
is this type of what I call Voodoo effect wherein human consciousness can effect Random Number Generating
Computers and . up to "several thousands of miles" ... and the computers went crazy on 9/11 ... not
at the time the first tower was hit at 8:46AM  but 3 hours before

When the
Most Conscious Book on the Planet was being introduced ...
for what embodies Consciousness in book form more than
Book of Life
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

as it is the goal of the other three the Old Testament ... the New Testament and Revelation  

And I saw the dead small and great standing before God and books were opened And another bood

was opened which is
Book of Life.
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -
And the dead were judged according to their
works by the things which were written in the books.
Rev. 2:12

But this is not good enough .. this is but in the trillions and trillions of trillion of trillon ... we are really
discriminatory and hard to please ... we want to really get the odds insanely high

Now Biblical prophecy is is pretty gruesome stuff:

And the wine press was trodden outside the city,
came out from the wine press,
Up to the horses' bridles,
for a distance
Two hundred miles.
Re 14:20

That's alot of blood

Who would want to bring that type of message to mankind?
... but if it must be then ... opps there's

Another rendition of Revelations in the wings you say?

And it has a different storyline?

And it is of Higher credibility then the:

1. Stephens 1550 Textus Receptus
2. Scrivener 1894 Textus Receptus
3. Byzantine Majority
4. Alexandrian
5. Latin Vulgate
6. King James Version
7. American Standard Version
8. Bible in Basic English
9. Darby's English Translation
10. Douay Rheims
11. Noah Webster Bible
12. Weymouth New Testament
13. World English Bible
14. Young's Literal Translation

All of these? The Highest sources known to the orthodoxy.

And you fulfill that one even better, if that is possible?
Where is that other version of Revelations?
and you "stumbled" synchronistically across, aided with sound judgement, this rarest of rare documents
... during your research between your 9/11 posting

Now placed within it's proper perspective

and today. A document that probably the instant reader nor anyone they know can name by name yet it exists.

What that other special hard to find version is I shall let you speculate, as for now I shall disclose in paraphrase
as I wouldn't want to make it too easy for you to track the source down through a search engine
now would I ... it prophecies as to the one :

"Reach out thy hand and take the scroll.
Yeah even the scroll with the seven seals and with thine hands open it.
You who art at once the one who is lowest of the low
  And who art highest of the high."

Which relates to the above undisclosed theme mentioned above that is also specific to Grail Prophecy


The instant version in question is actually of extreme importance since a detailed analysis of the political winds of the day show that:

1. The Golbal Elite make money on wars as they privately own the Federal Reserve and IMF and War being the
Greatest degt generator ... makes them the most money

2. "Zionist Christians" are supporting any and all Zionsts urges for war as the "Christian Zionist"
feel that Wars shall fulfill Prophecy."

Really well:

1. They are not me

and it seems that I have

Not a little bit of say

concering the document Revelations .. how much to say


against chance odds.

to say

These people obviously havn't read the version of Revelations that I have, have they?

But you don't care about the world being blown up by Christian Zionists who think they are following prophecy
but in actuality are following the dictates of the Synagoguw of Satan amongst others:

"I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those
who say they are Jews and are not, but are
Synagogue of Satan.
Rev. 2:9

I now come back from the above anacoluthon to finish probably another ... you will now have to go back to find out
where I trailed off on the above anacoluthonic Stream of Consciousness. .. perhaps at

... enigma and must procced at this time with such and such words ... "

Cryptic, craxzy, insane ... impossible ... it would seem so but here we are ... Presenting the Last Judgement not Predicting but
Presenting the Last Judgement 3 hours before and during the 9/11 Wtc Attacks .. later it being
shown that in fact that day was the Last Judgement ... impossible ... Ha ... that
was the easy part ... you have to see the rest of the
prophecy fulfillment

Now some one who is a real down to practical and materialistic person may be thinking

"'This is sinister and FBI/CIA/Ben Ladenaffilliated"

I only stop now to pause to say that I never even heard of Ben Laden before 9/11 and I state
and prove that all of which I drew upon to make the 9/11 introduction
of the
"Book of Life" Rev. 20:12
was based upon a very intricate impossible to fabricate  40 Billion to One against chance fulfillment of Prophecy ... namely
sort of similar to the happenings I have been referring to above that have occurred after the Introduction or in absolutely
no possible casusal relationship to Ben Laden like the 390 Billion to One RNG anomaly or yesterday's find of
the Novus Seclorum Ordo Synchronicity/Prophecy fulfillment

Futhermore I plan on obtaining credible sources to review and validate my allegations ... allegations and
a methodolgy that is impossible to make up as it ties together a vast network of wide ranging
yet carved in stone issues very similar to the Novus Secolrum Ordo
ancient Mythological Zodiacal
sychronicity ...

For instance if I was Ben Laden affiliated how would I make up the Vergil Eclogue 4th poem
2030 Year Prophecy/Synchronicity?

After I get through with some readers they probably will wish I was FBI/CIA/Ben Laden affilliated
since the Sword that comes out to my mouth is gonna do some heavy damage.

In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged
sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.
Rev. 1:16

`Therefore repent; R116 or else I R117 am coming to you quickly, and I will
make war against them with the R118 sword of My mouth.
Rev. 2:16

From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a
rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.
Rev. 19:15

"We used to cringe when we saw someone sit down at your table or for you to sit down at their table because for all the 40
years we have both been in this city we never saw anything like it ... you just tore them apart ... we would just
cringe everytime. ... we never saw anything like it .. you would win and just tear them apart everytime.
Stated by two elderly Jews who lived in NYC

Since my stance shall be powefully supported by the Prophecy/Sychronicty analysis and just sound reasoning they will
wish upon wish that I was FBI/CIA/Ben Laden affiliated to no avail. But as stated it is impossible for one to have made up the factors that
go into the Prophecy/Synchronicty Analysis as a  cover story for a
hypothetical Ben laden association
any association

In fact as I stated previously

Note: The 9/11 Synchronicity is but the tip of
Iceberg of Synchronicty
and not the main body of Sychronicity fulfillment calculations that  created the above enormous odds and are

Sign and Seal
of the
of the
Authenticity of the Identity
of the


It, Prophecy actually worked
... and
is working
NOW Analogy

Besides the Prophecy/Synchronicity that created the astronomical results the "Return of the King Movie" Synchroncity is Kicking in ...
just yesterday I found out about the Immaculate Conception being on the 8th of December according to the Vatican ...
but I would in most probability not have had the very strong negating Nazarene definition of the Immaculate
Conception unless I had not been researching the rare cross within the Star of David medallion
which i had just been researchin on the internet 3 days earlier .. when I looked up the guest at
my table was wearing and I commented on the  sychchronicty .. then befriended
him ... and eventually the talks one day lead
the the Nazarene defintion of the Immaculate conception which I now have as a bulldozer for the Vatican fabrication
that Mary conceived without having sex ...

As I said ... many shall wish I was FBI/CIA/Ben Laden affiliated because there are only two other options left

I am super lucky at odds against of

The odds are for me fulfilling prophecy at:


I was just about to say the the best part is actually the underlying writngs that I wrote when I didn't believe in or know much
about prophecy and when I didn't even know what sychronicity was ... but then again the Synchronicity has been
going wild .. and the implications on the meaning of time ..consciousness ... prophecy are highly
interesting. And as for marketing I have barely even mentioned the actualy work the
Synchronicity/Prophecy is such a becon .. then again I have huge archives of
writings and I realizes that all I am going to do is give away a
portion for free and they shall speak for themsleves
so one of the reasons I am not spending time writing concerning them is that that writing is already done ... is the
writings themselves ... now the Synchronicity/Prophecy is another issue .. one I believe people may
want to talk about and thus it may have strong word of mouth possibilities.

In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged
sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.
Rev. 1:16

`Therefore repent; R116 or else I R117 am coming to you quickly, and I will
make war against them with the R118 sword of My mouth.
Rev. 2:16

From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a
rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.
Rev. 19:15

Here is a page from the 5:48:08AM 9/11 posting

Besides all of the rest theReturn of the King Movie Synchroncity is Kicking in ... just yesterday I found out about the Immaculate Conception
being on the 8th of Decenber according to the Vatican ... but
.. except it would seem the instant author

Here is a page from the 5:48:08AM 9/11 posting


                             "When the Brilliant moon Caladbolg is wrought and wrung                                                                         HolyGrail.Org
                             as tempered Aisling/Vaikhari from an endarkened Sun,                            Fullfills to The Letter/ Number of Seven Prophesies, Five over 5,000 Years
                              days of magic are revealed                                                                                     The Incarnation of The Egyptian Aeon, Horus prophecy,
                               for the Gnosis of the 'Suicided' Buddha is unsealed.                                     The Incarnation of the Egyptian Giza Pyramid Dual Enlightenment Prophecy,
                              Time will no longer seem to flow like wine                                                                      The Incarnation of the Robert Adams Aether Energy Prophecy,
                               for the,                                                                                                                       The Incarnation of the Bruce Cathie Harmonic Prophecy,
                                           'Once and Future King'                                                                                              The Incarnation of The Polar Being Couple Prophecy,
                                                      Prophecy                                                                                                                      The Incarnation of the Holy Grail Prophecy
                              has been fulfilled in details so fine.", McGwynn 1/27/0000HG                                                                                  &
                              ("Of the Holy Grail Aeon" equivalent to 1/27/01AD)                                                                         The Last Judgement

Learn how to see, experience and learn from
that previously only
Mythology, Lore and Legend
Holy Grailtm©
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
Siege Perilous
The one prophecied to present the pathway to the Holy Grail to mankind defying astronomical odds

Siege Perilous
"... the
13th Chair of the Holy Grail Roundtable
around which the other 12 revolve
... the chair from which a New Universe is created ... non dare sit upon
the Siege Perilous except he who is prophecied
all others die instantly
Mysteries of the Grail
Julius Evola

- See Prophecy Analysis and 5:48 AM 9/11 posting of the "Book of Life " of Revelation, fulfilling Prophecy -

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Philpsychrelosophy: Intuition Articulatedtm©
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

Gnosis & "Word-Sword" , Spear of Destiny, Ravenscroft Loveof
 Holy Grailt
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.
Presented by
Guardian of
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.

"The guardian of the Holy Grail Spear gave the Spear
to whichever Holy Grail Knight required it and it
into whatever weapon he so desired forfor his next combat",
Parsival, retold by John Kerrick
and the
Philpsychrelosophical Society,
Holy Grailtm© 1997 by by HolyGrail.Org All rights reserved.,  "Catch the Light if you can"tm©1993 by HolyGrail.Org All rights reserved.,
Holy Grail Societytm©  2001 by HolyGrail.Org, Holy Grail Networktm©  1997 by HolyGrail.Org All rights reserved.
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Holy Grail Organizationm©  1998 by HolyGrail.Org All rights reserved.
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Siege Perilous

Year 2004 US Presidential Candidate

Clean Install Party


"Born of a Virgin"

more aptly:

"Born under the Sign of Virgo"
Witness to the Stars

better yet
Born under the Sign
of the
Virgo of the Virgo

An extemporaneous improvisation ... I got into the other day that gives no cites or referrances but that is for the 10000 pages right ..

Physically and Spiritually Re-incarnated 2000 Years later on his 40th birthday 9/7/2001, 40, Mem, the third Mother Letter of the Hebrew alphabet and representing the
maturity of the father YHVH ... this day being the the precise maturity of the Virgo of the Virgo date (7th day: "and he rested on the 7th day" ...  the precise
Center of the Virgo Sign is the & 7th ... Virgo, The Holy Grail Hermit, the Father, the Yod, the 9th Month September, but the 10th,
Yod, Tarot card of the Tarot having 22 Major Arcana cards representing the 22 Chapters of Revelation ... the entire Notre
Dame Cathedral complex of 10 Cathedrals, Ten, Yod, representing YHVH, the Father, God, the King of Kings,
The Grail King, were built to reflect the Virgo Constellation,Chartre Cathdral said to be  designated
to lie on the most Holy gound of all ten Cathedrals. ... the position of Cathedral de Chartres
in relation to the other Cathdrals  as pertians to the Virgo Constellation is in the
position of Al Zimach in Arabic or Tsemech  in Hebrew meaning the
Branch with Tsemech only being used 4 times in the  Old
 Testament each of them referring to the Messiah
"Desired of all nations."

(4) Isaiah 4:2--"In that day shall the BRANCH of JEHOVAH be beautiful and glorious." So that this Branch, this Son,
is Jehovah Himself; and as we read the record of John we hear the voice from heaven saying, "Behold your GOD." (Isa 40:9)

The Yod, ten X is also represented "in full" by XX,
Last Judgement:

Sh is the Holy Spirit as a "tongue of fire" manifest in triplicity, and is the child of Set-Isis
as their logos or
uttered by their "Angel."
The card is
and 20 is the value of yod (the secret seed of all things, the Virgin, "The Hermit," Mercury, the Angel or Herald)
expressed in full
as IVD. Sh is the spiritual congress of Heaven and Earth.

The Aeon.
The Spirit of the Primal Fire. Shin. Spirit and Fire.
Final decision concerning the past.  New current for the future.   Always represents
Taking of a definite step.

XX. The Aeon
In this card it has been necessary to depart completely from the tradition of the cards, in order to carry on that tradition.
The old card was called The Angel: or,
Last Judgment

Cathedral de Chartres is also known as
Womb of the Earth

The Alignment of the Sun between the earth and

The Center of the Galaxy is known by the Mayans as
Womb of the Heavens

In Year 2012 the sun shall be exactly between the earth and the Center fo the Galaxy this event is known by the Mayans as
Birth of the 5th Sun

The Point of interest being:

During the 2012 Period one has an
of the
Two Wombs
Heaven and Earth.

As Above so Below

Thus it would seem a
Good time for a birth
of the
Incarnation of
that which
Chartres Cathedral



 by Louis Charpentier.


English translation by Ronald Fraser
in collaboration with Janette Jackson
The constellation of Virgo and the pattern of Notre Dames in France

Louis Charpentier has established that the Cathedral de Chartres was built on

Seven sided pattern
Holy Sophia
Virgin/Wisdom Archetype
embodied in the sacred feminine  ... etc. ... emboding the expression

As Above so Below

of the
of the
Notre Dame Cathedral complex
of ten Cathedralswho were known as the

Guardians of
Holy Grail


The secret societies being cadaviers of their former selves were taken over by the opposing forces.
Mysteries of the Grail
Julius Evola has it as seen below that:

 "Any person in the whole world that cannot comprehend that
September 11, 2001
was the long promised
Day of Judgment
has simply lost all capacity to synchronize with the waves of collective
consciousness that continuously ripple around our planet. ...

9/11 is the Day of Last judgement not 12/21/2012

... The

Book of Life of Revelations being openedat verse Rev. 20:12

Cathedral de Chartres
residing in the position of the Alpha Star AL Zimach/Tsemech .... representing
Coming One

Louis Charpentier has established that the Cathedral de Chartres was built on

Seven sided pattern
Holy Sophia
Virgin/Wisdom Archetype

"He held
in his hand and
in the other"

"And I saw a book sealed with
7 Seals.

... and God rested on the
7th day

Spiritual Perfection
being the
Most numerous Number in Revlelation

Lying directly in the
Precise middle of the Sign of Virgo
15 days to the right 15 days to the left

See archives ... a superficial researcher posted the following on his website gave me a good one when he wrote this ..

Mayan Calendar
started on the
Insignificant day
according to the
Enclyclopedia Brictannia
This must be wrong"

1. The Sun : A little difficult to ignore, don't you think. If the sun, which is the
source of all life fails to come up the next morning the ancient people would not have
lived long and they knew this. The Sun invigorates you with it's energy and
causes the crops to grow. The Sun gives up it's life force to provide us with
warmth and food and many other things. So it could be said that the Sun of God
gives it's life up for US and it is the TRUE SAVIOR for it has risen-"Risen Savior"
When the ancient people would track the Sun on the "Sun dial", as it still does
today, the Sun traveles South until
Winter Solstice
when it is cold and harsh,
and the
Sun would stop
and on
December 25th,
would be said
on the
after having died for three days. This is when the
Sun begins it's annual journey back to the Northern Hemisphere.

Ancient calender
Started at a different time.
Began in
ended in
that is why the
has the
Head of a Virgin and the Body of a Lion.
When the
Sun of God was re-born,
it was in the
Constellation of Virgo,
so it was
"Born of a Virgin".
The Sun is the "Eye of God" or "Eye of Horus". Ra was
the Sun God in Egypt. His full name was Amen Ra. That is why we say "A-men"
after our prayers. The Egyptians knew this and all of the Egyptian beliefs and
customs are built into our society secretly by the Freemasons. Both symbols

Images of him date back to prehistoric cave drawings in Lascaux, France. He appeared as Pan Pangenitor to the ancient Greeks, and as Cernunnos to the Celts, and as numerous other horned or antlered fertility deities across Europe. On the eve of the Winter's Solstice, he was believed to impregnate the cold, dead Earth Mother, so that she may resurrect and give birth to new, green life in the spring.

Celebration of the Solstice
was officially
forbidden by the Christian Church,
but continued on among peasants and nobles nonetheless.
Finally, in the Fourth Century, Pope Julius I acquiesced and created the holiday we now know
Birth of Jesus
Most historians have placed
for the
veneration of the Pangenitor
in an attempt to
Transform the pagan holiday into a Christian one
Still, the figure of the Horned God survived into the character we today know as "Santa Claus," the
"Old Man of the North," the ancient, furry, man in red who is borne aloft by a team of horned bucks and
"delivers the goods" to the entire planet in one magical night...

There are
7 octaves
in Music the 8th a repeat of the first

There are
representing Enlightement
Crown Chakra

thus being the
Virgo of the Virgo

... etc. ... thus the real birthdate

1. Has to be born in Virgo ... born of a Virgin Bullinger and the Ancient Calendar
2. Has to be born in 1AD see

Holy Grail society



additionally our calendar is based on year 1AD ... all Star Conjunction interpretations have been rebuted
3. Has to be born on the 7th ... Dead Center of the Virgo Constellation which resides within a circular Zodiac and thus ...
Virgo of the Virgo,
DAY of birth has to be the 7th ..

All of the instant subjects thus have to be viewed with their relationship to the date 9/7/1AD

Once mature at 40 he gets right to work as now he is no longer the student but mature teacher, it taking him 3 days to finish his latest
Stream of Consciosness Vaikharic Extemporaneous Improvisation presentation which he posts upon the internet
at precisely 5:48:08Am 9/11 ... that presentation being

to the
"Book of Life"
Rev. 20:12
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -
of the
Last Judgement
5:48:08AM 9/11
Synchronistically 3 hours before and during
9/11 Wtc Attack
Date/Time Internet provable

- ensuing research shows -

 "Any person in the whole world that cannot comprehend that
September 11, 2001
was the long promised
Day of Judgment
has simply lost all capacity to synchronize with the waves of collective
consciousness that continuously ripple around our planet. ...
However, in the whole scheme of creation the amount of time for any "consciousness wave
Not as relevant
as the
Synchronicity at the time of the consciousness.
Without synchronicity,
dark and empty
like the pit of Hades. ...
With a
Synchronistic thunderbolt,
Consciousness has profound meaning.
Osiris [The King]
is that
Light of consciousness
that is its meaning. It is
Meaning that is immortalized.
And that is why Osiris [the King] keeps returning from the land of the dead, like Persephone from the land of Hades."
Paul Allen owner of , a working engineer, has a personal 400 volume library on various subjects such as: Star
Reading, Synchronicity, Egyptology and Mythological, Astrological, Religious, Gnostic, etc.  texts. in additon
to specialized Star Position Rendering computer software and thus he makes a strong case that 9/11 was
the Last Judgement ... Oh well he rather perfectly ... rather "Synchronistically"supported
my postion ... totally independent of me ... what one might call a windfall on my part

According to an insanely  precise interpretation of the theory of synchronicity which proceeds into astronomical odds
he would then be the word form of Revelation

"And Out of his mouth proceeds a sharp two edged sword"

He was born synchronistically on the precise day he was suppose to ... he acquired out of 6 billion people synchronistically the
precise website ( he was suppose to ...  he acted Synchronistically at the precise moment (age 40) he was
suppose to ...with the synchronistic precise Posting theme he was suppose to ... a Day Hour and Minutewhich
Synchronistically precisely match Astrologically Mythologially Religiously Prophecies of  thousands
of years ...  and matched synchronistically the events of the Day [9/11 Wtc Attack]

[the list goes on and on  'World's random number generaitng computerspeaked at 5:45Am etc..
a system put in place to track "Consciousness" of all things see Global Consciusness Project] (detailed elsewhere herein)

The King is back after 2000 Years
at odds of

against chance

 Note: I left the issue as a potential namely in the form of odds nothing more nothing less. If you choice
against then actually you are against the odds at ... take another look

... with impeccable timing and he sits upon
Siege Perilous
"... the
13th Chair of the Holy Grail Roundtable
around which the other 12 revolve
... the chair from which a New Universe is created ... non dare sit upon
the Siege Perilous except he who is prophecied
all others die instantly
Mysteries of the Grail
Julius Evola


... he's ready are you?

The Keys to Enlightenment/ Freedom & You Own 20% Commissions

Philpsychrelosophy: The Source Code to the Biological Computer, The Human Source Codetm©
2001 by Holy Grail Society All rights reserved.


Holy Grail society



- From below one has -

"... a star shall come out of Jacob,
and a
Scepter shall rise out of Israel ...

  In it's original context the passage probably served as an oracle of King david, but in later times it came to be associated with
messianic figures, probably because the idea of the messiah was closely bound up with ideas about divine kingship.

One of the earliest examples of this interpretation of the passage appears
in a work called the Damascuss Document,

Written no later
than the
Second century BCE:"

is the
Interpreter of the Law
who came to damascus, as it is written:
   " A star shall come froth from Jacob and a scepter shall arise from Israel."
  The scepter is the prince of all the congregation' ... (CD 7:19, Translation by Davies 30)
30. Davies, Phillip R. 1983. The Damascus Covenant: An interpretation of the Damascus Document. Sheffied: JSOT press


Identification of Jesus' birth place as Bethlehem
Stems from
demands of prophecy
Not from actual fact.
however, it was common knowledge that jesus was from the Galilean town of Nazareth, not Bethlehem.

.... The gospel of John, the last gospel to be wriiiten, specifically states that though the Messiah was expected to come from Bethlehem. Jesus was from Galilee (Mark 1:9 and John 7:41 respectively) Matthew was aware of the problem and soled it by stating that Joseph and mary, following Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, fled Egypt in orser to protect Jesus from herod's order that all male children under he age of 2 in or around Bethlehem be killed.  The moved to naazareth some time later following the death of Herod, avoiding Behtlehem  ..becuae it was now under th erule of Herod's son Archelaus 26. he even tried to make this relocation to Nazareth yet another fulfillment of prophecy, though there is no known passage in scripture that corresponds to his reference 2:23)

  ... it also allowed his todraw parallels between jesus and Moses - a reoccurring theme in his gospel. .. Jesus escapes herod's massacre ..echoes the escape of th einfant Moses from the attempts by the Egyptian pharoah to kill al the male children of Israel. 27

  ..they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage.Then opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankencense and myrrh.
Mt. 2:11
.. matthew has constructed his scene from popular themes and motifs in scripture, a practice similar to what is knwon in Jewish traditon as Midrash and Haggadah.28 ... ..expresses a reoccurring theme in th eHebre Bible - that of foreign rulers paying homage and bringing gifts to the Jewish ruler. Compare the passage in Mattehew mentioned above with each of the following
May the kings of Tarshish and of the isles render his tribute, may th ekings of Sheba and Seba bring gifts. may all th ekings fall down before him. may gold of Sheba be given to him
Psalms 72:10-15)
  ... all those from Sheba shall come. The shall bring gold and frankinsense ... (Isaiah 60:6)  ..Like their conterparts, the magi bring fifts fo gold and frankincense (incense) and knell or bow before Jesus ... that Matthew does not adhere to each and every detail in the scriptures that he uses here 9e.g. the visitors are not kings) is not significant; such a free and creative use of scripture is a recognized characteristic of the technique being employed 29. And the similities ate striking emough in any event to point to obvious borrowing.
29. Brown, Raymond E. 1977, The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary oon the infancy Narratives of the Gospels of matthew and Luke
  The presence of gentiles in this episode also serves added ideological purpose. ... inabliity of the first Jewish Christians to secure converts among the manistream Jewish population. Ti was
for this reason that the church turned its attention to thellarger gentile wolrd eventually prevailed there, all the wile condemning the Jews for having rejected th epromised messiah (John 1;11)
These antagonisms, clearly visible in the gospel of matthew (most notably in Chapter 27 where the Jews are condemned in perpetuity for securing jesus' death), are given considerably added force
by the fact that the Jews are absent at Jesus' birth, while the gentiles make special effort to recognize and commemorate the event.
  ... Yet a genuine clestial object would have been as visible in Judea as it was in Mesopotamia, and jewish culture had its own astrological professionals who would have been the first to appreciate the significance of such an object. The improbability of the scene is only increased by the suggestion that non-Jewish mystics were both sufficientlyy well-versed in Jewish messianic lore and took seriously its expectations and promises of a redeemer king, i.e. that they shared Matthew's own beliefs in this respect. The magi here manifest a familiarity with and devotion to Jewish messianic beliefs that were not even shared by many jews of the day!
  The entire episode then is historically absurd on almost every level. Even, so, it does not follw that the star must also be a fictional story element. it could be argued, despite
its ring of convenience, that a genuine celestial event around the time of jesus' birth inspired the birth tradition told by Matthew. But even here the available scholarship
strongly indicate otherwise.
For as it happens,
Motif of a
Bright , Rising Star
Strong Messianic overtones
Jewish and Christian tradtion,
a fact that makes it almost certain
that this was the reason for matthew's decison to incorporate it into his birth story.
  Beginning in the 2 century BCE
Apocalyptic and Messianic sects
had become increasingly visible in Jewish religious life, Common to most ot them was the belief that
they were
Living at the End of history
and that their members alone constituted the faithful remnant of
increasingly corrupt and impious Israelite nation.
such groups
Hebrew Scriptures
for passages that spoke both of events in their own day and of messianic figures associated with
Day of Judgement.
One passage that caught
their interest was
Numbers 24:17:

... a star shall come out of Jacob,
and a
Scepter shall rise out of Israel ...

  In it's original context the passage probably served as an oracle of King david, but in later times it came to be associated with
messianic figures, probably because the idea of the messiah was closely bound up with ideas about divine kingship.

One of the earliest examples of this interpretation of the passage appears
in a work called the Damascuss Document,

Written no later
Second century BCE:

is the
Interpreter of the Law
who came to damascus, as it is awritten:
   ' A star shall come froth from Jacob and a scepter shall arise from Israel.'
  The scepter is the prince of all the congregation ... (CD 7:19, Translation by davies 30)
30. Davies, Phillip R. 1983. The Damascus Covenant: An interpretation of the Damascus Document. Sheffied: JSOT press

  The author of this material belonged to a community that had seceded to some degree from the formal religious establishment and Temple cult in jerusalem over issues of religious
observance and the proper interpretation of the Torah. 31. This community was under the guidance or leadership of one or more messianic figures, one of whom
(The Star)
is indentified here as
Interpreter of the Law.
  More telling references
appear in another work
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs,
a text which purports to be a record of
death-bed statements
of the
12 sons of Jacob.
Originally a jewish work, it was reworked by Christian writers who saw in its expections of an eschatological priest-king allusions to jesus. (32)

  And then the Lord will raise up a new priest

To Whom
All the words of the Lord
will be revealed.
he shall affect
Judgement of Truth
over the earth for many days. And his
Shall rise in heaven like a King;
kindling the
Light of Knowledge
Day illuinated by the sun
(TL 18:2-3, Translation by Kee(33)

  And there shall arise for you a
Star from Jacob in peace.
And a man shall arise from my posterity like the Sun of righteousness, walking with the sons of men in gentleness
and rightoeusness, and in him is found no sin... And he will pour the spirity of grace on you (TJ 24:1-4, Kee 34)

Oracle in numbers
also appears in an eschatological context in the writings of the hellenistic jewish philosopher Philo and in several
Dead Sea Scrolls.

  The association between a rising star and the Messiah was not confined soley to literature. Half a century after the author of the gospel of Matthew penned his work, a jewish
rebel named Bar Kosiba (son fo ram) launched a revolt agianst Rome ( the second Jewish War of 130-135 CE) and came to be regarded by many as the messiah.
He was later remembered
as Bar Khokba
(son of a star).
a name he was given, so tradition claims, when Rabbi Akiba
indentified him as
foretold in the prophecy
Numbers 24:17

Interpretation of the star in Numbers 24
is well attested in jewish and Christian messianic tradtion. The primary weakness of this hypothesis, insofar as the
Star of Bethlehem
Matthew's nativity story is concerened,
is that
In each of the aforementioned cases
Star in Numbers 24
is equated with a
Messiah figure directly
Not with a sign of some other associated with
Arrival of the Messiah.
However, it should be remembered that it is in the nature of such traditions for exegetes to make
free and creative use of the original material for their own purposes.
What is significant here
is the
Strong association that existed in messianic cirlcles between
Motif of a
Rising star
and the
Arrival of the Prophesied  Messiah
on the basis of
Oracle in Numbers 24.

31 Nickelsburg, George W.E. 1981 jewish literature Betweenthe Bible and the Mishnah. Philadelphia: Fortress Press
32, Nickelsburg, 1981
33. Kee, H.C. 1983. 'Testaments of the Twelve patriarchs," in the Old TestamentPseudepigrapha, Vol. 1, Charlesworth, jamess H. (Ed.) Garden City: Doubleday.
34. Kee
35. Collins, John J. 1995. The Scepter and the star

Skeptic Magazine: "Star of Bethlehem"  p. 84 Skeptic Vol 9 #4 3-4 2003

Note: Or the edition of the Skeptic that preceded the split Brain article version


  Interestingly the Holy Grail Society shall be seen to take the above information from the Skeptic magazine, which inherently, as seen right in the name, is a magazine, the purpose
of which is to in general to debunk , demystify, etc., paranormal, religious, out of the normal issues etc., .. good luck when coming up against Philpsychrelosophy with proofs in
support of arriving daily including the above from the Skeptic, the "enemy" in general of things that are out of the ordinary.

  With the above said and upon the presumption that the reader has assimilated the entirety of the Holy Grail Society Synchronicity and Prophecy analysis it is now said that:

1. The Synchronicity and Prophecy Analysis, that has manifested at approxiamtely

Odds of


to One
against chance

was based upon the date of the Birth of the previous Aeon in 1AD

2. There are wildly conflicting books and sources as pertains to the Birth of Jesus, many of them based on alleged celestial events

"Star of Bethlehem"
Skeptic magazine, Vol 9 #4 2003  article
Celestial Event Issue
as pertains to
Year of Birth of Jesus

Only Avenue left Open
as pertains to fixing
Year of Birth of Jesus
would be the Year fixed by
1 AD

happens to be the Year
used by The
Holy Grail Society

for The
of The
Book of Life
Rev. 20:15
- Warning: The "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12 is a plagarization and altercation of the Essene Book of Golden Pages see Conspiracy -

as seen in

Synchronicity and Prophecy Analysis

Skeptic magazine, in it's quest to, debunk, undermine, shed light upon, religious messianic issues
has solved and nailed down
Year of Birth of Jesus Christ
issue to the satisfaction of the Holy Grail Society to the extent that this shall be
Formal arguement
of the
Year of Birth of Jesus issue

interestingly then one has
yet another examaple
of  The
Holy Grail Society Esoteric Inner Circle
Holy Grail Zero Point
That Realm wherein everything is simulataneously the same and different at the same time


Keptic magazine in their zeal to negate, rebutt, shed light upon, investiage

Year of Birth of the Messiah

has forever nailed down, locked in, supported, etc.,

The opposite
of the not only what they originally intended to disprove
namely the underlying theme

The existence of a previous Messiah

For all their work does is not only eliminate Celelestial events, thus relugating the Year of Birth issue to other areas
of inquiry such as Diognes' fixing of the date in question at 1 AD.,


They have in the final analysis only further supported

Evidence concluding in the Existence of a present day Messiah.

Thus, in short they have only supported simultaneously the

of a previous Messiah,

Jesus born in 1 AD


The instant individual


Fulfills Prophecy
against chance

They have unwittingly played a vital role in various issues that essentially their magazin is premised upon to rebut:

1. Prophecy
2. Synchronicty
3. Underlying Unity to reality

I was, in general looking for information fixing the date of the Birth of Jesus at 1 AD for of course
I had run across diehard Christians who were obsessed with various appearances of Celestial
stars yet none fixed the date as Year 1 AD.  I was not over concerned with this issue
but merely keep it in mind. For the Prophecy analysis etc., I had used the date
that any Neophyte would use for the Birth of Jesus, 1 AD...

All came true with the 9/11 posting etc., then information surfaced that Jesus was not born in 1AD. A date other
than 1AD of course would then rebutt the super exacting down to the second nature of the instant

Synchronicity and Prophecy

and the intellectual basis and atomic timing of the issue of Synchronicity etc. (see the Sychronicity papers)


As Always with Synchronicity,
Up Pops the answer seemingly out of nowhere,
No Matter what the Odds,
this time from

Skeptic Magazine
of all sources

Thus Skeptic magazine is seen to have played it's part in the Synchronistic picture as

Theory of Synchroncity
would have it.

Synchronicity is the occurrence in time of two or more things, acausally connected, that have the same meaning.
Karl Gustave Jung

Skeptic magazine ultimately in general wanted the Truth, or just wanted the truth as pertains to the Star of Bethlehem issue, I wanted the truth in general
and  specifically as pertains to the Star of Bethlehem issue, what occured from these two totally different perspectives is now history.

The Truth

Wine is strong, women are stonger but the Truth is Strongest
Reputed Templar statement


Interestingly, elsewhere it is shown that these sameTemplars built  the 10 Cathedrals of Europe in the shape of\
Virgo Constellation
as that is the Constellation of the Coming One.

it should be noted that scholar Evola has it that the

Secret societies, being mere cadaviers of their former selves were taken over by the opposing forces.
Msyteries of the Grail

Thus any modern day Templars or any secret society is not to be trusted.


Interestingly the theory of synchronicity is stating that

Same thing, Issue

is to manifest

Same Time

sort of like
Water pouring from holes in a dam.
Water is pouring at the same time,
because all the holes are
Pressured by the same Underlying unseen whole
which is
dammed up water on the other side.


interstingly it just occurred to me that some of the water pouring from the holes may may be as strong as the others, though the source
is the same and this would be because some of the holes are higher up the Dam and thus have less pressure on them
then the holes near the bottom that have mroe pressure ...

This is of interest because it would seem to be related analogously to the reasoning
behind the issue for instance that,

Not all Virgos are to be the coming one.

Witness of the Stars
E. W. Bullinger

The First Book
The Redeemer
(His First Coming)
"The sufferings of Christ"

The First Book is occupied with
PERSON of the Coming One.
It covers the whole ground, and includes the conflict and the victory of the Promised Seed,
but with special emphasis on His Coming.
The book opens with the promise of His coming,
it closes with the Dragon cast down from heaven.

Chapter I
The Sign Virgo
The Promised Seed of the woman

1. Virgo (the Virgin)
Here is the commencement
All Prophecy in Genesis 3:15,
spoken to the serpent: "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel."
This is the prophetic announcement which the Revelation in the heavens
and in the Book is designed to unfold and develop.

It lies at the root of all the ancient traditions and mythologies,which are simply
the perversion and corruption of primitive truth....

VIRGO is represented as a woman with a branch in her right hand, and some ears of corn in her left hand.
Thus giving a two-fold testimony of
Coming One.
This is only one chapter of thisFirst Book,
but it contains the outline of the whole volume,
complete in itself,
so far as it regards
Person of the Coming One.
Like the Book of Genesis,
Virgois the seed-plot which contains the whole,
All the rest
being merely the development
of the many grand details which are
included and shut up within it.
It is only
one chapter out of twelve,
but it distinctly foreshadows the end--even "the sufferings of Christ and the glory which should follow."

Not all those born in this or that Year
are to be the Coming One.

Etc., down the extremely long line of prophecy requirements.

An analogous scenario arises to that

In order to be effective all must be considered as One, ....  for a bird cannot fly with one wing.
Gospel of the Essene

and why

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

If all the parts or factors, or facts, are not present as pertains to Prophecy, many issues, and if not connected, then one shall not have


It would sem then that the Coming one is the addition of multiply factors with the addition of each factor moving the hole in the dam lower, thus increasing the
pressure, thus increasing the strength of the final stream issuing forth from the hole in sychronicty with the other holes that are attuned
Synchronistically with the Coming One, but not as strong. Namely there are plenty of people that want to do good,
that do do good in the world, but they simply don't have the proper alignment of factors, nor number
required, and so they like streams issuing forth higher up in the dam don't have as much
pressure though as seen, they are in tune Synchronistically with the
Coming One.

For instance
Skeptic Magazine was in perfect synchronicity with the instant author,
now if they fulfilled another 50 or so requirements of Prophecy they could refer to their manifestations as the Coming One,
but the factors probably don't so align, however due to their efforts in the same direction as the instant, namely in
Name of Truth
as pertains to the
Star of Bethlehem

they have presented, again
 an integral and needed issue as pertains to the Year of Birth of Jesus issue, for one must admit the combination of:

1. Star of Bethlehem imagery offered in Matthew
2. E.W.Bullinger's Witness to the Stars

as seen in the Synchronicity and Prophecy analysis and common knowledge as pertains to Te Gospel of Matthew
make a strong impression that a star in fact would be associated with the Birth of Jesus ..

Interestingly however it is seen that
The Gospel of Matthew referrance to a Star
would be in referance to a
Fleeting Star
Bullinger referance to a Star and the Stars
refers to a
System of Knowledge
so vast and incredible that, as seem below

 "Ptolemy (150 AD) transmits them from Hipparchus (130 BC)

'as of unquestioned authority, unknown origin, and unsearchable antiquity.'

Sir William Drummond says that
"the traditions of the Chaldean Astronomy seem the fragments of a mighty system fallen into ruins."

Coming down to less ancient records: Eudoxos, an astronomer of Cnidus (403 to 350 BC), wrote a work on Astronomy which he called Phainomena. Antigonus Gonatas, King of Macedonia (273-239 BC), requested the Poet Aratus to put the work of Eudoxus into the form of a poem, which he did about the year 270 BC. Aratus called his work Diosemeia (the Divine Signs). He was a native of Tarsus, and it is interesting for us to note that his poem was known to, and, indeed, must have been read by, the Apostle Paul, for he quotes it in his address at Athens on Mars's Hill. He says (Acts 17:28) "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." Several translations of this poem have been made, both by Cicero and others, into Latin, and in recent times into English by E. Poste, J. Lamb, and others. The following is the opening from the translation of Robert Brown, jun.:

"From Zeus we lead the strain; he whom mankind
Ne'er leave unhymned: of Zeus all public ways,
All haunts of men, are full; and full the sea,
And harbours; and of Zeus all stand in need.
We are his offspring: and he, ever good and mild to man,
Gives favouring signs, and rouses us to toil.
Calling to mind life's wants: when clods are best
For plough and mattock: when the time is ripe
For planting vines and sowing seeds, he tells,
Since he himself hath fixed in heaven these signs,
The stars dividing: and throughout the year
Stars he provides to indicate to man
The seasons' course, that all things duly grow," etc., etc.
Then Aratus proceeds to describe and explain all the Signs and Constellations as the Greeks in his day understood, or rather misunderstood, them, after their true meaning and testimony had been forgotten.

Moreover, Aratus describes them, not as they were seen in his day, but as they were seen some 4,000 years before. The stars were not seen from Tarsus as he describes them, and he must therefore have written from a then ancient Zodiac. For notwithstanding that we speak of "fixed stars," there is a constant, though slow, change taking place amongst them. There is also another change taking place owing to the slow recession of the pole of the heavens (about 50" in the year); so that while Alpha in the constellation of Draco was the Polar Star when the Zodiac was first formed, the Polar Star is now Alpha in what is called Ursa Minor. This change alone carries us back at least 5,000 years. The same movement which has changed the relative position of these two stars has also caused the constellation of the Southern Cross to become invisible in northern latitudes. When the constellations were formed the Southern Cross was visible in N. latitude 40o, and was included in their number. But, though known by tradition, it had not been seen in that latitude for some twenty centuries, until voyages to the Cape of Good Hope were made. Then was seen again The Southern Cross depicted by the Patriarchs. Here is another indisputable proof as to the antiquity of the formation of the Zodiac.

 "Ptolemy (150 AD) transmits them from Hipparchus (130 BC)

'as of unquestioned authority, unknown origin, and unsearchable antiquity.'

Sir William Drummond says that
"the traditions of the Chaldean Astronomy seem the fragments of a mighty system fallen into ruins."

- Here is some material form other portions of the HGS Synchronicity and Prophecy analysis that are not finished but are presented here establish the instant insight that
the alleged Celestial Star issue is premised that the mere fleeting instance of a celelstial star may have an affect on human affairs whereas the Bullinger
presentation is one that makes clear that the Zodiac, predates and is the basis of all religions and psychology, since psychology is
based more upon the insights of religion than commonly held, (covered elsewhere),
Philosophy etc. as shown throughout  Philpsychrelosophy -

Additionally one has

Holy Grail Society
Tower of Babel

that sheds additonal light upon the vast difference between a referrance, say to
Fleeting Star or planet
as Martin would have one entertain, as in
his The Star that atonished the World, and as seen on the Internet software demonstation of exactly how this "conjunction" would look,
as compared
to the Tsemech or Al Zimach Alpha Star of the Virgo Constellation and
Calendrical, Prophecy, Religious, Seasonal, Philosophical, Mythic, Poetic ...

 "Ptolemy (150 AD) transmits them from Hipparchus (130 BC)

'as of unquestioned authority, unknown origin, and unsearchable antiquity.'

Sir William Drummond says that
"the traditions of the Chaldean Astronomy seem the fragments of a mighty system fallen into ruins."
system that predates all recorded history of mankind.

that one might add is intimately associated with the creators of the Great Pyramid at Giza Complex, as multiple modern sources show and  being intimately
associated with the World Wide sacred Monument alignement, with the largest Monuments comprised of stomes far greater than those
used in the Great Pyramid of Giza dating back 200,000 years, detailed in Atlantis Blueprints by
Wilson and Rath (something, Ann)

Thus the Skeptic magazine article referred to herein, (though the date might be off a month)
is used
by the
Holy Grail Society
Negate a fleeting celestial Star theory
as pertains to
Year or monthh of Birth of Jesus
but Celestial Bodies are in no way discounted
In fact one proceeds along the path of the Bullinger analysis
in additon to mentioning that the Notre Dame complex of the 10 Greatest European
Cathedrals were built according to the axiom

So Above so Below

"Of the entire
Notre Dame Cathedral Complex
Interconnected cathedrals
that L. Charpentier showed in hisMysteries of Chartres Cathedral, that
Constellation of Virgo
it is said that
resides upon the most Holy Land
Bloodline of the Holy Grail,
Sir Laurence Gardner

To see the comparison of the two alignments go to

Born of a Virgin means born in the month of Virgo. All
the messengers are born in Virgo.

This proved to be true as the bullinger material shows though Jerry is not officially recognized as a scholar

The First Book, [Virgo] is occupied with
PERSON of the Coming One.
It covers the whole ground, and includes the conflict
and the victory of the Promised Seed, but with special emphasis on His Coming. The book opens with the
promise of His coming, and it closes with the Dragon cast down from heaven.
Emminent Oxford Scholar E.W.Bullinger

There can be no doubt, as the learned Authoress of Mazzaroth conclusively proves, that these signs [Zodiac] were
afterwards identified
with the
twelve sons of Jacob

Thus the
Brightest star in VIRGO (a) *
has an ancient name, handed down to us in all the star-maps, in which
Hebrew word
is preserved. It is called in Arabic Al Zimach, which means the branch. This star is in the ear of corn which she holds in her left hand. Hence the star has a modern Latin name, which has almost superseded the ancient one, Spica, which means, an ear of corn. But this hides the great truth revealed by its name
Al Zimach.
It foretold the coming of Him who should bear this name. The same Divine inspiration has, in the written Word, four times connected it with Him. There are twenty Hebrew words translated "Branch," but only one of them(Tsemech)
is used exclusively of the Messiah,
and this word only four times (Jer 33:15 being only a repetition of Jer 23:5). Each of these further connects Him with one special account of Him, given in the Gospels.

* The stars are known by Greek letters and sometimes by numbers, &c. Alpha (a) denotes a star of the first magnitude; Beta (b), the second, and so on. This plan was originated by Bayer in his Uranometria, 1603. The star Alpha, as seen in the New Great Equatorial Telescope recently set up at Greenwich, is now discovered to be really a double star, though it had hitherto always appeared to be one.

(1) Jeremiah 23:5 --"Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, That I will raise unto David a righteous BRANCH (i.e., a Son), And a KING shall reign and prosper." The account of His coming as King is written in the Gospel according to Matthew, where Jehovah says to Israel, "Behold thy KING." (Zech 9:9; Matt 21:9)

(2) Zechariah 3:8--"Behold I will bring forth my SERVANT the BRANCH." In the Gospel according to Mark we find the record of Jehovah's servant and His service, and we hear Jehovah's voice saying, "Behold my SERVANT." (Isa 42:1)

(3) Zechariah 6:12--"Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the MAN whose name is the BRANCH." In the Gospel according to Luke we behold Him, presented in "the MAN Christ Jesus."

(4) Isaiah 4:2--"In that day shall the BRANCH of JEHOVAH be beautiful and glorious." So that this Branch, this Son, is Jehovah Himself; and as we read the record of John we hear the voice from heaven saying, "Behold your GOD." (Isa 40:9)

This is the Branch foretold by the star Al Zimach in the ear of corn.


Tsemech/Al Zimach is the bright star in the lefthand, same position as Chartres, respectively.

Researching the Holy Grail theme through Sir Laurence Gardner one comes upon the Charpentier Virgo Constellation/ Notre Dame material which
none better than Oxford scholar Bullinger in his Witness to the Stars, can put into it's proper religious context as his entire book
proves the analogy between scripture and the Zodiac. All further supported with the distilled
straightforward information of Jerry. In the end one must conclude that

Chartres is Located in relationship to the Notre Dame Cathedral Complex
in the same place where Tsemech/Al Zimach is in relationship to the Virgo Constellation

Chartres Cathedral
Virgo Alpha Star
Tsemech/Al Zimach
Coming One

Why where the Greatest builders outside those of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, the builders of the Notre Dame Cathedral Complex
so interested in the Virgo Constellation and the star Tsemech that they built the entire complex around that theme?

"Pure religious zealousness"
many would say

Until of course a time comes when a mathematical alignment occurs whereinprophecy is fulfilled?

Then to many it would be a different story, of course there are those to which nothing can come or occur to change their paradigm.

The builders of the Notre dame Complex were of course hounded. flayed, crucified and burnt alive,
events which have played their part in the creation of our corrupt world today.

In the final analysis among their many endeavors those who are a part
of the
of the
Holy Grail
shall be builders of various building projects as they have been through-out history.

Gnomic Fibonacci Series
playing an intregal part in the Archeitecture of
Parthenon in Greece,
Great pyramid at Giza
and the
Notre Dame Cathedral complex

Holy Grail
since that complex is Grail related

"There can be no doubt, as
learned Authoress
conclusively proves,
that these
Signs were afterwards identified with
Twelve sons of Jacob."

"Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you . . . 
for the Temple of God is holy, which Temple ye are"
(I Cor. 3:16-17)

0. Does not have to be an astronomical event as it signifies the beginning of the calenadar system etc. thus martin and the others are negated
1. 9/7 Falls square in the middle of the Virgo, is the most Virgo of Virgo
2. Circular Zodiac: Because the Zodiac is circular the Virgo of Virgo is in the middle of Virgo, not 1, the beginning of Virgo as that would make it near the last sign
3. Virgo is the commencement of the entire Zodiac, Bullinger
  a. Coming One is Virgo
4. Zodiac predates everything

The Correction Question

The baktun is a period of 144,000 days

6. Due to Bulllinger it is obvious that the 144,000 issue of revelation is one that is realated to the Zodiac
7. Baktuns being 144,000 thus relate Revelations specifically to the Mayan Zodiac
8. Mayan calendar started 9/7/4113
9. has 9/11/2001 connected to Quzacotal
10. Ahau  Cumku: Begining of a new Era
11. 4 Ahau 8 Cumku "start of the Mayan Calendar" = September 7, 3114 BC 'Start of the Mayan Calendar"
     a. 1. 4 + 8 = 13
12. 13 = Siege Perilous, Center Seat, Norht Pole, 12 revolve around it, Creates a new Universe
13. Ophiucus Sign taken out the 13th the snake
l4. Pentacle:
  a. Indian mounds connected to Mayians
  b. pentagon
  c. Gnomic
  d. Holy Grail Sign
  e. Cathedrals for pentacle
  f. Washington D.c Forms Pentacle

15.  Cathedrals form the Virgo sign
16. Sphinx: Starts with Virgo
17. Jerusalem scattered 9/7
  a. 3 Day Prophecy by Jesus
    1. People are the Spiritual stones:
    2.  Jesus is Archangel Michael ... (track downloaded 2/20/03) ...defeats satan the first time and imprisons 1,000 years

Isaiah 28:16:
Therefore thus saith the L-RD G-d, Behold, I lay in Zion for a Foundation, a Stone (eben),a tried stone
(Eben bohan), a precious (commonly accepted for its rarity)
Cornerstone (pinnah-pinnacle), a sure (established) Foundation: he that believes shall not be confounded.5
I Peter 2:5-8:You also,
Lively stones, are built up a spiritual Temple,
and a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to G-d by Yeshua Messiah.
For which reason also it is contained in the Scripture
(Isaiah 28:16),
Behold, I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone, elect, precious: and he that believes on Him shall not be disgraced.
Unto you therefore which believe He is precious: but unto them which be disobedient,
the Stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the Head of the Corner,
and a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the Word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

18. Holy Grail is th eLast Judgement : crowley



As all the Manifestations have had 12 initial personages that absorbed their revelations ( Jesus and 12 apostles, Muhammad 12 Imams, Buddha 12 monks, etc…)
the Mayan calendar is based on 12 + 1 or 13 cycles of 144,000 days. (These are called Baktun).

1. heliacal rising holy grail

The Maya used a "schematic" calendar
of 18 months of 20 days for calendration based on Metonic cycles.
starts on December 25, 3117 BC

Just as in the Pharaonic Egyptian calendar
December 25, 3117 BC is the correct starting date for the Maya calendar,
as will be demonstrated below.
Maya scholars have failed to adjust the continuous count of solar days of the Maya Long Count to a "longer" count including intercalation for the tropical year. When this adjustment is made, the Maya and Pharaonic calendars both start on December 25, 3117 BC (-3116 by astronomy).

Maya scholars
the Maya calendar on a Maya date called
4 Ahau 8 Cumku.
of these calendric glyphs
(Ahau and Cumku)
fall at the
of the Maya series of
days and months
in the Maya system, i.e.
at the
Beginning of New Era;
and we thus expect a Solstice or Equinox at this point in Maya calendration.
Indeed, the Encylcopaedia Britannica writes at "Calendar" about the Maya system as follows:

"The 365-day year was divided into 18 named months of 20 days each, with an additional five days ... named Uayeb.
In late times, the Maya
named the years after their first days.
Since both the year and number (20) of the names of days are divisible by five, only
names combined with
13 numbers
could begin the year.
These were called
Year Bearers
and were assigned
in order to
four quarters of the world
with their four associated colours."

Hence, when
Start of the Maya Calendar
is put - as presently - at the
astronomically and seasonally meaningless date
September 7, 3114 BC
(= Julian date 584283 -Enc. Brit.) an intercalary error has been made.
This error is corrected below.


II. Bullinger:

These signs have always and everywhere been preserved in this order, and have begun with Aries. They have been known amongst all nations, and in all ages, thus proving their common origin from one source.

The figures themselves are perfectly arbitrary. There is nothing in the groups of stars to even suggest the figures. This is the first thing which is noticed by every one who looks at the constellations. Take for example the sign of Virgo, and look at the stars. There is nothing whatever to suggest a human form; still less is there anything to show whether that form is a man or a woman. And so with all the others.

The picture, therefore, is the original, and must have been drawn around or connected with certain stars, simply in order that it might be identified and associated with them; and that it might thus be remembered and handed down to posterity.

There can be no doubt, as
learned Authoress
conclusively proves,
that these
Signs were afterwards identified with
Twelve sons of Jacob.

Joseph sees the sun and moon and eleven stars bowing down to him, he himself being the twelfth (Gen 37:9). The blessing of Jacob (Gen 49) and the blessing of Moses (Deut 33) both bear witness to the existence of these signs in their day. And it is more than probable that each of the Twelve Tribes bore one of them on its standard. We read in Numbers 2:2, "Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own STANDARD, with the ENSIGN of their father's house" (RV "with the ensigns of their fathers' houses"). This "Standard" was the Degel on which the "Sign" (oth) was depicted. Hence it was called the "En-sign." Ancient Jewish authorities declare that each tribe had one of the signs as its own, and it is highly probable, even from Scripture,

that four of the tribes carried its "Sign"; and that these
four were placed at the four sides of the camp.

If the Lion were appropriated to Judah, then the other three would be thus fixed,
and would be
Same four that equally divide the Zodiac at its four cardinal points.
According to Numbers 2 the camp was thus formed:--



Dan-The Scorpion (Scorpio) 

Asher (Sagittarius) 

Naphtali (Capricorn) 

Ephraim-The Bull (Taurus)  Levi (Libra)  Judah-The Lion (Leo)
Manasseh-The Bull (Taurus)  The Scales  Issachar (Cancer)
Benjamin (Gemini) 
Zebulun (Virgo)


Reuben-The Man (Aquarius) 

Simeon (Pisces) 

Gad (Aries)

If the reader compares the above with the blessings of Israel and Moses, and compares the meanings and descriptions given below with those blessings, the connection will be clearly seen. Levi, for example, had no standard, and he needed none, for he kept "the balance of the Sanctuary," and had the charge of that brazen altar on which the atoning blood outweighed the nation's sins.

four great signs
which thus marked
four sides of the camp
and the
four quarters of the Zodiac,
are the same four which form
(the Eagle, the Scorpion's enemy, being substituted for the Scorpion).
form a compendious expression
of the
hope of Creation,
from the very first,
has been
bound up with
Coming One,
who alone should cause its groanings to cease.

But this brings us to the Signs themselves and their interpretation.

were designed
preserve, expound, and perpetuate
One first great promise
Prophecy of Genesis 3:15,
that all hope for Man, all hope for Creation,
was bound up in
Coming Redeemer;
One who should be
Born of a woman;
who should first suffer, and afterwards gloriously triumph; One who should first be wounded by that great enemy
who was the cause of all sin and sorrow and death, but who
finally crush the head of "that Old Serpent the Devil."

These ancient star-pictures reveal this
Coming One.
They set forth "the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow."
Altogether there are forty-eight of them,
made up of
Twelve SIGNS,
each sign containing

These may be divided into
Three great books,
each book containing
Four chapters
(or Signs);
and each
chapter containing three sections
(or Constellations).

book (like the four Gospels
sets forth its peculiar aspect of the Coming One;
beginning with the promise of His coming,
ending with the destruction of the enemy.

Three Great Books
1. Old test
2. New
3. Revelation ?

 Each Book (Old, new , Rev)

end Hgs

But where are we to begin to read this wondrous Heavenly Scroll?

A circle has proverbially neither beginning nor end. In what order then are we to consider these signs?
In the heavens they form a never-ending circle.
Where is the beginning and where is the end of this circle through which the sun is constantly moving?
Where are we to break into this circle? and say,
This is the commencement.
It is clear that
unless we can determine this original starting point
we can never read this wondrous book aright.

As I have said, the popular beginning today is with Aries, the Ram. But comparing this Revelation with that which was afterwards written "in the Volume of the Book,
" Virgo is the only point where we can intelligently begin,
Leo is the only point where we can logically conclude.
Is not this what is spoken of as the unknown and insoluble mystery--
"The riddle of the Sphinx"?
The word "Sphinx"
is from
to bind closely together.
It was therefore designed to show where the two ends of the Zodiac were to be joined together,
where the great circle of the heavens begins and ends.

The Sphinx is a figure with the head of a woman and the body of a lion! What is this but a never-ceasing monitor, telling us to begin with Virgo and to end with Leo!
In the Zodiac
in the
Temple of Esneh
in Egypt, a
is actually placed
Signs of Virgo and Leo...

Beginning, then, with Virgo,
let us now
spread out the contents of this Heavenly Volume,

so that the eye can take them in at a glance. Of course we are greatly hindered in this, in having to use the modern Latin names which the Constellations bear today. * Some of these names are mistakes, others are gross perversions of the truth, as proved by the pictures themselves, which are far more ancient, and have come down to us from primitive times.
* It is exactly the same with the books of the Bible. Their order and their names, as we have them in the English Bible, are those which man has given them, copied from the Septuagint and Vulgate, and in many cases are not the Divine names according to the Hebrew Canon. See The Names and Order of the Books of the Old Testament, by the same author.
After the Revelation came to be written down in the Scriptures, there was not the same need for the preservation of the Heavenly Volume. And after the nations had lost the original meaning of the pictures, they invented a meaning out of the vain imagination of the thoughts of their hearts. The Greek Mythology is an interpretation of (only some of) the signs and constellations after their true meaning had been forgotten. It is popularly believed that Bible truth is an evolution from, or development of, the ancient religions of the world. But the fact is that they themselves are a corruption and perversion of primitive truth! ubim


Isaiah 28:16:
Therefore thus saith the L-RD G-d, Behold, I lay in Zion for a Foundation, a Stone (eben),a tried stone
(Eben bohan), a precious (commonly accepted for its rarity)
Cornerstone (pinnah-pinnacle), a sure (established) Foundation: he that believes shall not be confounded.5
I Peter 2:5-8:You also,
Lively stones, are built up a spiritual Temple,
and a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to G-d by Yeshua Messiah.
For which reason also it is contained in the Scripture
(Isaiah 28:16),
Behold, I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone, elect, precious: and he that believes on Him shall not be disgraced.
Unto you therefore which believe He is precious: but unto them which be disobedient,
the Stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the Head of the Corner,
and a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the Word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

Note the following translation, using the enhanced Hebrew words:
"Mark from the heart, I pray, from this day and upward, from the twenty-fourth Kislev, from the day the foundation (chief cornerstone) of the L-RD'S Temple was laid. Mark, as from the heart! The seed (child) is it yet in the barn (idiom for womb)? The grapevine (figurative for Messiah), and the fig tree (figurative Israel as a cover), the pomegranate (embroidered on High Priest garment), and the olive tree (Israel in its fullness or season), has not yet born fruit (a Greek term for childbirth; Mt. 1:21). Of Him a day (season) to bless (to lift high) G-d."4

By using this interpretation, it is possible to show that Miriam (Mary) was impregnated on 24 Kislev, and gave birth around the time of Rosh HaShanah.

The Chief Cornerstone and Normal Gestational Timing
Note the following passages that detail the Foundation Stone, our Messiah:

Isaiah 44:28:That saith of Cyrus ( a symbol of Messiah in the Word), He is My shepherd, and shall perform all My pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built, and to the Temple, Thy Foundation shall be laid.
I Corinthians 3:11:For no one can lay any Foundation other than the one already laid, which is Yeshua Messiah.
II Timothy 2:19:Nevertheless the Foundation of G-d stands sure, having this seal, The L-rd knows them who are His own, And, let every one that names the Name of Messiah depart from iniquity.
Matthew 21:42-44:Yeshua saith unto them, Did you never read in the Scriptures, The Stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the Head of the Corner. This is the L-rd’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The Kingdom of G-d shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the good fruits. And whosoever shall fall on this Stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
The early Believers grasped, they understood that Isaiah the prophet was speaking spiritually of Messiah Yeshua, the "Sure Foundation of the L-RD!"

The Foundation Stone, or "Eben Shetthiyah, is the stone that has 7 perforations through which living water (mayim hayim) sprang. Its seven piercings represented the 7 "eyes" or fountains of the Sevenfold Holy Spirit of Elohim ( Isaiah 11:1). These seven attributes, or aspects, are of the Person of the Invisible G-d and are the Lights of the Tree of Life, which was the Menorah. Light is a symbol of Messiah, and on the eighth day of the Festival of Dedication, the kohanim and High Priest were crowned with their new life. This was represented in the Menorah bowls which were filled with oil, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.6
The Hebrew words "stone" (eben) and "son" were used by Messiah in a play on words in Matthew 3:9:And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our Father: for I say to you, that G-d is able of these stones (eben) to raise up children (ben) to Abraham.
According to Haggai, this Foundation Stone was laid in the Temple on 24 Kislev. If taken metaphorically of Miriam’s conception, the normal gestation period of pregnancy is 271 to 280 days, marking the birth of Yeshua at Tishri 1 or Rosh HaShanah. According to rabbinic calculations, Adam was born on Tishri 1. I Corinthians 15:45 considers Yeshua the second Adam: And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Also, rabbis teach that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and several of Israel’s prophets were born on Tishri 1. This day starts Yom Teruah-the Feast of Trumpets. These same rabbis teach that the coming of Messiah will be heralded by the "Trumpet of G-d", which will also raise the dead. There are parallels to this teaching in Scripture:
I Corinthians 15:51-52:Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the Last Trump; for the Trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
I Thessalonians 4:13-18:But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believed that Yeshua died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Yeshua will G-d bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the Word of the L-rd, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the L-rd shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the L-rd Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the Trump of G-d-and the dead in Messiah shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the L-rd in the air: and so shall we ever be with the L-rd. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Zechariah 9:14:And the L-RD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning and the L-rd G-D shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.
Zola Levitt7 teaches a different cycle of gestation. He maintains that if a woman conceives8 on the spring equinox of Nisan 1, counting ahead 280 days, ends with 25 Kislev, or December 25 (approximate date: see footnote 2).
However, if calculated from 24 Kislev, the 271-280 day cycle ends during the time of the blowing of the shofar at Rosh HaShanah.


Maya scholars
the Maya calendar on a Maya date called
4 Ahau 8 Cumku.
of these calendric glyphs
(Ahau and Cumku)
fall at the
of the Maya series of
days and months
in the Maya system, i.e.
at the
Beginning of New Era;
and we thus expect a Solstice or Equinox at this point in Maya calendration.
Indeed, the Encylcopaedia Britannica writes at "Calendar" about the Maya system as follows:

"The 365-day year was divided into 18 named months of 20 days each, with an additional five days ... named Uayeb.
In late times, the Maya
named the years after their first days.
Since both the year and number (20) of the names of days are divisible by five, only
names combined with
13 numbers
could begin the year.
These were called
Year Bearers
and were assigned
in order to
four quarters of the world
with their four associated colours."

HGS: Superimpose:

1. The "Four Quarters of the world" of lexline of the Mayan Calendar system  with the "four great quarters of the Zodiac" of Bullinger of the Bible
2. The 144,000 of Revelations that accompany the Coming One on Mt. Zion (More ancient name is Mt. Horeb The Heart of Horus, with the Batkun length being 144,000

 and one has the Bible and Mayan calendars aligning and thus why the Mayan Calendar starts 9/7 as this is the most Virgo, the very Center of  Virgo, exactly where one
would expect the Coming One to come from


Note: Since the Bible is tied up in the Zodiac, actually is the analogy of the Zodia in words, the Last Judgement etc., is the analogy of the Last Age etc., ... the Coming One
           that is to be the Word made Flesh, thus must be born on a date that signifies

Note: The 4 Cherubim are "bound up" with the coming One as seen below, but the 4 Cherubim are the 4 Quarters of the World of the Mayan Calendar ... where better to
          begin the Mayan Calendar, all of creation than somewhere affiliated with the 4 ... thus ... the Virgo must be not only one of the four as bullinger shows but the pinnacle
          the leading of the 4..

form a compendious expression
of the
hope of Creation,
from the very first,
has been
bound up with
Coming One,

four great signs
which thus marked
four sides of the camp
and the
four quarters of the Zodiac,
are the same four which form
(the Eagle, the Scorpion's enemy, being substituted for the Scorpion).
form a compendious expression
of the
hope of Creation,
from the very first,
has been
bound up with
Coming One,
who alone should cause its groanings to cease.)

Recent information deriived from Atlantic Rising of about 3-4/2003 # 38 has it that

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What's cooler than cool
Everybody knows

Ice Cold

But what's Hotter than Hot

Jesus 20:12 Rasputin

and the
with the
 to the

"Book of Life"
Rev. 20:12

Selling tickets to the Last Judgement

Be there or burn

Following is an unspeakably horrible question to ask, isn't it?
What's even more horrible is if it is true!

Do you think the Jewish hierarchy orchestrated
The JFK Assassination?

Have you read?

1. The Final Judgement, Michael Collins Piper
2. Fish in the Courthouse, Gary Wean
3. The Biggest Secret, David Icke
4. Opium Lords,

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Holy Grail OrgAcle Selections:

Love, even in the Romantic analogous form, is Spiritual Life ... Spiritual Life is Inner Light that you see .. Resurrect Love to Resurrect Light

... he who Introduced the "Book of Life" Rev. 20:12, Warning and the Last Judgement ... the Holy Grail in
Precise Synchronicity as Prophecied, 3 hours before and during the
9/11 Wtc Attack, the proven Day of Judgement.

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